This is a collection of news, ideas/findings, and other tidbits related to the BRAIN initiative, promising (bio)technologies, and topics related to neuroscience/biology research in general. Keep up-to-date via the brain initiative notes rss feed.
About me:
With the increased use of calcium imaging for a plethora of research purposes, the need for tools that can accurately, quickly, and efficiently process this data is needed. As a graduate student in Mark Schnitzer's lab, I built and furthered new tools and software packages to improve analysis of calcium imaging data. While there are existing reviews covering calcium imaging analysis, I decided to expand upon the table in my dissertation to include more recent and additional older algorithms, tools, and analysis pipelines. Those interested in a brief overview of calcium imaging, see the return of the brain initiative notes.
The table below is primarily focused on tools for calcium imaging, but some of them also include tools for voltage imaging, data handling for biology, and more. The goal will be to expand this to include additional imaging analysis tools going forward and I might make it more dynamic akin to my Nobel Prize Browser.
This is a part of the brain initiative notes and can also be found at neuroscience imaging analysis tools or
Note: I use cell extraction to refer to algorithms that perform cell segmentation and extract neural activity traces. Any additional papers or algorithms that should be added or suggested updates to the table, leave a comment below or open an issue on the GitHub page, I want to make sure everyone’s brilliant work is acknowledged!
Table updates Below is a changelog of updates to the table, such as adding new methods.
2021.11.14 - Added FIBSI, SpecSeg, FIOLA, and PatchWarp.
2021.11.29 - Added MVG-CNN.
Method | Year | Type | Notes | Source | Website |
Turboreg | 1998 | Motion correction. | Motion correction. | Thevenaz et al. 1998 | |
ROI | 2005 | Cell extraction | Matrix multiplication; in some methods neuropil/background subtraction implemented. | ”Kerr et al. 2005; Kuchibhotla et al. 2014; Peron et al. 2015” | - |
CellProfiler | 2006 | Cell segmentation | Multi-algorithm pipeline for cell segmentation. | ”Carpenter et al. 2006; McQuin et al. 2018; Lamprecht et al. 2007” | |
PCA-ICA | 2009 | Cell extraction | Cell extraction using principal component analysis (PCA) followed by independent component analysis (ICA). | Mukamel et al. 2009 | - |
”CIRF, calcium-behavior” | 2011 | Cell extraction | Regressive model to obtain Ca2+ signal based on behavior. | Miri et al. 2011 | - |
openBIS | 2011 | Data handling | FAIR data management. | Bauch et al. 2011 | |
Automated ROI analysis | 2012 | Cell extraction | Automatic ellipses based ROI detection. | Francis et al. 2012 | - |
OMERO | 2012 | Data handling | Microscopy data handling. | Allan et al. 2012 | |
ADINA | 2013 | Cell extraction | Sparse dictionary learning. | Diego et al. 2013 | - |
NMF | 2014 | Cell extraction | Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF). | ”Pnevmatikakis et al. 2014; Maruyama et al. 2014” | - |
SIMA | 2014 | Analysis pipeline | ”Normalized cut segmentation, motion correction, etc.” | Kaifosh et al. 2014 | |
DataJoint | 2015 | Data handling | Schema for data handling. | Yatsenko et al. 2015 | |
Suite2p | 2016 | Cell extraction | Generative model along with GUIs. | Pachitariu et al. 2016 | - |
CNMF (CaImAn) | 2016 | Cell extraction | Constrained NMF (CNMF). | Pnevmatikakis et al. 2016 | |
CNMF-E | 2016 | Cell extraction | CNMF + background model to handle one-photon data. | ”Zhou et al. 2016, 2018” | |
Apthorpe CNN | 2016 | Cell segmentation | Convolutional neural network (CNN). | Apthorpe et al. 2016 | - |
moco | 2016 | Motion correction | Fourier-transform based motion correction. | Dubbs et al. 2016 | |
Cytomine | 2016 | Analysis GUI | Analysis of large-scale imaging data. | Marée et al. 2016 | |
—CELLMax (conference) | 2017 | Cell extraction | Maximum likelihood. | ”Ahanonu et al. 2018, 2017” | - |
sc-CNMF | 2017 | Cell extraction | CNMF + GMM/RNN seed cleansing. | Lu et al. 2017 | - |
OASIS | 2017 | Trace analysis | Generalized pool adjacent violators algorithm. | Friedrich et al. 2017 | |
ABLE | 2017 | Cell segmentation | Active contours. | Reynolds et al. 2017 | |
SCALPEL | 2017 | Cell extraction | ”Dictionary learning, dissimilarity, and clustering.” | Petersen et al. 2017 | |
HNCcorr | 2017 | Cell segmentation | Combinatorial optimization (correlation space analysis). | Spaen et al. 2017 | |
OnACID | 2017 | Cell extraction (online) | NMF variant for online Ca2+ imaging processing. | Giovannucci et al. 2017 | - |
EXTRACT | 2017 | Cell extraction | Robust statistical estimation. | Inan et al. 2017 | - |
NETCAL | 2017 | Analysis pipeline | Calcium imaging analysis GUI. | Orlandi et al. | |
NoRMCorre | 2017 | Motion correction. | Piecewise rigid motion correction. | Pnevmatikakis and Giovannucci 2017 | |
CellReg | 2017 | Cross-session alignment | Alignment of cells across days using a probabilistic approach. | Sheintuch et al. 2017 | |
NeuroSeg | 2017 | Cell segmentation | Filtering and seed/clustering based cell segmentation. | Guan et al. 2018 | |
CNMF-E+ | 2017 | Cell extraction | Shrinkage estimation to improve CNMF-E initialization. | Takekawa et al. 2017 | - |
Toolbox-Romano | 2017 | Analysis pipeline | Full analysis pipeline with ROI-based segmentation | Romano et al. 2017a | |
SamuROI | 2017 | Analysis GUI | GUI for data visualization | Rueckl et al. 2017 | |
KNIME | 2017 | Analysis pipeline | Workflow manager for data analysis. | Fillbrunn et al. 2017 | |
—CLEAN (conference) | 2018 | Cell sorting | Machine learning based cell sorting of cell extraction outputs. | Ahanonu et al. 2018 | - |
FISSA | 2018 | Trace analysis | Neuropil decontamination using local region around cell. | Keemink et al. 2018 | |
LSSC | 2018 | Cell segmentation | Spectral clustering; variant to find local subset of eigenvectors. | Mishne et al. 2018 | - |
PMD - PCA | 2018 | Denoising | Spatially-localized penalized matrix decomposition for denoising; compression; and improved demixing. | Buchanan et al. 2018 | |
MIN1PIPE | 2018 | Analysis pipeline | Pre-processing + CNMF. | Lu et al. 2018 | - |
CaImAn (preprint) | 2018 | Analysis pipeline | CNMF + several other processing tools. | Giovannucci et al. 2018 | - |
SEUDO (preprint) | 2018 | Trace analysis | Mixture of Gaussians + maximum likelihood; post-hoc activity trace correction. | Gauthier et al. 2018 | - |
—CIAtah | 2019 | Analysis pipeline | ”1P and 2P Imaging analysis pipeline supporting PCA-ICA, CNMF, CELLMax, EXTRACT, etc.” | Corder et al. 2019 | |
NAOMi (bioRxiv) | 2019 | Simulator | Generative model for creating simulated calcium imaging movies. | Charles et al. 2019 | - |
CALIMA | 2019 | Analysis pipeline | Calcium imaging analysis GUI. | Radstake et al. 2019 | - |
STNeuroNet | 2019 | Cell segmentation | Convolutional neural network to detect and segment cells. | Soltanian-Zadeh et al. 2019 | - |
AQuA | 2019 | Cell extraction | Astrocyte imaging focused. Non-ROI cluster and propagation based detection of events. | Wang et al. 2019 | - |
CaImAn | 2019 | Analysis pipeline | CNMF + several other processing tools. | Giovannucci et al. 2019 | |
DL+RWL1-SF | 2019 | Cell extraction | Dictionary learning and spatial correlation based cell extraction. | Mishne and Charles 2019 | - |
marked point processes | 2020 | Cell extraction | ”Probabilistic generative model, specifically a marked point process, to extract activity traces.” | Shibue and Komaki 2020 | - |
LocaNMF | 2020 | Region extraction | Localized semi-nonnegative matrix factorization for extracting active regions. | Saxena et al. 2020 | |
EZcalcium | 2020 | Analysis pipeline | Calcium imaging analysis toolbox. | Cantu et al. 2020 | |
OnACID-E + ring CNN | 2020 | Cell extraction (online) | OnACID for miniscope and new ring CNN background model to improve accuracy. | Friedrich et al. 2020 | |
Auto CNMF-E sorting | 2020 | Cell sorting | Machine learning (AutoML) based curation of CNMF-E outputs. | ”Tran et al. 2020a,b” | |
DeepInterpolation | 2020 | Denoising | Encoder-decoder architecture with 2D conv. to denoise imaging data. | Lecoq et al. 2020 | |
BIAFLOWS | 2020 | Benchmarking | Framework for benchmarking imaging analysis workflows. | Rubens et al. 2020 | |
FIBSI | 2020 | Trace analysis | Extension of Ramer-Douglas-Peucker algorithm to identify baseline that is used for signal detection. | ”Cassidy et al. 2020; Alles et al. 2021” | |
Cellpose | 2021 | Cell segmentation | Neural network and gradient-based cell segmentation. | Stringer et al. 2021 | |
NAOMi | 2021 | Simulator | Detailed model simulation for benchmarking calcium imaging algorithms. | Song et al. 2021 | |
OnACID-E + ring CNN | 2021 | Cell extraction (online) | OnACID for 1P data and ring CNN background model. | Friedrich et al. 2021 | |
EXTRACT | 2021 | Cell extraction | Robust statistics based cell extraction. | Inan et al. 2021 | |
Minian | 2021 | Analysis pipeline | ”Imaging analysis pipeline with CNMF for cell extraction, in part using Jupyter notebooks with GUI elements.” | Dong et al. 2021 | |
Mesmerize | 2021 | Analysis pipeline | ”Imaging analysis platform with CaImAn for cell extraction, import support for other cell extraction algorithms.” | Kolar et al. 2021 | |
DeepInterpolation | 2021 | Denoising | Encoder-decoder architecture with 2D conv. to denoise imaging data. | Lecoq et al. 2021 | |
BEAR | 2021 | Cell extraction | Neural network approximation of PCA for cell extraction. | Han et al. 2021 | |
CaPTure | 2021 | Cell extraction | ROI segmentation and activity extraction. | Tippani et al. 2021 | |
CASCADE | 2021 | Trace analysis | Spike inference based on dual ephys/calcium imaging recordings. | Rupprecht et al. 2021 | |
VolPy | 2021 | Analysis pipeline | Voltage imaging analysis pipeline integrated into CaImAn. | Cai et al. 2021 | |
DeepCAD | 2021 | Denoising | Deep neural network based denoising. | Li et al. 2021 | |
SpecSeg | 2021 | Cell extraction | Spectral density of pixels to identify ROIs. Also incorporates motion correction and cross-session matching. | de Kraker et al. 2021 | |
FIOLA | 2021 | Cell extraction (online) | GPU- and computational graph-based speed-ups along with non-negative least squares for post-initialization signal extraction. | Giovannucci et al. 2021 | |
PatchWarp | 2021 | Motion correction | Affine transformation of subfields followed by stiching subfields together. | Hattori and Komiyama 2021 | |
MVG-CNN | 2021 | Region extraction | Automated sleep states classification using multiplex visibility graphs and deep learning. Data URL. | Zhang et al. 2021 | |
Updated calcium imaging analysis tools table (originally created/updated on 2020.02.07). Full article to follow.
