short stories, programming, adventures abroad and more. enjoy!

article image

Arizona sunset #1 (Tucson)
02 July 2022 | designs

Arizona has beautiful sunsets.Captured on my Olympus E-M10 Mark III (ISO-100, f/2.8).[...]

National Park animals #1: Pinnacles, Kings Canyon, Sequoia
27 June 2022 | designs

America s national parks are a treasure that everyone who lives in, or visits, the United States should have a chance to enjoy. We recently[...] visited three national parks: Pinnacles, Kings Canyon, and Sequoia. Each has beautiful landscapes and flora; however, another attraction is the diversity of animals, from squirrels to bees to several bears (including a mother and cub!).If you look closely in the top-right photo, you can see a snake hiding under the rock (the squirrel gave a series of warning calls while approaching the snake before/during the photo).Captured on my Olympus E-M10 Mark III (various settings, lenses).

Blood Moon (19th November 2021)
19 November 2021 | designs

Captured on my Olympus DSLR camera using a tripod during a partial blood moon lunar eclipse on 19th November 2021 ([...]"> Luckily, there was a tall building nearby with an unobstructed view of the moon and the clouds that night miraculously decided to have fun in another portion of the sky or give me just the right moment where I could capture the next phase of the eclipse.

Images captured with low ISO (e.g. <100) settings (to minimize noise) and exposure times of 1/60 to 3.2 s that allowed me to capture the moon illuminated by the sun (when it looks gray) and the portion being eclipsed (red, the bright light on the left side of the moon is the overexposed sun-exposed portion).

This image is a composite, created in Photoshop, of several different shots taken throughout the night. The pictures were not adjusted, I used blending modes and layer masks to allow overlay of each picture close to one another without needing to crop the photos, which would have led to sharp edges between moon pictures and a less anesthetically pleasing photo.

Filugori book cover, version 1
18 August 2019 | designs

One of the initial designs for a book cover for my planned sci-fi book Filugori.[...]

Biafra Ahanonu Dissertation Oral Exam
31 July 2018 | designs

The announcement poster for my Stanford PhD university oral exam.[...]

Campaign Poster 2016 No. 6 | Americans Edition
11 January 2017 | designs

This is an updated version of Election poster no. 6 with a focus on Americans instead of President-elect Trump.[...]

Campaign Poster 2016 No. 6 | Americans Edition Wallpaper
11 January 2017 | designs

This is an updated version of Election poster no. 6 with a focus on Americans instead of President-elect Trump. This is the background wall[...]paper version.

Is Freedom Necessary? — Poster #1
31 December 2016 | designs

Challenge ideas and assumptions now: be better prepared to defend them in the future. A worthwhile read: [...].net/bnw-revisited/">

This poster is the first in a series of posters that will explore the relationship between freedom (liberty/license) and various ills plaguing society. It ultimately aims to get people thinking about calls to limit freedom, the context in which these calls arise, and what that means when taken to the extreme. #IsFreedomNecessary

Campaign Poster 2016 No. 6 | Americans Edition
18 November 2016 | designs

This is an updated version of Election poster no. 6 with a focus on Americans instead of President-elect Trump. Will likely do a continuing[...] series of these posters. Description of previous copied below.

Assuming a President Trump, this is a 3-for-1 future retrospective with a style reminiscent of some older presidential posters.

Those who listen to Trump's full speeches/interviews or read his books get a dose of his boundless optimism mixed in with his more pessimistic views about the current state of the Union. Given his current run of policy speeches, focused the poster on the former trait.

2016 Election: Truth and Propaganda
27 October 2016 | designs

Surprises and knee-jerk reactions can arise from a fear of wading into the deep, dark swamps where the truth is oft found.[...]

Jill Stein Campaign Poster 2016 No. 1
18 October 2016 | designs

Presidential election 2016 poster no 11! Completing the major candidates set. Even if one doesn't agree with all of her posi[...]tions or worldview, it is worth listening to Dr. Stein's speeches and interviews along with evaluating her stances in greater detail. Might come away with a new idea or two.

