short stories, programming, adventures abroad and more. enjoy!

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long-term optical imaging of the spinal cord in awake, behaving animals
25 may 2023 | neuroscience

How does the spinal cord process sensory stimuli in awake animals? A brief overview of results from our recent preprint describing [...]a spinal implant chamber, fibrosis-inhibiting materials, computational methods, and end-to-end pipeline for large-scale bilateral recording from multiple segments of the spinal cord. This allowed us to conduct long-term (months to over a year) imaging of individual axons, microglia dynamics, and Ca2+ imaging of neurons—all in awake, behaving animals.

Several of the approaches described, such as fibrosis inhibition, are applicable to preparations and experiments beyond the spinal cord.

imaging pain-related neural activity in freely-moving animals
30 may 2022 | neuroscience

Our book chapter detailing the entire pipeline from surgeries to analysis for calcium imaging of pain-related neural activity has been publ[...]ished.

This can prove a useful reference for those new to calcium imaging (esp. in freely moving animals) or researchers who want to see how others perform certain experimental and analytical steps along with the rationale. Please reach out if you have any specific questions, happy to help!

neuroscience and biology technologies
30 november 2014 | neuroscience

Earlier this year I created a webpage to list various labs, websites, and other resources related to neuroscience and biotechnology. Decide[...]d to expand on this and create a living document of various technologies currently used in neuroscience.

brain initiative notes
27 may 2013 | neuroscience

This is a continually updated collection of news, ideas/findings, and other tidbits related to the [...]n/' target='_blank'>BRAIN initiative, promising biotechnologies, and neuroscience/biology in general. This is a really exciting time in neuroscience and I hope to capture a bit of that here.

©2006-2025 | Site created & coded by Biafra Ahanonu | Updated 21 October 2024
biafra ahanonu