Method | Year | Notes | Source |
ROI | 2005 | Matrix multiplication; sometimes neuropil/background subtraction. | ”Kerr et al. 2005; Kuchibhotla et al. 2014; Peron et al. 2015; Romano et al. 2017b” |
PCA-ICA | 2009 | Principal Component Analysis then Independent Component Analysis. | Mukamel et al. 2009 |
”CIRF, calcium-behavior” | 2011 | Regressive model to obtain Ca2+ signal based on behavior. | Miri et al. 2011 |
Automated ROI analysis | 2012 | Automatic ellipses based ROI detection. | Francis et al. 2012 |
ADINA | 2013 | Sparse dictionary learning. | Diego et al. 2013 |
NMF | 2014 | Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF). | ”Pnevmatikakis et al. 2014; Maruyama et al. 2014” |
Suite2p | 2016 | Generative model. | Pachitariu et al. 2016 |
CNMF (CaImAn) | 2016 | Constrained NMF (CNMF). | Pnevmatikakis et al. 2016 |
CNMF-E | 2016 | CNMF + background model. | ”Zhou et al. 2016, 2018” |
Apthorpe CNN | 2016 | Convolutional neural network (CNN). | Apthorpe et al. 2016 |
—CELLMax (conference) | 2017 | Maximum likelihood | ”Ahanonu et al. 2018, 2017” |
sc-CNMF | 2017 | CNMF + GMM/RNN seed cleansing. | Lu et al. 2017 |
OASIS | 2017 | Generalized pool adjacent violators algorithm. | Friedrich et al. 2017 |
ABLE | 2017 | Active contours. | Reynolds et al. 2017 |
SCALPEL | 2017 | ”Dictionary learning, dissimilarity, and clustering.” | Petersen et al. 2017 |
HNCcorr | 2017 | Combinatorial optimization (correlation space analysis). | Spaen et al. 2017 |
OnACID | 2017 | NMF variant for online Ca2+ imaging processing. | Giovannucci et al. 2017 |
EXTRACT | 2017 | Robust statistical estimation. | Inan et al. 2017 |
NETCAL | 2017 | Calcium imaging analysis GUI. | Orlandi et al. |
—CLEAN (conference) | 2018 | Machine learning based cell sorting. | Ahanonu et al. 2018 |
FISSA | 2018 | Neuropil decontamination using local region around cell. | Keemink et al. 2018 |
LSSC | 2018 | Spectral clustering; variant to find local subset of eigenvectors. | Mishne et al. 2018 |
PMD - PCA | 2018 | Spatially-localized penalized matrix decomposition for denoising; compression; and improved demixing. | Buchanan et al. 2018 |
MIN1PIPE | 2018 | Pre-processing + CNMF. | Lu et al. 2018 |
CaImAn (bioArxiv) | 2018 | CNMF + several other processing tools. | Giovannucci et al. 2018 |
SEUDO | 2018 | Mixture of Gaussians + maximum likelihood; post-hoc activity trace correction. | Gauthier et al. 2018 |
NAOMi | 2019 | Generative model for creating simulated movies. | Charles et al. 2019 |
CALIMA | 2019 | Calcium imaging analysis GUI. | Radstake et al. 2019 |
STNeuroNet | 2019 | Convolutional neural network to detect and segment cells. | Soltanian-Zadeh et al. 2019 |
AQuA | 2019 | Non-ROI cluster and propagation based detection of events. | Wang et al. 2019 |
CaImAn | 2019 | CNMF + several other processing tools. | Giovannucci et al. 2019 |
marked point processes | 2020 | ”Marked point processes, analysis.” | Shibue and Komaki 2020 |
LocaNMF | 2020 | Localized semi-nonnegative matrix factorization. | Saxena et al. 2020 |
EZcalcium | 2020 | Calcium imaging analysis toolbox. | Cantu et al. 2020 |
OnACID-E + ring CNN | 2020 | OnACID for miniscope and ring CNN background model. | Friedrich et al. 2020 |
Auto CNMF-E sorting | 2020 | Machine learning (AutoML) based curation of CNMF-E outputs. | Tran et al. 2020a |
Readers can leave comments and ask questions on the associated blog post.
Large-scale calcium (Ca2+) imaging, using the change in Ca2+ concentration inside neurons as a relatively direct measure of neural activity, has become an essential tool for neuroscientists to probe neural ensemble activity and identify coding principles the brain uses to process sensory information, store memories, and produce behaviors (Hamel et al., 2015). Originally, chemical fluorescent dyes such as OGB-1 allowed experimenters to measure Ca2+ concentration in neurons and thus neuronal activity (Paredes et al., 2008). These synthetic dyes allowed researchers to begin studying detailed intracellular Ca2+ dynamics along with activity of multiple neurons at once. However, the dyes had drawbacks: they did not allow long-term (weeks to months) imaging of neural activity, dye loading could be problematic in certain brain cell types (e.g. those with thick cell walls) or regions (deep brain structures), dyes would target non-specifically to various cellular compartments/organelles and would leak out of cells, and they could not be targeted in a genetically defined manner (though there is limited indication that this might be possible (Tour et al., 2007)). On the other hand, genetically encoded Ca2+ indicators (GECIs) have helped expand the types of experiments and questions that can be answered using Ca2+ imaging (Chen et al., 2013; Dana et al., 2018; Mank et al., 2008) by addressing many of the issues with the Ca2+ dyes: using adeno-associated and other viruses, they can be expressed chronically from weeks to years ((Ziv et al., 2013) and personal experiments/observations); specific promoters upstream of the GECI gene can lead to expression in specific cell types; tagging the GECI with certain amino acid sequences can enable targeting to specific regions of the cell (e.g. the axon terminal (Broussard et al., 2018; Dreosti et al., 2009)); and many other advantages. However, once experimenters had collected their Ca2+ imaging movies, they faced a formidable challenge in extracting both cell locations/shapes and their associated fluorescence activity traces from each of these movies.
One method of obtaining cell shapes and activity traces is via manual identification and selection of regions-of-interest (ROI) by humans and then taking the average pixel value within said ROI on each frame to reconstruct the activity trace for that cell (ROI) during the entire movie. The manual identification can take a lot of time, requires humans to browse through the entire movie frame-by-frame, and can lead to false negatives especially for low signal-to-noise ratio cells. The later is especially true for one-photon movies and modern GECIs where the baseline is too low to allow cells to be seen except for when they are active. Beyond missing cells, the ROI approach also tends to introduce crosstalk by contaminating each cell’s activity trace with fluorescent signals from nearby or overlapping cells (while cells themselves do not physically overlap, this occurs due to optical limitations and the fact that many Ca2+ imaging datasets are 2D, which leads to perceived spatial overlap when a 3D volume is flattened), background (e.g. neuropil from axons and dendrites), blood vessels, and other sources. Thus, a good Ca2+ imaging cell extraction algorithm needs to meet several criteria to allow biologists to obtain high-quality data from their movies:
(1) be automated—reduces time needed to process data, especially as dataset sizes grow, and removes a degree of human introduced variability from manual ROI selection;
(2) scale well with dataset sizes—this is not required, but preferred as large-scale Ca2+ imaging videos are becoming more widespread;
(3) maintain high fidelity—finding all Ca2+ events associated with a particular cell;
(4) have low crosstalk—minimize number of Ca2+ transients or other fluorescent signals in a cell’s activity trace that are not from that cell.
To solve the above problems and meet those criteria, many groups have developed and published new methods. An early popular method used Principal Component Analysis followed by Independent Component Analysis (PCA-ICA) (Mukamel et al., 2009); this was a great step forward and met several ”good algorithm” criteria. However, it could fail in cases with a lot of correlated background noise or in regions of high cell density and activity. Over the next several years, additional techniques were published to tackle the problem and among these non-negative matrix factorization (NMF) (Pnevmatikakis et al., 2014; Maruyama et al., 2014) emerged as a promising candidate to meet many of the ”good algorithm” criteria. After publication, variants and enhancements of the method (CNMF, sc-CNMF, CNMF-E, etc.) sought to improve the cell activity traces by integrating Ca2+ dynamics into the model (constrained NMF—CNMF) or to compensate for issues in the original algorithm (e.g. handling of correlated background activity as seen in miniature microscope movies, see CNMF-E). In addition, there is an emerging focus on online (e.g. close as possible to real-time) processing of Ca2+ imaging data for closed-loop experiments and also methods to improve compression of data (Buchanan et al., 2018; Giovannucci et al., 2017).