Donald J. Trump Campaign Poster 2016 No. 7
04 October 2016 | designs

While everyone focuses on the predictable, over-the-top sayings of one candidate, sometimes it is another's more subtly dicey pronouncement[...]s that cause sweat to start trickling down one's brow.

It may be shrewder to continuously complement—rather than smear with cries of "dictator!"—an elected President who brought prosperity to a crumbling, dispirited, nuclear-armed nation.

Donald J. Trump Campaign Poster 2016 No. 6
14 September 2016 | designs

Assuming a President Trump, this is a 3-for-1 future retrospective with a style reminiscent of some older presidential posters. Tho[...]se who listen to Trump's full speeches/interviews or read his books get a dose of his boundless optimism mixed in with his more pessimistic views about the current state of the Union. Given his current run of policy speeches, focused the poster on the former trait.

Donald J. Trump Campaign Poster 2016 No. 5
26 August 2016 | designs

All the hoary takedowns of Trump and his supporters seem to ignore that many may simply desire another Reagan, TR, or JFK rather than a Wil[...]son, LBJ, or Nixon.

Re: poster, President Trump would be the one audacious enough to declare and wheel-n-deal to get the budget for and excitement behind an American landing on Mars by the end of his second term, yielding to untold technological/scientific benefits similar to the Apollo program.

Gary Johnson Campaign Poster 2016 No. 1
18 August 2016 | designs

Time to get rid of the negative all talk, no action mindset of "You are wasting your vote by voting third party this election", etc., etc. [...]If you are on the right side of history and want to improve a failed system, do it now! Just like the Founding Fathers did.

2016 Election: Power and the Presidency
04 August 2016 | designs

I'll keep hammering on the need for more positive, high energy surrounding election coverage. What appears to be lacking in the disc[...]ourse surrounding modern Presidential elections is: would people become so impassioned if the Presidency was still constitutionally limited (to Article II)?

Donald J. Trump Campaign Poster 2016 No. 4
20 July 2016 | designs

Sixth in the 2016 Presidential poster series. The poster is self-explanatory. Trump is now the GOP nominee. There needs to be more p[...]ositive, high energy in this election season. That is all.

American Exceptionalism no. 1
04 July 2016 | designs

No context needed, America is awesome. Celebrating Independence Day![...]

Donald J. Trump Campaign Poster 2016 No. 3
07 June 2016 | designs

Fifth in the 2016 Presidential poster series. Went to a Trump rally in San Jose last Thursday (June 2nd) to see what they are like i[...]n person. It was very (positive) high energy and the people I met were courteous, even when noting I wasn't a supporter.

Left the rally and stayed around to observe the anti-Trump protesting (rioting) after. Also high energy, but in a physically violent, intolerant, and nasty way. A complete disgrace.

This poster focuses on the positive high energy.

Bernie Sanders Campaign Poster 2016 no. 1
01 June 2016 | designs

2016 Presidential poster number 4. During speeches, Senator Sanders has delved into America's past to show when the hand of governme[...]nt helped push the United States to new heights. Wanted to honor the loftier aspects of his rhetoric with a poster to match.

Additional high energy posters forthcoming...

Donald J. Trump Campaign Poster 2016 No. 2
09 May 2016 | designs

Part 3 in the 2016 Presidential campaign poster series. "Under budget and ahead of schedule" is an easy to remember phrase. Fits Tr[...]ump's campaign rhetoric, so here's the poster. Originally was a direct numbers-to-numbers comparison with all the other candidates, but that got a little busy...

Hillary Clinton Campaign Poster 2016 No. 1
09 May 2016 | designs

Continuing the 2016 Presidential campaign poster series. Wanted this one to be simple and to the point before designing a more elaborate on[...]e for Senator Clinton.

Donald J. Trump Campaign Poster 2016
09 February 2016 | designs

Wanted to make a series of 2016 presidential candidate posters like I did for the 2012 race. The first is for Donald Trump and focused on e[...]mphasizing his general goals rather than specifics. They were also left appropriately vague to allow the viewer to interpret them through their own lens/opinions on the issues.

john f. kennedy
12 May 2015 | designs

Decided to begin finishing my series of presidential posters. The best part of JFK's 'We choose to go to the Moon' speech isn't necessarily[...] the actual goal, but the justification for why we want to achieve that goal.

