reading list and book mini-reviews
21 may 2014 | books

Below is the current crop of books I'm reading along with ratings and mini-reviews for other novels I've recently finished. I'm always exci[...]ted to start a new book, so recommendations are welcome!

NOTE! The ratings are a combination of how impactful the book was on my thinking about a particular topic or how well I think it was written/got its point across. Thus, at times whether I agree or disagree with the content/thesis/etc. of the book, it could still get 5 stars if the point it makes gets me to think about the subject in a new way or changes how I interpret the world around me.

neuroscience and biology resources
09 may 2014 | science

A continually updated repository of scientific resources (journals, blogs, etc.) in biology with a focus on neuroscience.[...]

custom colormaps in matlab
09 may 2014 | programming

A function to easily create custom colormaps in Matlab.[...]

an exhaustive search for the truth
18 april 2014 | short story

The project had started out with a simple question: would it be faster to assemble complete knowledge about all truths past, present, and f[...]uture through scientific inquiry or via brute force computation?

sochi olympic stats: medal count
19 february 2014 | america

There have been several articles that re-order the medal count ranking by comparing medals to population or GDP, which then show small coun[...]tries topping the charts. This analysis ignores some obvious facts: small countries are over-represented in the number of athletes they send and the relationship between athletes sent and medals is linear. I present a brief analysis to support and expand on these claims.

dealing with variable options (varargin) in matlab
17 february 2014 | programming

There are various ways to handle variable input arguments (varargin) in Matlab. I present the standard getOptions method I develop[...]ed that is simple, flexible, and allows for more readable code.

r functions: city skylines
28 december 2013 | programming

An artistic rendering of Boston's skyline using R. Code and source data are included.[...]

coding practices, part 1
10 december 2013 | programming

Some thoughts on coding practices and an outline of a work-flow that i find useful when starting any project. Future posts will focus on co[...]ncrete examples.

excess humanity
26 october 2013 | short story

The point was nearing when humanity needed to optimize the population. And so the question arose: how many humans do we need?[...]

passing command-line parameters to imagej
11 october 2013 | programming

The processes of passing command-line parameters to ImageJ plugins isn't the most direct. Illustrated is a simple solution to this problem,[...] full code included.

the human abstraction
06 october 2013 | short story

How much effort would you expend to abstract man?[...]

r functions: knitr wrapper
13 july 2013 | programming

Thought i'd share the wrapper function i use to knit files using the excellent knitr[...] package in R. This allows easy creation of an html page that integrates commentary, R code, and the resulting plots (which are base64 encoded, so the html file is fully portable).

from the archives: declaration of independence, internet edition
11 july 2013 | america

A revised Declaration of Independence I did awhile ago (i.e. high school) for a writing class. It is slightly a mockery of the style of wri[...]ting sometimes used back then, e.g. finding unnecessarily complicated ways of saying a simple concept; long, ponderous sentences; and an abuse of the Capital.

gantis: toward the edge
28 june 2013 | short story

The first in a series of short stories exploring a universe in which our negative space (i.e. space) is turned into their positive space (i[...].e. matter) and vice-versa. Thus, it is like the entire universe is a series of caves that they must excavate. This story introduces a few key characters, explore a bit of the lore, and is an attempt by me to write a story in which a clearer light is shone on a relationship between two characters. More to come, enjoy!

bash scripting: randomly rename files
13 june 2013 | programming

Small script to enable quick randomization of files in a directory and conversion back to original names later. Original inspiration was a [...]way to blind data analysis, e.g. if studying images from an experiment and don't want to be biased by the conditions applied.

global history of architecture
08 june 2013 | architecture

One of my favorite classes at MIT was 4.605 (Global History of Architecture), which explored various styles and themes found throughout dif[...]ferent buildings and other types of architecture from the beginning of civilization to the present. In the spirit of sharing my enthusiasm for the course i'll discuss some takeaways from, and have included a couple papers i wrote for, the class.

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