Beyond those algorithms discussed above, a variety of other techniques have been released that either directly allow experimenters to simultaneously obtain cell images and activity traces or that focus on detecting cells or improving already acquired activity trace accuracy. For example, several publications have initial or limited methods for post-hoc automated removal of false positive signals (e.g. PCA-ICA, CNMF, etc. all output signal sources that upon manual inspection turn out to not be cells or other biologically relevant signals [e.g. dendrites]); look for this to be tackled to a greater degree going forward (I will have more on this in the future).
To help new experimenters gain a clearer picture of the landscape, see below table for a list of many different Ca2+ imaging cell extraction and activity trace reconstruction algorithms. This table will be updated to include any missing algorithms and further discussion about Ca2+ imaging analysis will take place in future posts.
Method | Notes | Source |
ROI | Matrix multiplication; sometimes neuropil/background subtraction. | Kerr et al. 2005; Kuchibhotla et al. 2014; Peron et al. 2015; Romano et al. 2017b |
PCA-ICA | Principal Component Analysis then Independent Component Analysis. | Mukamel et al. 2009 |
CIRF, calcium-behavior | Regressive model to obtain Ca2+ signal based on behavior. | Miri et al. 2011 |
Automated ROI analysis | Automatic ellipses based ROI detection. | Francis et al. 2012 |
ADINA | Sparse dictionary learning. | Diego et al. 2013 |
NMF | Nonnegative matrix factorization (NMF). | Pnevmatikakis et al. 2014; Maruyama et al. 2014 |
Suite2p | Generative model. | Pachitariu et al. 2016 |
CNMF (CaImAn) | Constrained NMF (CNMF). | Pnevmatikakis et al. 2016 |
CNMF-E | CNMF + background model. | Zhou et al. 2016, 2018 |
Apthorpe CNN | Convolutional neural network (CNN). | Apthorpe et al. 2016 |
sc-CNMF | CNMF + GMM/RNN seed cleansing. | Lu et al. 2017 |
OASIS | Generalized pool adjacent violators algorithm. | Friedrich et al. 2017 |
ABLE | Active contours. | Reynolds et al. 2017 |
SCALPEL | Dictionary learning, dissimilarity, and clustering. | Petersen et al. 2017 |
HNCcorr | Combinatorial optimization (correlation space analysis). | Spaen et al. 2017 |
OnACID | NMF variant for online Ca2+ imaging processing. | Giovannucci et al. 2017 |
EXTRACT | Robust statistical estimation. | Inan et al. 2017 |
LSSC | Spectral clustering; variant to find local subset of eigenvectors. | Mishne et al. 2018 |
PMD - PCA | Spatially-localized penalized matrix decomposition for denoising, compression, and improved demixing. | Buchanan et al. 2018 |
MIN1PIPE | Pre-processing + CNMF. | Lu et al. 2018 |
CaImAn | CNMF + several other processing tools. | Giovannucci et al. 2018 |
SEUDO | Mixture of Gaussians + maximum likelihood; post-hoc activity trace correction. | Gauthier et al. 2018 |
Allen Institute ROI | ROIs detected via adaptive thresholding and morphological operations; traces improved with neuropil subtraction and demixing. | de Vries et al. 2018 |
—CELLMax | Maximum likelihood. | Ahanonu et al. 2018, 2017 |
A new paper from my lab has been published characterizing new voltage sensors.
Note: I’m breaking up my notes from SfN into a series of posts focusing on a specific topic and mainly giving summaries of interesting posters, talks, etc. I came across.
457.02 - The impact of pain on motivation
Neil Schwarz talked about his recent science paper, see:
Decreased motivation during chronic pain requires long-term depression in the nucleus accumbens
457.05 - The anterior cingulate cortex as a substrate for chronic pain-induced depression: molecular, lesional and optogenetic evidences.
Observe presynaptic NMDAR independent LTP in ACC.
Chronic pain leads to an increase in anxiety, involvement of ACC and amygdala
They use a sciatic nerve compression chronic pain model and test responses in a variety of assays
Dark-light box test
Novelty suppressed feeding
Splash test
In depressed patients, ACC has decreased gray matter volume.
Previous studies suggest that ACC encodes aversive component of chronic pain
Posterior intralimbic cortex lesion recovers mechanical allodynia post chronic pain
Lesion ACC rescues chronic pain induced anxiodepressive behavior. Optoinhibition also rescues depressive-like behavior.
Fluoxetine stops change in depressive-like behavior without changes in mechanical withdrawal thresholds, suggesting a role for 5HT/serotinin.
457.06 - Nucleus Accumbens subregions dissociate encoding of values for reward and pain
Only a small portion of end organ injuries lead to chronic pain, want to find out what predisposes patients to develop chronic pain.
Note: not clear if this is a peripheral or central issue, some argue it is purely peripheral and that by fixing peripheral issues, CNS problems will disappear.
Connectivity between mPFC-NAcc is increased in patients who develop chronic back pain.
Same with white matter diffusivity
See Corticostriatal functional connectivity predicts transition to chronic back pain
New data from patients in this study indicate that mPFC-NAcc-amygdala separates chronic and sustained back pain groups.
Hippocampus and amygdala volume are lower in persisting back pain patients.
About 60% of risk of developing persistent back pain in patients is captured by white matter and connectivity between mPFC-NAcc-amygdala circuit.
Resting state activity, by around 29 days post SNI, large reorganization in connectivity in rodent models.
NAcc shell D2 amplify pain behavior in rodents.
5 days post SNI, see increase in iSPN activity in slice.
Modulating iSPN activity with dreads causes changes in pain thresholds, e.g. increase D2 MSN activity leads to decreased thresholds
Implies that D2 MSNs can amplify neuropathic pain.
Doesn’t seem that they looked before pain to see if there is a change or used optogenetics.
457.07 - Intracellular pathways in the Nucleus Accumbens modulate the antiallodynic actions of antidepressants.
See paper: RGS9-2--controlled adaptations in the striatum determine the onset of action and efficacy of antidepressants in neuropathic pain states
Looks at RGS9-2 genes role in TCA (Tricyclic antidepressant) responses during neuropathic pain.
RGS9KO mice respond earlier to TCAs in terms of mechanical allodynia and immobility
RGS9-2 in NAcc blocks Desipramine’s (TCA) antidepressant effects.
HDAC5 KO more susceptible to antidepressants.
Sequenced NAcc after neuropathic pain with and without RGS9 KO.
Genes changed in RGS9 KO are the same ones responding to Desipramine.
DMI treatment reverses the effect of nerve injury on gene expression.
There was a conversation afterwards regarding the effectiveness of various treatments, notes on the drugs mentioned below, will need to verify the claims.
Duloxetine - doesn’t work well for treating lupus induced pain
Pregabalin - works but with side effects
Cannabinoids - see Cannabinoids in Pain Management: An Update
If it is immune system mediated, could see effective - Apkarian
Why are none of the patients in Apkarian’s study improving? Are they irresponsive to treatment?
Do mood disorders go away fairly quickly after pain is treated?
Higher depression between transient vs. sustained patients? Apkarian says that neither group had a significant change in the rate/development of depression pre/post study?
DP03 - Measurement of phasic dopamine signals in the rat nucleus accumbens core and shell in response to noxious stimuli
Measured dopamine concentration after noxious stimuli in rat NAcc core/shell using cyclic voltametry.
Core has fast, large [DA] transients after noxious stimuli while Shell has smaller, slower to reach max transients.
739.06 - Chronic pain causes dysfunction in reward circuitry
Opioid engage mesolimbic DA circuitry to produce analgesia.
Morphine analgesia blocked by DA antagonists or lesion of VTA-DA neurons.
Chronic pain is associated with reduced DA or disruption of mesolimbic circuitry.
Opioids fail to stimulate extracellular DA in chronic pain.
Cocaine, but not amphetamine, failed to stimulate DA release in chronic pain animals.
Suppression of DA tone in chronic pain, since cocaine blocks reuptake and depends on continuous release, would see a deficit there.
GABA_A receptor function is altered during chronic pain and there is a decrease in KCC2 expression while BDNF is upregulated in the VTA.
KCC2 function compromised in VTA GABA neurons of chronic pain animals.
Use CPP to study reward circuit problems during chronic pain.
Blocking KCC2 prevents cocaine CPP
739.07 - Distinct subpopulations of dynorphin neurons drive aversion and reward
Looking at dynorphin and kappa opioid receptor (KOR) function in striatum.
KORs are activated in DR and VTA neurons.
KOR activity in dorsal NAcc produces preference but in ventral NAcc produces aversion.
Wireless u-iLED device for discrete spatial targeting of both dorsal and ventral NAcc in the same animal.
NAcc dynorphin-mediated aversion and preference is KOR dependent.
Ventral stimulation increased dopamine levels.
KOR function is enhanced during pain.
Decrease in PR lever pressing with CFA in mice, can rescue with NorBNI (Norbinaltorphimine, opioid antagonist).
Interesting that this works, not clear if they tested in SNI models
KOR blockade doesn’t also reverse mechanical sensitivity, suggesting that it is exclusive to the motivational aspect.
Stimulation of Dyn-Cre NAcc potentiated aversion after CFA.
Note: I’m breaking up my notes from SfN into a series of posts focusing on a specific topic and mainly giving summaries of interesting posters, talks, etc. I came across.
There were a lot of new pain-related technologies on display this SfN, mostly with a focus on
M16 - Optogenetic inhibition of specific populations of sensory neurons mediating bladder nociception
Using SNS-Ai35 mice, they show that they are able to inhibit bladder responses.
These are initial results, seems like it might not be super reliable, but they need higher numbers of mice to tell.
AA35 - Two-photon imaging of light-induced nociceptive processing In vivo
Can image DRG neurons at some time as stimulating SNS-ChR2 in mice
GCaMP6m (calcium indicator) signal looks okay, DRGs only appear to respond to 10Hz stimulation.
BB9 - Epidural optic fiber implant for spinal optogenetics
They are able to do inhibition in the spinal cord, but have mentioned that this is likely to be challenging overall.
DD3 - Optogenetic control of dopamine release in rodents and novel opto-dopamine probes for In vivo experiments
Can stimulate DA terminals and do fast scan cyclic voltammetry at the same time.
Takes about 1 minute for DA to recover its responsiveness, this is tested with varying intervals between light stimulation.