American Eagle
10 October 2014 | designs

Decided to continue playing around with Illustrator. Wanted to update the bald eagle with a USA flag wallpaper I have. Wanted something a l[...]ittle different and distinct, so went for the cel-shaded look. Maybe next time i'll get an eagle in flight...

Stanford biology retreat 2014 tshirt
06 September 2014 | designs

Simple design I had for the Stanford biology 2014 retreat. Focused on a molecular structure of DNA and a pipette, a commonly used device in[...] biology.

city skylines: boston
28 December 2013 | designs

The heights of various buildings in Boston's skyline, converted into polar coordinates and randomly grouped.[...]

thomas jefferson
10 July 2013 | designs

He got us the Louisiana Purchase and wrote the Declaration of Indepedence. Enough said.[...]

club coat check stats: part 1
19 April 2013 | designs

Made a script to access the facebook api, extract information from our group and parse the data for youtube links. Kept the date posted and[...] other information then graphed the contributions of each user over time. Axis and other flourishes have been removed to focus on the aesthetics of the graph.

Cheyne-Stoke Respiration
12 April 2013 | designs

One can create art with data, many have proven that with beautiful infographics or dazzling company reports. I thought using R[...]ong> to create an artistic rendering of a normally mundane process would be neat. I created a graphic based on Cheyne-Stokes respiration with the help of ggplot package. I think the resulting work has a sci-fi feel to it, almost like it could be a symbol for a corporation should the sinusoidal lobes be made solid.

Note: The black line is the breathing rate while the red and blue interlocking lines signify aponea and hyperponea, respectively.

Catalase Reaction
09 March 2013 | designs

An old, proposed catalase mechanism I pieced together from various sou[...]rces and made in ChemDraw. Need to go back and verify it at some point...

Neural Network Diagram
08 March 2013 | designs

Short diagram for bio42 illustrating several types of neural networks:[...] self-, feed-forward, and lateral inhibition along with a model of pain and instestinal peristalsis.

Hypothalamus thermoregulation
02 March 2013 | designs

Made this for bio42 physiology section. Wanted to convey how the hypot[...]halamus responds to inputs in an easy to understand way. Started to use more colors in diagrams and different hues to make it easier to look at.

club coat check logo
23 February 2013 | designs

Wanted to improve the logo slightly by added the original club coat ch[...]eck logo from the website I made along with making the text style more blocky, to better align with the slick, modern feel. The background is sci-fi in feel, but the pastel gives the whole logo a slight retro feel.

Muscle Contraction
23 January 2013 | designs

This outlines smooth and skeletal muscle contraction. Trying to show s[...]imilarity in pathways for students and get the basic components down.

Vesicle Trafficking
23 January 2013 | designs

Created this for bio42, which I am TAing. Outlines the basic component[...]s of vesicle budding and fusion.

Determining Fear
24 December 2012 | designs

Wanted a quick function to determine how fearful I should be (or shoul[...]d have been) under certain scenarios at particular points in my life.

BIO200 Proposal Small
11 November 2012 | designs

The graphical abstract was supposed to illustrate one hypothesis for d[...]etermining the coupling between BOLD and neuronal activity. This is the improved, more concise version.

BIO200 Proposal
30 October 2012 | designs

The graphical abstract was supposed to illustrate one hypothesis for d[...]etermining the coupling between BOLD and neuronal activity.

Ron Paul
29 September 2012 | designs

Ron Paul often speaks the truth regarding foreign, monetary and other policies. He sheds light on the hard decisions we must face. He doesn[...]'t treat the average voter as dimwits, as other candidates do. For those, and many of reasons, he has my vote.

George Washington
30 August 2012 | designs

People on either side, left or right, tend to disparge opponents. They misrepesent the facts and construe the truth in their favour. This a[...]nnoys me greatly and this quote from Washington's Farewell Adress Speaks to that.

