neuroscience imaging analysis tools: 2023 update


An updated resource that provides new and existing researchers a central location for methods and URLs for (calcium) imaging data processing and analysis tools.

This table also includes imaging data handling and analysis tools beyond calcium imaging and will be updated going forward.

Also found at or

Calcium imaging analysis with CIAtah (
Imaging analysis tools, a table by Biafra Ahanonu, PhD

Imaging analysis tools

Updated: 13 September 2023 | Started: 01 December 2018

bahanonu [at]

additional articles to journey through:

brain initiative notes
27 may 2013 | neuroscience

This is a continually updated collection of news, ideas/findings, and other tidbits related to the [...]n/' target='_blank'>BRAIN initiative, promising biotechnologies, and neuroscience/biology in general. This is a really exciting time in neuroscience and I hope to capture a bit of that here.

from the archives: declaration of independence, internet edition
11 july 2013 | america

A revised Declaration of Independence I did awhile ago (i.e. high school) for a writing class. It is slightly a mockery of the style of wri[...]ting sometimes used back then, e.g. finding unnecessarily complicated ways of saying a simple concept; long, ponderous sentences; and an abuse of the Capital.

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17 december 2014 | movies

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reading list and book mini-reviews
21 may 2014 | books

Below is the current crop of books I'm reading along with ratings and mini-reviews for other novels I've recently finished. I'm always exci[...]ted to start a new book, so recommendations are welcome!

NOTE! The ratings are a combination of how impactful the book was on my thinking about a particular topic or how well I think it was written/got its point across. Thus, at times whether I agree or disagree with the content/thesis/etc. of the book, it could still get 5 stars if the point it makes gets me to think about the subject in a new way or changes how I interpret the world around me.

©2006-2024 | Site created & coded by Biafra Ahanonu | Updated 21 October 2024
biafra ahanonu