Tail pinch induces maybe a slight decrease in DA release in NAcc but see a weird oscillation in activity for several tens of seconds starting about 10 seconds after the tail pinch stops. Asked if he’s tried other pain stimuli, but didn’t indicate that they had.
549.02 - Optogenetic control of pain and motor circuitry
Outlined several designed traits in peripheral optogenetics
Expression over long periods of time
Dealing with increased movement, e.g. flexing of the spinal cord
Not immune privileged, e.g. don’t have BBB
Tissue opacity, especially in the spinal cord
Halorhodopsin had decreased sensitivity when placed in DRGs and need constant light illumination which might cause heating and other problems
To combat this, used SwiChR, which caused a 0.4 to 1.3g withthrawal threshold increase when used. Also tried iC1C2, NpHR, and YFP with no effect.
Increasing SST+ interneurons is aversive (at least with cFos proxy).
Inhibiting SST+ with hM4Di causes an increase in thresholds
They have tried multiple fibers along the spinal cord for optogenetics, this did not work.
Temperature effects on optogenetics is important.
AAV6-hSyn-iC++-YFP might be a useful tool for better inhibition.
Inhibition of muscles is possible
They tried a number of other variats of AAV and inhibitory channels/pumps to no effect.
Cannulation of mice does not affect pain thresholds, at least for Amy’s prep.
Llewekyn 2010 - Orderly recruitment of motor units under optical control in vivo
549.03 - Optical control of stem cell derived motor neurons restores function to paralysed muscles
Trying to see whether stem cell derived MNs can be functional.
See that grafted MNs both are able to survive and their axons follow the old path of previous MNs’s axons to innervate muscle and form stable neuromuscular junctions (NMJs).
They are using embryonic MNs.
Using optogenetics, they are able to show graded recruitment of motor units, something that doesn’t seem possible with electrical stimulation in this situation.
Chronic stimulation strengthens ES-MN neuromuscular junctions, almost as if they are being exercised
549.04 - New paradigms in wireless light delivery
See recently published work:
Several others working on wireless optogenetics
Hirase, Riken
Boyden, MIT
Roger, U of Illinois
Wireless device requirements that they wanted to meet
Don’t need to handle animals
Long form experiments
Small device
Mouse as a dielectric resonator, so that the mouse enables focusing of RF field and don’t need complicated tracking. They didn’t test on larger animals, but same principle should work. She noted that small animals are dielectrical objects that support specific electromagnetic modes.
There is a small amount of heating (about 1C) depending on the duty cycle of the signal generator.
They are able to get place aversion with the wireless device and can put multiple animals together.
They are NOT individually addressable at the moment, they are building a silicon chip design that might allow this.
Multi-color and behavior triggering of the light should be allowed via a small silicon chip.
Designs for the devices have been made available.
The whole setup is silent.
With rats, higher order modes are excited when box is made larger, so would need to adjust.
549.05 - An Optogenetic Demonstration of Motor Primitives in the Mouse Spinal Cord
Looking at muscle coordination and motor primitives.
Modular muscle stimulation allows probing of how different parts of spinal cord affect forces produced by muscles.
Showed that convergent and parallel isometric force fields are located at the dorsal and ventral spinal cord, respectively.
Mapped leg responses in rodent by light stimulation in Thy1-ChR2 mouse line
Created a system that randomly moves the mouse’s leg around, stimulates spinal cord, and measures the direction of force. Doing this over an entire area allows one to create force maps.
Motor neurons have ~9ms delay and produce convergent fields.
ChAT excitatory interneurons produce parallel fields with ~6ms delay.
Thy1 force fields have a wider distribution that ChAT neurons.
MN and ChAT force fields are additive, e.g. there is a linear superposition of parallel and convergent fields.
549.06 - Optogenetic control of aversive sensory circuitry
How is itch coded? Discussed the neural basis of itch.
Histamine is classically thought to be a pure sensation of itch but when placed in the deep muscle, causes pain.
Capsaicin is thought to be for pain, but when topical capsaicin is placed on the skin, causes itching.
Assumption that there is some lateral interaction that helps sharpen sensory acuity.
Looks at B5-I spinal interneurons neuron induced itch.
Inhibition of B5-I neurons stops itching behavior.
They noticed that B5-I activation seems to silence a random interneuron.
Ex vivo skin prep, see
apply cutaneous stimulation to the skin (including cowage, itching powder)
modulate interneurons in the spinal cord via ChR2
record from projection neurons via patch
5HT can also be used as a puritagin
B5-I neurons inhibit itch via feedfoward inhibition
KOR agonist inhibits itch as well, pointing toward opioid release from B5-I neuron
Some B5-I neurons seem to directly inhibit PNs
Noticed that it is easiest to trigger APs from terminal endings
Light delivery isn’t the same as natural stimulation
Cfiber, get 4Hz stimulation response, but with opto it is variable around 2Hz.
Afiber, get 6Hz natural stimulation response, but with opto it is reliably at 2Hz.
Keratinocytes are sufficient to trigger APs if activated, can block stimuli responses by inhibiting keratinocytes.
549.07 - Optogenetic dissection of visceral pain
Bladder pain syndrome is normally treated with short duration anesthetics.
Continuous vs. pulsed input causes different behavior.
Optogenetic modulation of distension can induce bladder pain.
eArchT activation in sensory neurons can inhibit bladder pain responses when bladder is artificially swelled.
Developing wireless LED based on previous technology
RF powered LED device, see Neurolux:
How stable is RF field? Will this fluctuate and how does it compare to Ada Poon’s system?
20 cm up from the bottom of the cage leads to only a 10% reduction in power
Elicits spontaneous pain and real time place preference.
Q3 - Characterization of optogenetic activation of non-peptidergic C-fibers
See Ross minisymposium
Using ex vivo skin prep to characterize PN responses to MrgD neuron stimulation.
Need 2Hz, but not 0.1Hz, stimulation to induce Mrgd-Cre response to blue light stimulation.
Lamina I PN show responses to multple cold/hot, mechanical, and light stimulus protocols.
No hyperreactivity of PNs after inflammation when stimulating MrgD neurons.
I’ve written several times about dual photo-stimulation and imaging (dual photo-stimulation and imaging, freely moving dual photostimulation and imaging, dual photo-stimulation and imaging, cont’d). It looks like this SfN will have a lot of posters, talks, and excitement about this new technology. A new review in Journal of Neuroscience by several of the leading investigators in this area (Emiliani, Cohen, Deisseroth, and Häusser) gives a nice overview of several recent technologies in the area and future directions.
Haven’t uploaded previous posts in awhile, I’ll be adding the backlog of notes and papers in the coming weeks. In the meantime, the below is a good read.
Pretty interesting profile on Karl Deisseroth and the rise of optogenetics.
I recently posted a brief note on problems with statistics that can make a paper’s study hard to reproduce (see taking care with statistics), which is a widespread problem that the biomedical sciences are starting to grapple with better. If you haven’t seen it already, NIH’s site on reproducibility is worth a look. This is a nice addition and adds to the opinion pieces, such as Begley and Ellis’s highly cited warning, and efforts at magazine to have researchers put more information about the parameters and statistics used to design and analyze a study in print to help facilitate more replicable data going forward.
Drug development: Raise standards for preclinical cancer research - a highly cited paper that sounded an alarm about the reproducibility of pre-clinical research.
In addition Nature has compiled several articles and other resources into a single collection dealing with statistics for biologists.
update Was talking to several people. Pubmed Commons was suggested as a way to both improve reproducibility and provide an avenue for people to provide updates about a data set as they conduct more experiments. Whether people will have the inclination or time is another matter.
MathWorks has a nice summary page on dealing with large datasets in Matlab (Working with Big Data in MATLAB). This reminded me of an older article from the Sorger lab at Harvard that attempts to give a high-level view of how they manage data. It was that article along with several chats with people in my lab that convinced me to switch all imaging data from the TIFF file format to HDF going forward (has much better support for super large datasets), even if that made working with ImageJ more troublesome.
Remembering the reliance of people passing down or developing good data storage practices within the lab, I found a well-documented, standard resource outlining common practice for data storage in the sciences lacking. It would be nice to see more papers describing how people store their data and what techniques they use, e.g. CERN uses magnetic tapes for storage still vs. using hard drives. This, along with basic introductions to compression, would greatly save taxpayer and other money currently spent storing data either locally on hard drives and servers or off site on the cloud.
There are several papers out there describing efforts to standardize or share data in a particular field (e.g. fMRI data), but there doesn’t seem to be common guidelines for making this happen across neuroscience disciplines. Rather, each field (this applies to the biosciences in general) appears to have consortium or other efforts that come into vogue and either continue on through the efforts of several people or languish.
An argument could be made to create a government agency (or a group inside the NIH) whose sole purpose is to help manage and guide labs in storing data, deciding which bits (pun intended) to be shared, and the best way to describe the data (e.g. metadata) so future researchers can access and make sense of it. For example, NIDA (National Institute on Data Analysis)...but NIDA is taken by National Institute on Drug Abuse so better yet NIDSA (National Institute on Scientific Data Analysis). Some might complain that this is just adding another slow moving layer of bureaucracy, but it is sometimes shocking when you go to help other scientists analyze their data how non-standard formatting of names and other common variables is, especially by those who don’t program.
To this end, the NIH has several resources that have already implemented aspects of this vision. There is their main Data Science at NIH page, which has links to several other resources. In addition, several years back the NIH established the Working Group on Data and Informatics, which has been tasked (see NIH and Biomedical ‘Big Data’ along with DIWG's executive summary). The working group has several recommendations, some of which would be very useful if implemented broadly throughout the biomedical research community, such as a specific minimal set of metadata (and potentially specific templates for particular subfields). They also recommended to help develop quantitative training programs and identify gaps in terms of researchers trained in specific areas; though, I wonder how they will achieve the later goal.
In addition to the working group, there is also the NIH Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) initiative, which launched in 2012 and seeks to better support digital infrastructure for managing, sharing, and utilizing big data. With the need for data scientists growing each year, efforts like this are welcome, but they appear to be largely focused on clinical or -omic (geonomic, proeteomic, etc.) datasets for the time being. Beyond the NIH, there are also other collaborative efforts moving forward, such as the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health.