Manifest Destiny
25 August 2012 | designs

A banner for our Guild Wars 2 group. President Polk helped complete th[...]e original Manifest Destiny. The font is Blackadder ITC and helps maintain the somewhat classical feel. However, the sole use of black, white and red is very modern.

William Taft
10 August 2012 | designs

William Taft is one of the oft forgotten presidents. He was very effic[...]ient and a great problem solver, but this led to problems politically. He became a Supreme Court justice after being president.

James J. Polk
06 August 2012 | designs

James Polk was an extraordinary president who accomplished a lot in on[...]ly one term. For this reason he is my favorite president and this is a poster to that.

Benjamin Franklin
05 August 2012 | designs

Benjamin Franklin is the president that never was, a renaissance man w[...]ho masterminded much of the Revolution and helped it mature into the great nation it became.

Obama 2012 Poster Alt
23 June 2012 | designs

Supporting Obama, this poster tries to focus on the positive rather th[...]an the negative. I hope Obama will campaign in this style

Obama 2012 Poster
23 June 2012 | designs

Supporting Obama, this poster tries to focus on the positive rather th[...]an the negative. I hope Obama will campaign in this style

Around the World
04 June 2012 | designs

For the Spring 2012 party[...]

President Romney
03 June 2012 | designs

Pro-Romney ad, going to make one for Pres. Obama as well.[...]

13 May 2012 | designs

Logo for the website. Wrote an article detailing the design process: w[...]as attempting to go for a SF look that conveyed a sense of motion. Alt black version.

10 May 2012 | designs

Logo for the website. Wrote an article detailing the design process: was attempting to go for a SF look that conveyed a sense of motion.[...]>

Stanford Biology
07 May 2012 | designs

Made this poster for a facebook group.[...]

Stanford Biology
06 May 2012 | designs

Used for the internal CAP website.[...]

14 April 2012 | designs

For the MIT-Singapore program[...]

Graffiti Party
12 April 2012 | designs

Post for CPW graffiti party. The dark background helps accentuate the [...]red and white used for the text and spray-can.

Graffiti Party
10 April 2012 | designs

First draft of the Graffiti party poster. Was going for a very dramatic look.[...]

Club Coat Check
28 March 2012 | designs

Poster for my facebook group where we post songs.[...]

12 March 2012 | designs

An homage to Chris Foss's classic SF work. Dark version goes better with the SF feel. Onward signifies the purpose of SF, to give us purpos[...]e to make the next journey into the unknown.

12 March 2012 | designs

An homage to Chris Foss's classic SF work.[...]

Relay for Life: Dessert Preview
06 March 2012 | designs

We had a Relay for Life event Spring 2012, I helped with the posters a[...]nd organization. This gives a preview of some of the desserts on the menu.

Relay for Life: Facebook Profile
06 March 2012 | designs

This is the facebook profile picture people could use for our Phi Sig [...]relay for life.

Relay for Life: Poster
06 March 2012 | designs

We had a Relay for Life event Spring 2012, I helped with the poster an[...]d organization.

Graffiti Party Mock
20 February 2012 | designs

Made my own font for this poster. Focus on large, recognizable text so people won't forget. The lack of anything else intices people to com[...]e.

Graffiti Party
20 February 2012 | designs

Early sketch for our CPW party.[...]

Graffiti Party
20 February 2012 | designs

The original, wide angle graffiti party poster. Was trying to make a cartoon look that stood out.[...]

Mardi Gras
20 February 2012 | designs

The poster for our Mardi Gras party. Went for a simple, distinct look.[...] Gold and white contrast well with black, so it helps the poster pop out.

Phi Sig Logos
20 February 2012 | designs

While creating posters in the new cartoon-ish style, realized I needed[...] a set of Phi Sig logos that would match.

Tsai Lab
26 December 2011 | designs

Implemented the mock-up during a wait at Logan airport. It is world's better than the current site, both navigationally and on the eyes.[...]>

Tsai Lab
22 December 2011 | designs

The Tsai Lab's website was a bit ramshackle and I aimed to improve it. This mock-up is an attempt to improve it.[...]

