book review, part 1.0 — the rediscovery of man: the complete short science fiction of cordwainer smith
18 november 2017 | books

Chinese conquests of Venus, cats fighting off extra-dimensional dragons, Soviet telepathic experiments gone wrong, and much much more! Cord[...]wainer's The Rediscovery of Man is a grand, unique vision of Mankind's future and is a must read for anyone interested in a delightful journey that will both get them to ponder many new ideas and leave a smile on their face.

state of sbsa: a review of 2017 and thoughts on future directions
04 june 2017 | sbsa

I spent the past year leading the Stanford Biosciences Student Association (SBSA) as President. This post consist of the letter to the comm[...]unity I sent out at the end of my term giving some highlights of the past year, those who have helped out, and thoughts on future directions.

book review — private empire: exxonmobil and american power
21 march 2017 | books

A review of Private Empire: ExxonMobil and American Power, a book that provides an excellent view of how a large multinational cor[...]poration deals with adversity, planning on horizons unheard of in political or other arenas, and deals with hostile, often unstable governments in far flung reaches of the world. This review was written back in December 2016, but I am posting it here largely unchanged.

the long journey by johannes v. jensen — creating the definitive e-book
07 february 2017 | books

I have created an updated and corrected E-book version of Johannes V. Jensen's The Long Journey. It is easier to use on ebook read[...]ers and when using text-to-speech since header/footers and other errata have been removed from the PDF converted text. I've included HTML, EPUB, and MOBI files along with an explanation of major fixes/changes made. Enjoy!

book review — don quixote
05 february 2017 | books

How do you disentangle the period in which Don Quixote was written, it's stature as a literary classic, and all the other baggage [...]that accompany this epic? Forget all about it and just enjoy the reading experience.

book review — the revolution: a manifesto
29 january 2017 | books

An old review of The Revolution: A Manifesto, a book that is well worth revisiting from time to time.[...]

book review — the road to serfdom
25 january 2017 | books

For those willing to take the plunge, The Road to Serfdom is endlessly rewarding and well worth the intellectual effort. A [...]re-post of a book review I did back in July 2008.

book review — barbarians at the gate: the fall of rjr nabisco
07 january 2017 | books

Barbarians at the Gate is an excellent journalistic endeavor and a non-stop thrill from start to finish; highly recommended.[...]

book review — all the president's men
29 december 2016 | books

All the President's Men offers a compelling description of Woodward and Bernsteins investigative journalism but suffers from a nar[...]row presentation of the events surrounding Watergate and its exposure.

book review — the smartest guys in the room: the amazing rise and scandalous fall of enron
17 december 2016 | books

What an adventure. In short, the book describes the key players, their personalities, ambitions, and background, along with the financial f[...]orces at work that created the culture of Enron and thus the seeds for its dramatic rise and fall. Highly recommended.

2016 presidential election campaign posters
28 august 2016 | politics

A series of posters about the 2016 presidential election. They will focus on the candidates themselves along with how the public reacts to,[...] and is manipulated by, the election as a whole.

movie review: the revenant
15 january 2016 | movies

The Revenant is a beautiful, haunting, and brutal tale of a man's struggle against nature, himself, and his fellow man. And at the[...] same time, it is one of those brilliantly conceived movies that uses screen time to allow the audience to meditate and reflect on what they have just witnessed. Go see this movie.

book review: harmony black
07 january 2016 | books

Harmony Black starts with an old premise, there is[...] a normal and magical world, and barely builds on it. If you are looking for a fun weekend read, this book will fit the bill. But don't expect to come away with a novel view on the world or a new set of wondrous ideas to mull over.

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biafra ahanonu