In neuroscience in particular, there are projects already underway to start standardizing specific aspects of data collection and sharing, such as Neurodata Without Borders and others. There are several task forces at the International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility whose goal is to help develop standards for electrophysiology and neuroimaging data, but it is unclear how widespread adoption of their recommendations is or will be. Much like the NIH’s vision for data science, there will likely need to be a large push toward training young scientists early before they settle into bad habits or attempt to reinvent the wheel.
While projects like BrainFormat are great ideas and excellent to see, there is a particular problem inherent to academic research: many experiments are often single purpose/one-off affairs and the people involved might be more interested in getting a result and a paper than leaving behind an easily understood set of data for others to look through. This is a case where making data organization a part of the curriculum might accrue substantial gains down the road. This would at least ensure that people are aware of the resources available, past and current thinking, and areas for improvement. If this was a single day course, much like ethics is in many universities, this might be more easily adopted and would introduce a larger body of research scientists to tools needed to deal with the deluge of data, rather than each going off to their own lab to create ad hoc methods that suite their particular experiments.
Below are several links to articles, new stories, and resources related to formatting and standardizing big data sets.
Adaptive informatics for multifactorial and high-content biological data
Considerations for developing a standard for storing electrophysiology data in HDF5
Big data from small data: data-sharing in the `long tail' of neuroscience
Trends in the production of scientific data analysis resources
NIH Working Group on Data and Informatics NIH Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) initiative
The idea of modulating signaling pathways in a specific manner came up during lab meeting. Optogenetics has been the leading method for precise control of neural activity either by activating or inhibiting neurons via channelrhodopsin or archaerhodopsin. Another class of optogenetic tools exist known as optoXRs that splice a light responsive element to G-protein coupled receptors. This allows one to turn on intracellular signaling pathways, e.g. through cAMP, to modulate neural activity or other functions that might not just be represented in sub-second alterations in neural spiking behavior, as is done with traditional optogenetics. Below are a couple of papers that develop and utilize several different types of optoXRs.
Spatiotemporal Control of Opioid Signaling and Behavior - optoMOR (mu opioid receptor)
Natural Neural Projection Dynamics Underlying Social Behavior (figure 8) - optoD1 (dopamine 1 receptor)
Temporally precise in vivo control of intracellular signalling - opto-2AR and opto-1AR (adrenergic receptors)
As the complexity of imaging experiments grows, it is becoming necessary to model out more and more of the entire experiment to ensure that you will have enough room on the mouse/rat’s head, that you can minimize damage and suffering to the animal, and provide the best data with the given setup. To do this, I’ve been using PTC Creo (though SOLIDWORKS and Autodesk's Inventor are other alternative CAD programs) to model mouse and rat surgeries. One problem is finding a suitable model of the mouse or rat brain to use. Luckily, several groups have conducted CT scans and other imaging to help render 3D models of different rodent brains. These can be imported, cleaned, and then used to design placement of different technologies to manipulate the brain, such as optogenetic fibers. See below links for a couple resources in this area.
A group in China has applied CRISPR to a fertilized (albiet sterile since it had two sperm enter) human embryo.
There have been numerous calls to stop editing of the human germline.
Chinese scientists genetically modify human embryos Don’t edit the human germ lineScientists sound alarm over DNA editing of human embryos
There is the fear, probably reasonable, that if applied to humans without proper understanding of the effects of these CRISPR-induced modifications, that those modified people could spread these potentially harmful genes long before we figure out the subtle negative effects. Another, more distant, worry is whether China or another nation will attempt to ‘improve’ people by combining increased knowledge about genetic determinants of particular physiological or psychological traits (e.g. athleticism and intelligence) with the ability to modify those specific genetic elements in embryos. Below are a couple links to articles and institutes related to this topic.
Whether this is a political play or not by New Gingrich, but that scientific funding is receiving attention is good news. Maybe it will lead toward more discussions about why the NIH budget has been stagnant and ways it can be increased or better utilized given current funding constraints throughout the government.
There has been a recent push to make sure that the statistics reported in papers crosses the Ts and dots the Is. I wrote about this last month, see Significance testing.
There is a constant tension between people’s desire for novel, groundbreaking results and solid, reproducible data. While some claim that reproducibility is an ideal that might not be reached, at the very least there should be a consistency within papers when displaying the stats, specifically there should be a need for people to explain the experiments that were tried leading up to the work done in the paper, so people can get an idea of the true-negative rate in studies.
Too Much Success for Recent Groundbreaking Epigenetic Experiments
The Abuse of Power: The Pervasive Fallacy of Power Calculations for Data Analysis
Testing a Point Null Hypothesis: The Irreconcilability of P Values and Evidence
It's the Effect Size, Stupid What effect size is and why it is important
This looks like an interesting workshop for those that can attend: Neural circuits and behaviour of Drosophila.
Rather than go into crazy detail here, I’ll just post a link to an interesting article on the Fairhall lab website that has short pieces by various successful female scientists and how they balance family and career.
A couple weeks ago Virginia Man-Yee Lee (UPenn) gave a talk mainly focused on tau and α-synucleun propagation in the brain along with the emerging strain hypothesis.
A new paper out from Ron Kopito’s lab (Stanford) shines light on an interesting. A half-decade ago a perspective paper from Ron’s lab laid out a prion hypothesis for the transmission of protein aggregates that help explain some of the neuropathology seen in neurodegenerative disorders (see Prion-like transmission of protein aggregates in neurodegenerative diseases).
While an increasing number of schools reward students for competitive fellowships, there is a question of whether . A series of studies in the 70s and 80s pointed toward a counterintuitive notion: that introducing monetary rewards actually decreased performance, and this occurred for creative endeavors as well.(Kohn, 1993a,b)
On the other hand, there are a number of meta-analyses that point toward the opposite conclusion, that rewards if properly done can enhance performance/attitude or have no change. I view no change as a negative, as you are erroneously spending capital that could be used elsewhere, but the fact that some studies found positive correlations is enough to give one pause and reconsider the previous arguments given.
There is a question also of whether only having a small reward is somehow detrimental, in a counterintuitive manner. Studies seem to indicate that this might be the case.(Gneezy and Rustichini, 2000) However, the whole field seems to be littered with subtle effects that might either be due to the artificial environment, the manner in which the incentives were worded, and other experimental artifacts. However, the psychological argument, that people will replace or confuse the primary motivation with the monetary one, is compelling and is enough to make one pause before developing an incentive program for a business, program, or institute.
The BRAIN Initiative: developing technology to catalyse neuroscience discovery
The future of human cerebral cartography: a novel approach - by Markram, whose helping head Europe’s Human Brain Project.
In Michio Kaku’s excellent book giving a high-level overview of neuroscience research, The Future of the Mind, he attempts to define consciousness in a very engineering-physics perspective: there are different levels of consciousness that are defined by the number of feedback loops that the system exhibits. For example, thermostats and plants are on the low end since they only have relatively simple feedback loops. Humans are a different class of consciousness because we are able to have multiple, parallel feedback loops going on simultaneously.
Giulio Tononi and Christof Koch attempt to define a theory, called Integrated information theory , that will allow us to explain consciousness. It is an interesting read, I’ve also included a link to a differing opinion as contrast.
I remember reading Dias, 2014. It starts to touch a bit on Lamarckism, or the idea that characteristics acquired by the organism. In school, we are classically taught that this hypothesis was incorrect and that mutations and natural selection are what determines which traits get passed on. Epigenetic Lamarckism is becoming more popular, as is the more neutral and precise term transgenerational epigenetics.
Below are a series of papers that cover epigenetic inheritance with some notes by me.
Experimental evidence needed to demonstrate inter- and trans-generational effects of ancestral experiences in mammals - an interesting perspective article that helps outline and clarify several aspects of the transgenerational epigenetic debate.
Transgenerational Epigenetic Inheritance: Myths and Mechanisms - a nice review that both defines some terms and lays out the current evidence for transgenerational inheritance in humans and other organisms.
Epigenetic mechanisms underlying learning and the inheritance of learned behaviors
Lamarck revisited: epigenetic inheritance of ancestral odor fear conditioning
Molecular mechanisms for the inheritance of acquired characteristics—exosomes, microRNA shuttling, fear and stress: Lamarck resurrected?
Environmentally induced epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of disease susceptibility
A lingering smell? - a nice perspective on the Dias, 2014 paper.
Understanding transgenerational epigenetic inheritance via the gametes in mammals
Transgenerational Epigenetic Inheritance: Prevalence, Mechanisms, and Implications for the Study of Heredity and Evolution
Epigenetic and epigenomic variation in Arabidopsis thaliana - this review looks at epigenetic changes in Arabidopsis thaliana, a commonly used model organisms in plant research.
Parental olfactory experience influences behavior and neural structure in subsequent generations - perhaps one of the stronger transgenerational epigenetic papers, mostly because they demonstrate an actual function behavioral change in offspring that would potentially be advantageous in the wild. In addition, they demonstrate a morphological change that explains these behavioral changes, namely alterations in the olfactory neuron gene expression and the size of olfactory glomeruli.
Paternally Induced Transgenerational Environmental Reprogramming of Metabolic Gene Expression in Mammals - demonstrates that altering a parents environment (specifically causing them to be on a low protein diet) can cause alterations in their offspring’s phenotype. These changes in the offspring are correlated with alterations in DNA methylation, suggesting a mechanism for transmission.
Ancestral dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) exposure promotes epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of obesity - suggest that the pesticide DDT can promote obesity in subsequent generations. While it is claimed that this is due to transgenerational epigenetic effects, it is also possible that germline mutations occurred due to exposure to the drug.
Environmentally Induced Transgenerational Epigenetic Reprogramming of Primordial Germ Cells and the Subsequent Germ Line - investigates how agricultural fungicide vinclozolin can cause epigenetic changes, by altered DNA methylation patterns and transcriptomes, in subsequent generations.
Epigenetic Transmission of the Impact of Early Stress Across Generations - show that chronic stress early in life, in mice, can cause DNA methylation changes and altered behavior of offspring that are reared normally.
Epigenetic inheritance of a cocaine-resistance phenotype - show that ingestion of cocaine by parents can affect offpsring resistance to cocaine and alter prefrontal gene expression patterns.
