neuroscience and biology technologies


Earlier this year I created a webpage to list various labs, websites, and other resources related to neuroscience and biotechnology. Decided to expand on this and create a living document of various technologies currently used in neuroscience.

There has been, and continues to be, an explosion in technologies with neuroscience applications. Keeping track of them all can be daunting at times, especially for someone entering the field. I've decided to begin assembling a list of neurotechnologies into a living document. Very early draft form is below on Google Doc, still deciding on the best way format and share such a resource.

Neuroscience Technologies

bahanonu [at]

other entires to explore:

imaging pain-related neural activity in freely-moving animals
30 may 2022 | neuroscience

Our book chapter detailing the entire pipeline from surgeries to analysis for calcium imaging of pain-related neural activity has been publ[...]ished.

This can prove a useful reference for those new to calcium imaging (esp. in freely moving animals) or researchers who want to see how others perform certain experimental and analytical steps along with the rationale. Please reach out if you have any specific questions, happy to help!

book review: harmony black
07 january 2016 | books

Harmony Black starts with an old premise, there is[...] a normal and magical world, and barely builds on it. If you are looking for a fun weekend read, this book will fit the bill. But don't expect to come away with a novel view on the world or a new set of wondrous ideas to mull over.

an exhaustive search for the truth
18 april 2014 | short story

The project had started out with a simple question: would it be faster to assemble complete knowledge about all truths past, present, and f[...]uture through scientific inquiry or via brute force computation?

why we need more james polks
25 september 2012 | politics

James J. Polk expanded the territory of the United States by about one-third during his tenure. A remarkable feat. Not only that, but i[...]t was done through an astonishing three ways: territorial conquest, gold and negotiation.

Some thoughts on why we should demand less rhetoric and more pragmatism/details from our presidents.

©2006-2024 | Site created & coded by Biafra Ahanonu | Updated 17 April 2024
biafra ahanonu