19 December 2011 | designs

A foray into the abstract. It captures the chaotic nature of my dreams, but it doesn't capture the wonder and Romanticism that prevades the[...]m. Need another go.

Jabez Redesign
19 December 2011 | designs

We have an internal website for Phi Sig. This was one of my redesign m[...]ockups.

Website Version 2
17 December 2011 | designs

The original site design was a bit bland, so I added a bit of color. S[...]till think of reverting t this design, the colors harken to another era.

Phi Sigma Kappa
10 December 2011 | designs

Poster I made for our fraternity's massive 1st lounge TV. A soft blue goes well with white and red. There is an implied diagonal axis to th[...]e poster as well.

30 November 2011 | designs

The number 42 is odd. Originally I obsessed over it due to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. But as I used it more often, it took on a [...]life of its own. The bold text and color I think do the number justice.

Jim Thorpe
22 November 2011 | designs

Design for a Jim Thorpe website.[...]

Balanced Design
17 November 2011 | designs

The first mock-up for this website. In a way, I've returned to this original, minimalistic design[...]

Tennis Font
14 November 2011 | designs

I love tennis and this font is meant to convey motion and a sense of m[...]odern style.

14 November 2011 | designs

A montage of imagery from Catalina Foothills tennis using the previous[...]ly created tennis font. Good times.

America Ad
12 November 2011 | designs

Somewhat satirical take on American life.[...]

08 November 2011 | designs

Living in Madrid gave me my first homestay experience and I learned a great deal from it--both about myself and Hispanic culture. I'll neve[...]r forget that experience.

04 November 2011 | designs

A crazy, pro-barcelona poster. I love that city.[...]

American Way
20 October 2011 | designs

Basically a pro-America poster. Some people might not get the joke...[...]

Email Signatures
19 October 2011 | designs

Some people have long, obnoxious email signatures. This is my response[...].

American Pride
16 October 2011 | designs

Love this poster. Inspired by a conversation with a friend, we were ta[...]lking about whether America is an example for the world to follow. I focused on two American greats and used the contrast between the drab, authoritative gray with the bright red, white and blue flag to give the image a kick.

IM Soccer
13 October 2011 | designs

Phi Sig plays in IM Soccer, we normally have good turnout, but when we don't, the following poster can be used.[...]

Phi Sig
09 October 2011 | designs

An old-school looking poster for Phi Sig.[...]

Course 10
09 October 2011 | designs

Chemical engineering can induce many thoughts, but I thought that this[...] best symbolized what people thought about. I particularly like the man with the red tube.

Course 11
09 October 2011 | designs

Was supposed to highlight how urban planning can help the world. A lit[...]tle basic, but gets the message across.

Course 17
09 October 2011 | designs

Part of my series of posters for each major at MIT. I think this is on[...]e of the better ones.

09 October 2011 | designs

More people should learn spanish. This poster gives a clear reason why[...]: over 400 million people spread out over various countries speak it.

Course 22: Nuclear
09 October 2011 | designs

The poster can be interpreted two ways, either as a statement of what [...]nuclear can help bring or the threat it carries.

09 October 2011 | designs

One of the first design posters, it states many of the things I partak[...]e in or enjoy at MIT. Was trying to channel the old Swiss masters.

Phi Sig
09 October 2011 | designs

An old-school looking poster for Phi Sig. Gives directions to use Wind[...]ows 8

Course 6
09 October 2011 | designs

One of the first posters in the MIT Courses series, that made a cartoo[...]n that highlighted certain aspects of each course.

Fire and Ice
18 September 2011 | designs

Wanted to contrast the two aspects of the party in both the picture, f[...]ont and coloring. However, there are too many fonts and the onlooker does not know where to focus.

Club Coat Check
08 August 2011 | designs

Original logo for the facebook group.[...]

Club Coat Check
08 August 2011 | designs

Original logo for the facebook group.[...]
©2006-2025 | Site created & coded by Biafra Ahanonu | Updated 21 October 2024
biafra ahanonu