Paternal Stress Exposure Alters Sperm MicroRNA Content and Reprograms Offspring HPA Stress Axis Regulation - this study interestingly found that microRNAs in sperm where changed after exposure to stress and that offspring of stressed animals showed hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis (involved in stress regulation) dysregulation. It’s possible that changes in microRNA level can alter early gene expression patterns, leading to subtle changes in offspring’s later health.
Implication of sperm RNAs in transgenerational inheritance of the effects of early trauma in mice - this paper also looks at how early trauma can lead to changes in microRNA expression.
While optogenetic activation of neurons and other cell types is currently in vogue, most stimulation requires invasive implantation of light delivering fibers and viral expression of channelrhodopsin or other proteins that can modify activity. These both can potentially alter the brains function and lead to a less robust understanding of how the circuit contribute to internal states and behavior. A holy grails of manipulating, and extracting information from, neuronal circuits would be through fully non-invasive methods.
Transcranial magnetic stimulation allow non-invasive stimulation of the brain, but it is relatively non-specific in terms of stimulating specific neuronal populations, whether they be genetically, anatomically, projection-specific, or another subset. This reduces it usefulness for probing causal roles of specific neuronal subsets altered during diseases, such as striatally projecting cortical neurons in psychiatric disorders.
On the other side of things several technologies currently allow for non-invasive probing of brain activity (note, this is different from neuronal activity in many cases): functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), electroencephalography (EEG), and positron emission tomography (PET). However, many of these are limited by either not directly measuring neuronal activity (e.g. fMRI and fNIRS); only measuring bulk, non-localized activity (EEG), or measuring the binding of a specific molecule (PET). Recent papers from the Jasanoff lab and others have demonstrated that MRI contrast agents can be made sensitive to specific neurotransmitters (such as dopamine and serotonin) along with other bioactive molecules. This might someday allow imaging of specific neurotransmitter levels in humans one day, which could potentially allow us to gain a greater understanding of people at risk for particular behaviors, e.g. if they have aberrant dopamine levels in the NAcc or elsewhere, we could keep an eye out for them in case they soon develop gambling or other habits related to altered reward processing.
This area of neuroscience research is quite rich and if we could get more precise magnetic stimulation, we could someday have a much better toolkit to probe and measure neuronal activity.
Structure-Guided Directed Evolution of Highly Selective P450-Based Magnetic Resonance Imaging Sensors for Dopamine and Serotonin - one of the original papers characterizing the development of contrast agents to help detect neurotransmitters levels using MRI.
Molecular-Level Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Dopaminergic Signaling
Advances in using MRI probes and sensors for in vivo cell tracking as applied to regenerative medicine - discusses some applications of new MRI contrast agents (probes) that will help allow imaging of specific cells in vivo, among other applications.
Dendrimeric calcium-responsive MRI contrast agents with slow in vivo diffusion - interesting concept to image calcium concentrations using MRI.
Magneto-fluorescent core-shell supernanoparticles - these can be used to do both optical and magnetic resonance imaging.
Transmitting Pain and Itch Messages: A Contemporary View of the Spinal Cord Circuits that Generate Gate Control
Identification of Spinal Circuits Transmitting and Gating Mechanical Pain
Targeted Ablation, Silencing, and Activation Establish Glycinergic Dorsal Horn Neurons as Key Components of a Spinal Gate for Pain and Itch
A paper recently showed that they are able to induce reward-seeking behavior in an animal by stimulating the medial forebrain bundle (MFB), which contain ventral tegmental area fibers that release dopamine, every time a place cell fires during sleep. This would imply that the place field still encodes the same information about an animals place in the environment even during sleep and hints that it is functionally meaningful. Would have been super cool if they were able to induce aversion as well.
One should compare this paper to previous false memory papers, though I like this one because it is manipulating behavior based on a single neurons activity, rather than broad spectrum reactivation.
Sometimes it’s interesting to see what the most highly cited research is...
Kay Tye has a review on amygdala circuits that is worth a read, as it gives a nice overview of some history and current opinions/experiments in the literature. However, I think it also represents a certain local minimum in neuroscience that we will likely someday have to overcome if we are to truly understand how the brain performs computations that lead to behavior: the focus on arrow diagrams, the lack of showing the same behavioral experiments done where another brain region is manipulated instead of the BLA (e.g. with optogenetics),super simplified neuronal circuits (often with two classes of neurons explaining the behavior), and no discussion on quantitative predictive power for any models shown.
While ago I wrote briefly about effect sizes and why they might be better than p-values, see statistics: effect sizes. It seems that Basic and Applied Social Psychology has decided to ban p-values (or null hypothesis testing) from the journal.
John Ioannidis has made a career from pointing out the troubling fact that there are way too many positive results in most scientific literature than should be expected by chance. This might partially be explained by the fact that people will continue to do a study until they obtain p¡0.05 and then proceed to publish. It is also a fact that new, positive finds, whether true or not, are more likely to garner attention and publication than a null result. This is a complex issue that will probably grow to dominate scientific discussion in the coming decade.
Power failure: why small sample size undermines the reliability of neuroscience
False-Positive Psychology: Undisclosed Flexibility in Data Collection and Analysis Allows Presenting Anything as Significant
How Many Scientists Fabricate and Falsify Research? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Survey Data
Garret Stuber has a minireview out in Nature Neuropsychopharmacology concerning miniature microscopes and fiber photometry. Similar to his paper from last year reviewing ways to image/manipulate neural activity.
Elizabeth M. C. Hillman came by to give a talk on some of the work in her lab, which was quite interesting. She talked a bit about SCAPE microscopy, what influenced it’s development, and how they plan on improving it. She went over some of the fundamental limitations of point scanning two-photon microscopy along with other limitations of light sheet/field microscopy. The actual demonstration of SCAPE was fairly impressive, they were able to image in 3D whole Drosophila melanogaster larvae as they moved around a dish along with volumetric imaging in mice on a ball. However, when she showed a comparison to a two-photon volumetric image taken of the same slice, the SCAPE image appears considerably worse (both in the x-y, but it appears the z resolution degrades much faster with distance). But one assumes that this can be improved. Overall, pretty impressive.
Swept confocally-aligned planar excitation (SCAPE) microscopy for high-speed volumetric imaging of behaving organisms
She also talked about laminar optical tomography, which appeared to allow her to do 3D volumetric imaging about a decade ago. Optical tomography takes advantage of the fact that light diffuses naturally through most medium, either tissue or artificial materials. Thus, if you shine light into a tissue, some of it will emerge at a distant location. The farther away it emerge, the longer distance it traveled and one can infer that this was likely in the z direction. Thus, by measuring the quantity of light emitted at points next to the spot of tissue being illuminated by the laser, one can estimate the density of material that the light traveled through and thus begin to reconstruct the 3D structure of the tissue being imaged. See below papers for detailed discussions.
Laminar optical tomography: demonstration of millimeter-scale depth-resolved imaging in turbid media
Laminar optical tomography: high-resolution 3D functional imaging of superficial tissues - gives a nice overview of the technique in the methods section.
She also showed a bit of data from her wide-field imaging setup to allow her to image both oxygenated and deoxygenated hemoglobin while also doing calcium imaging (using GCaMP). While it seemed most of the work was done in young animals, there was a strike lack of correlation between blood oxygen content and neural activity. If someone could at some point do a large scale fMRI and GCaMP (or use voltage fluorescent indicators) study of cortical activity, maybe that will finally cause people to start looking at fMRI studies with more skepticism, as it relates to claiming this or that brain region is involved in a behavior or cognitive process given it lights up on fMRI scans. Below paper covers this issue in a bit more depth.
There are various areas in the pain field, specifically stimulus delivery, that would benefit from automation that could allow more precise dissection of neural involvement in pain response/sensation when combined with new optogenetic and other techniques, seeoptogenetics and pain, continued and optogenetics and pain.
While back I posted about the limits of computation. Building off the discussion about AI (advances in artificial intelligence, part 2), there is an interesting question about whether superintelligence is fundamentally limited by thermodynamics and thus can only grow so far ahead of us. I’m not sure how optical or quantum computing invalidate conclusions of the below papers, but they are interesting reads nonetheless.
Allen Institute details a plethora of new mice in a recent Neuron paper.
Transgenic Mice for Intersectional Targeting of Neural Sensors and Effectors with High Specificity and Performance
JAX Allen Mice - mice available here.
However, I worry about GCaMP expressing mice because depending on how they are bred or what Cre line is used to drive expression, you could have an extra calcium binding protein in large numbers of cells during development and adulthood of the mice being studied. Whether this effects neural activity is unknown; though, the first place to look would be if there have been any calcineurin or other calcium binding protein overexpression studies in mice. It seems that people have performed these studies and seen changes in both cardiac function and memory. Some of the studies use modified forms of calcineurin (e.g. truncated) that may make extrapolation to constitutively expressed GCaMP problematic. However, it is worth giving pause, especially since no behavioral characterization of the mice seems to have been done in the paper.
Restricted and Regulated Overexpression Reveals Calcineurin as a Key Component in the Transition from Short-Term to Long-Term Memory
Genetic and Pharmacological Evidence for a Novel, Intermediate Phase of Long-Term Potentiation Suppressed by Calcineurin
Overexpression of calcineurin in mouse causes sudden cardiac death associated with decreased density of K+ channels
Cardiac function and electrical remodeling of the calcineurin-overexpressed transgenic mouse
Time-dependent systolic and diastolic function in mice overexpressing calcineurin
Fabian Voigt from Fritjof Helmchen’s lab came by last month. He demonstrated several videos from their new light sheet microscopes, which illuminate a plane of a sample to allow more rapid scanning of volumes. He showed several impressive videos of the beating heart of a zebrafish to demonstrate the technique.
He also talked about electrically tunable lenses, which I ran into a couple times at Photonics West. These look super useful and allow rapid focusing without needing to move any mechanical parts, something that should both allow faster imaging of volumes while also reducing chance of system failure from wear and tear.
Fast two-layer two-photon imaging of neuronal cell populations using an electrically tunable lens
Tunable Optics - nice overview of tunable optics.
Was talking with Benjamin Grewe, a postdoc in the Schnitzer lab, about the recent Nature paper from Google utilizing an algorithm developed at DeepMind. DeepMind was bought by Google and it seems this allows one to go from the arXiv to Nature. Bernhard Scholkopf gives a pretty good overview of the paper and some of the related literature. I’ll build a bit on my first AI post here, advances in artificial intelligence for the first entry.
Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning - original arXiv paper.
Artificial intelligence: Learning to see and act - a good layman’s overview.
This additionally got me thinking again about general artificial intelligence. Vernor Vinge and others have been predicting technological singularity or more accurately, the point at which better than human intelligence is created, for some time now. The issue still seems to be that most AI is domain specific. Even in the Atari example, that program would likely utterly fail if asked to interpret what is going on in the Oath of the Horatii or if it was asked to design a simple circuit to make lights blink when the door opens. How can narrow AI, that is AI which is very good at a specific task, be combined to make a more general AI that has order of magnitude more processing power and reasoning ability compared to a human working in the same field? Below are a number of articles exploring this issue in depth.
Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies - pretty good overview of many concepts of superintelligence, how it could arise and evolve, and potential mechanisms to ensure that it doesn’t go rouge.
The Coming Technological Singularity: How to Survive in the Post-Human Era
We Live in a Jungle of Artificial Intelligence that will Spawn Sentience
The AI-Box Experiment - explores the question of whether an AI can convince a human to let it out of its safety box (e.g. the box used to prevent it from directly interacting with the outside world.)
The Basic AI Drives - interesting exploration of different drives that AI have.
In addition, this in some sense alludes to another recent post on artificial intelligence and the law. What happens when an AI system commits a crime (either civil or criminal)? Should the programmer be punished or at some point would the AI be considered mature enough to itself be punished? How would you do this? Considering it could have backed itself up, shutting it down isn’t punishment enough. How would this punishment signal be sent to other AI systems? Would they care?
For example, Palantir, BlackRock, and others offer data analysis software. It wouldn’t be far-fetched to imagine Google allowing one of DeepMind’s algorithms to take these company’s data analytics frameworks and enhance them for use in the stock markets. It could look at historical stock data, gather information on companies HQ and other infrastructure location, and correlate all of this with up-to-the-minute news via Google News. Thus, because they would have information on the types of words being used previously when a stock crashed or surged (via Google Trends), e.g. if there was an increased correlation of a company’s name in the news with negative wording, they could potentially take advantage of large fluctuations better than current high-frequency algorithmic trading. This would obviously only work for a short period of time, similar to the initial fabulous gains by some participants in the 80s and 90s when computers/rigorous statistics were first coming into play. But it could also lead to situations like the Some articles exploring that event in more detail below.
Manipulating circadian clock neuron firing rate resets molecular circadian rhythms and behavior -Really, the SCN is important for ? I immediately was slightly suspicious since this seemed to be common knowledge and something learned in Neuro201. Except when we learned about it, they used electrical stimulation. After a single PubMed search, I came across one of the older 1980s papers that basically already proves what this paper is demonstrating. Additional review article from the 1970s included for additional reading.
Suprachiasmatic stimulation phase shifts rodent circadian rhythms
The role of the suprachiasmatic nuclei in the generation of circadian rhythms in the golden hamster, Mesocricetus auratus
To this end, DrugMonkey has a rather biting post on a recent Nature paper, see Nature publishes overwhelmingly proven ``NEW AMAZING FINDING''....because optogenetics!. Anyways below is the new Nature paper and a cadre of older papers looking at the behavior investigated.
Thirst driving and suppressing signals encoded by distinct neural populations in the brain - the new paper
Why Do We Feel Thirst? An Interview with Yuki Oka Anteroventral Wall Of The Third Ventricle And Dorsal Lamina Terminalis: Headquarters For Control Of Body Fluid Homeostasis?
Drinking behavior following electrical stimulation of the subfornical organ in the rat. - paper from 1983 where they do a similar study only using eletrical stimulation.
Metabotropic glutamate receptors in median preoptic neurons modulate neuronal excitability and glutamatergic and GABAergic inputs from the subfornical organ.
Endogenous angiotensin II facilitates GABAergic neurotransmission afferent to the Na+-responsive neurons of the rat median preoptic nucleus.
Angiotensinergic and cholinergic receptors of the subfornical organ mediate sodium intake induced by GABAergic activation of the lateral parabrachial nucleus.
Activation of the renin-angiotensin system, specifically in the subfornical organ is sufficient to induce fluid intake.
Also, I noticed that Charles Zuker has seemingly only published in Cell/Nature/Science over the last decade (see Zuker lab publications). Didn’t know that was possible.
It is currently extremely difficult to measure electrical activity in an axon coming from a specific brain region. For these reasons, fluorescent protein indicators of neural activity are used, such as GCaMP. One can do this be either expressing GCaMP at high levels such that it diffuses down the axon or by tagging it with synaptophysin GCaMP (SyGCaMP) to help localize it to axon terminals. This later strategy has been used before and seems promising for future work, see below for a couple articles.
There is a rather worrying trend toward National Institute of Health (NIH) R01 grants (one of the main funding mechanisms used by the NIH to fund research) going to older and older investigators. While this helps maintain large labs and fund a variety of important projects, there is an argument to be made that this money is not being spent in the most effective manner.
This argument can come from several angles, the most obvious is using the criteria of scientific productivity. Using Nobel Prizes as the gold standard, across biology, chemistry and physics the most productive years are between 34-38 years.(Stephan and Levin, 1993) Using other criteria, it was found that productivity of biomedical scientists appears to peak in their early 30s.(Falagas et al., 2008) However, when one looks at the age distribution of NIH R01 investigators (Fig. Figure 30), the number of faculty and new investigators getting grants in this age range is dropping fast. However, it is unlikely that this will change unless there is a revolution in the NIH’s incentives and structure. I cannot find data listing the ages of the NIH review committees, which might provide some insight into the biases that might be driving this trend.
Below are a list of several publications that look at scientific productivity as a function of age:
Age and scientific productivity. Differences between fields of learning
Fostering the Independence of New Investigators in Biomedical Research. - Where Are We Now?
This also gets into questions how the current state of postdoctoral research, but I will save that for another time. In the meantime, below are a couple interesting reads.
Last year I discussed several papers that imaged zebrafish using light sheet microscopy, see whole animal 3D imaging. Now that Misha Ahrens has his own lab at Janelia, he has advanced the work he published two years ago. He has an excellent primer in Neuron going over different methods to visualize animal neural activity in 3D.
This also gets at another issue, which is how closely findings in lower animals, such as the widely used rodent, match similar studies in humans. There are many arguments both in favor and against animal models, from the number of pre-clinical animal model drug studies that don’t end up having the same effect in patients. There need to be more studies like Becerra, 2013 that measure experimental variables in both humans and rodents to help assuage fears that rodents neural activity is fundamentally different in response to pain.
I previously talked about spatial navigation in bats and while at a graduate student seminar by Hannah Frank in the Hadly Lab, the topic of GPS navigation in bats came up. I vaguely remembered that the Ulanovsky Lab in Israel had done similar work and it seems that is actually the case. See below for a couple articles on the subject. It would be amazing if someone could record from the bat’s hippocampus during these long flights to see how spatial information is represented on these scales, e.g. do place cells expand the size of their place fields, respond to many more places along the bats path, or does a higher-level code relating the activity of multiple place fields kick in?
In some sense, one end goal of neuroscience would be to understand the brain enough—both how it is wired and the pattern of neural activity used to produce sensations, store experiences, and create ideas—to allow us to manipulate its activity to allow for entirely new experiences. And while virtual reality is currently very hot in tech—Facebook bought Oculus, Google Glass is still chugging along (and in need of a revamp or new marketing), and Microsoft recently unveiled HoloLens—a real advance would be the ability to directly project scenes and experiences into the human brain, such as a recent study that used electroencephalography (EEG) to record brain signals from one human and use them to induce motor behavior in another human via transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of the motor cortex.(Rao et al., 2014)
On a related note, this would potentially allow us to hijack our knowledge of the brains amazing plasticity to expand our repertoire of senses. Neil Harbisson gave a talk about listening to color, whereby a device allows him to hear different colors, see I listen to color. This uses an eyeborg that converts light into sound. It is easy to imagine adapting such a device to list in for UV, X-ray, Infrared, and other radiation, as is used in a primitive manner with Geiger counters and similar devices. Only, imagine this information could be routed directly to the visual cortex, allowing one to rudimentary see other forms of radiation without blocking visualization of the normal visible light spectrum.
Oculus VR - now owned by Facebook
In Defense of Academic Writing - a nice counterbalance to the other articles.
The article recommends a couple books for those looking to write clean, concise prose that a reader can easily and logically follow.
He also notes several scientific authors whose writing abilities are to be admired and studied: Waltz, Thomas Schelling, James Scott, John Mueller, Deirdre McCloskey, and Charles Krauthammer.
Garret Stuber has a new paper detailing the role of specific lateral hypothalamic (LH) neuron populations in promoting appetitive behavior. Part of the study uses the miniature microscope to image endogenous neural activity in the LH. The resulting analysis is rather simple, but does suggest that consummatory and appetitive behavior induce firing in non-overlapping LH neuron populations.
Their videos have a good deal of brain motion, which will affect proper cell detection and calcium signal extraction techniques; though, their neurons are magnified (owing to the fact that they are using the smaller 0.5mm in diameter lenses instead of the more standard 1.0mm). This is an okay demonstration of the technique, no detailed analysis of the code used by the LH beyond some cells go up and others go down or validation of their cross-session cell alignment is given. Also, the classification of cells into Food-zone excited and Food-zone inhibited cells is not very precise, they only use a ratio between calcium activity in the two zones rather than mutual information or a more precise metric (that takes into account firing rates, time spent in location/how often stimuli are presented, etc.).
A quick note: Figure S6 is rather misleading, as they don’t plot it compared to the animals activity and thus it is unclear whether cells become less responsive to the task or the animal just stops moving (they don’t have a figure plotting a cumulative total movement or distance per time bin as is standard when tracking animal movement in an open field-like environment).
Anyways, as more papers are published using this technique, the rigor in analysis will likely go up as the wow factor decreases and people start looking more at the content of data being produced by the technique.
As a nice bonus, the results match what was seen in a paper in the same issue from Kay Tye’s lab.
I will likely turn the below post into a permenant resource here on my main website.
Choosing a thesis lab, advisor, and scientific problem you want to solve can often be a confusing experience without some guidance and considering that some decisions will end up defining one aspect of your life for several years, it is important to spend the time to get a variety of advice from as many sources as possible. Below are articles going over this decision and what to look out for during rotations and other interactions leading up to deciding on a lab.
Decisions, decisions - great article by Bargmann about the pitfalls to avoid in a scientific career.
Choosing a Thesis Lab: Things to consider before and during rotations - great manual from UCSF.
How to succeed in science: a concise guide for young biomedical scientists. Part I: taking the plunge
How to succeed in science: a concise guide for young biomedical scientists. Part II: making discoveries
Sometimes it’s good to go back and read the documents you browsed through when first starting graduate school. The main reason is that helps provide perspective and identify where you might be going astray. Below is a useful list of resources along the lines of what it takes to be successful in graduate school.
That is one debate going on in physics as people start to take string theory, multi-verses, and other hypotheses more seriously. The key problem is that some of these cosmological hypotheses are not testable, at least not given what we know about the current rules of physics. This raises a key question, if a theory is sufficiently elegant and mathematically sound, should one need to conduct experiments to prove it? As a biologist, I’m heavily biased towards yes, as that is the foundation of science. However, there are arguments in the other direction as well. See below.
Haruhiko Bito gave a talk today that covered some of his lab’s work using an improved version of RCaMP, a red fluorescent indicator of calcium concentration that is used as a readout of neuronal activity, to do simultaneousness imaging in cortical somatostatin interneurons and excitatory pyramidal cells (using both RCaMP and GCaMP). While the same could be accomplished genetically by crossing Cre versions of those mouse lines with tdTomato reporter lines, this might open up additional experiments that wouldn’t be possible, given that Cre expression during development isn’t always specific, etc.
Ambition the film - nice short film advertising the mission.
Gyorgy Buzsaki gave a talk at Stanford today that was fairly enlightening. I’ll just link to several papers he mentioned that are good reads.
Might as well post the full list of relevant articles relating to this sub-field that is bound to explode (I’ve already talked about it: see dual photo-stimulation and imaging, freely moving dual photostimulation and imaging, and dual photo-stimulation and imaging, cont'd)
Computer-Generated Holographic Beams for the Investigation of the Molecular and Circuit Function
Two-photon excitation in scattering media by spatiotemporally shaped beams and their application in optogenetic stimulation
Functional patterned multiphoton excitation deep inside scattering tissue
Spatially Selective Holographic Photoactivation and Functional Fluorescence Imaging in Freely Behaving Mice with a Fiberscope
Simultaneous all-optical manipulation and recording of neural circuit activity with cellular resolution in vivo
Two-photon optogenetics of dendritic spines and neural circuits
Simultaneous cellular-resolution optical perturbation and imaging of place cell firing fields
This is an interesting paper that attempts to look at how a 10,000 bit computer would be designed. Keep in mind most computers today are either 32-bit or 64-bit (and in many applications that seems more than enough).
Came across this issue of Current Opinion in Neurobiology awhile back, but still find it quite useful.
Groups such as Jin Hyung Lee at Stanford and others have looked into using optogenetics and fMRI to probe brain wide neural response to specific perturbations. This could lead to interesting analysis of the effects of stimulating neuromodulatory brain areas—ventral tegmental area, locus coreleus, dorsal raphae, etc.—on whole brain activity. However, always keep in mind that fMRI currently does not measure neural activity, but blood oxygen content, which has been shown in various cases to be weakly correlated, or not at all, to neural activity.
Interesting read, looks at re-framing the issue of what the neural code is, e.g. how we make sense of the firing patterns in the brain as they relate to behavior or other cognitive outputs/processes.
Also the rest of the NewScientist 2015 science stories are interesting:
Something to keep in mind now that AI is growing exponentially (see DeepMind) and that if the EU succeed in its initiative to simulate the human brain, the question will arise how do we test that it is ‘intelligent’ in our definition of the term.
An interesting related question is whether our brains store verbs, nouns, adverbs, and other grammatical constructs differently within the brain, e.g. is the firing patterns in the auditory cortex or Wernicke’s/Broca’s in response to and during the production of speech more distinct between nouns/verbs or solely based on the frequency spectrum produced by those words? Would maybe help answer questions posed long ago about why some word categories are learned sooner than others, e.g. see Why nouns are learned before verbs: Linguistic relativity versus natural partitioning.
From a purely technical standpoint this is an interesting article. That they were able to visualize single laser pulses reflecting off of mirrors and being refracted is super cool. Would be informative to combine this with recent advances in metamaterials that have allowed invisibility to become a reality on the macroscopic scale to look at how light travels through those materials, if possible.
At the CNC Annual Symposium last year Hang Lu gave a talk about a collaboration with Kang Shen to help develop high throughput microfluidic devices for screening synaptic deficits in C. elegans. One key take away from the presentation was that machines could detect more subtle changes in synapse morphology, position, and other changes than humans. Further, they could detect changes that induce many weak changes among a series of metrics, something humans find extremely difficult to assess in a rigorous, quantitative manner.
Continuing this theme, at the 2013 Conte Center Neuroscience Symposium, Ulrike Heberlein talked about work she was doing on quantitative descriptions of Drosophila courtship and other behaviors using machine vision in collaboration with the Branson Lab. Along similar lines, another lab at Janelia recently published a high-throughput method of screening for neurons involved in particular Drosophila behaviors (see Discovery of Brainwide Neural-Behavioral Maps via Multiscale Unsupervised Structure Learning). Whether these types of high-throughput characterizations of animal behavior and circuits yield novel or specific insights (beyond just increasing the complexity of the problem) still remains to be seen. Excited to see similar methods applied to research in rodents, which is oftentimes too focused on a single species (Mus musculus or Rattus norvegicus) and a narrow, specific behavior. Curiously, this same complaint about biomedical research has come up more than half a century ago, see Beach’s classic .The snark was a boojum(Beach, 1950)
Autonomous screening of C. elegans identifies genes implicated in synaptogenesis
Microfluidics for in vivo imaging of neuronal and behavioral activity in Caenorhabditis elegans
Microfluidics for the analysis of behavior, nerve regeneration, and neural cell biology in C. elegans
JAABA: interactive machine learning for automatic annotation of animal behavior
Discovery of Brainwide Neural-Behavioral Maps via Multiscale Unsupervised Structure Learning
There are many stressors in biology, from experiments that don’t work to charting out the next steps in one’s career. While many of the stressors are common to any job, several are unique to biology because the system being manipulated and studied isn’t the creation of man. And this causes it’s own peculiar problems for our control-obsessed human minds. The below article goes over some common issues biologists encounter while conducting research.
I remember several years back seeing a presentation on bat 3D place fields at Janelia Farm. You know a presentation is good, or the finding novel enough, that you can remember the room you were in while watching it over three years later. This work comes from Nachum Ulanovsky’s lab, who specializes in studying the coding of space in bats. In the most recent paper they demonstrate that head direction coding of the bat is consistent with a toroidal model of the world, that is if you model the bat’s yaw axis as rotating around the major radius and the pitch as rotating about the minor radius, then this accounts for the patter of place cell activity seen (see figure above or Extended Figure 7a in the text). It also means that the orientation and direction of the bat matters, which would not be the case in a spherical configuration.
Representation of Three-Dimensional Space in the Hippocampus of Flying Bats - one of the original papers characterizing how three dimensions is represented in bats.
A new paper claims that lifetime risk for getting a particular cancer is highly correlated with the amount of stem cell divisions that a specific tissue undergoes. On the face of it, this makes sense because each time a division occurs, there are chances for mutations to take place that lead to cancer. This has important health implications, as it can imply where treatment should focus, e.g. some cancers might inherently be more treatable through traditional means. This reminds me of an older paper by Piyush Gupta, my old academic advisor at MIT, showing that cancer populations will settle on an equilibrium state. This had implications for treatment, because it suggested that no matter how much you tried to eradicate a particular cancer, it would always come back given the right environment.
Was recently listening to Elon Musk talk about his work ethic and principles (see Elon Musk - Work ethics, Principles, Attitude, Failure - Pearls of Advice). In it, he reiterated a point that one notices him mention in many of his interviews and speeches, the idea that taking a first-principles view of the world, as physicists are taught to do, rather than working by analogy can allow you to discover new truths by pointing out logical gaps or counterintuitive thoughts that others missed. He often gives this advice when talking about the formation of SpaceX, that he first reduced the problem of making a space craft to it’s simplest form, that is the raw materials. He then worked up from there, estimating the costs of each component and realizing that rockets in essence where cheap, it is just the rearrangement of the raw materials that is expensive (e.g. like much of manufacturing).
This lead me to start searching for other cases where people attempt to generalize from a physicist’s point of view and apply it to the real world. Below are a collection of articles along those lines.
Can a biologist fix a radio?—Or, what I learned while studying apoptosis - this is a classic essay on the stages that biomedical research go through and how biologists sometimes approach a problem.
Conceptual Models and Analytical Tools: The Biology of Physicist Max Delbrück
Was looking into two photon imaging in freely moving animals, it would be useful for multi-colored imaging of different cell-types or other experiments. However, rather than finding a glut of papers, it seems that this fell out of popularity. Several lab members noted that this was partially owing to the fact that instead of using galvos to scan the field of view, most designs vibrated the fiber, which leads to many problems when an animal is moving and is apparently not very reliable. Further, the field of view was never very large, limiting its usefulness in studying large neuronal populations. Anyways, a couple of the papers below:
I recently pointed to several papers concerning voltage imaging (see voltage imaging, screening for better probes). A new probe can be added to the list, it is a modified version of ArcLight called Bongwoori. The paper talks a bit about the process they went through to create the probe and go on to characterize it’s properties in hippocampal slices. Seems promising.
On a slightly different note (building off the voltage sensor news above), there has been a trend toward mesoscopic imaging (see large scale imaging and other papers) and this paper extends that to the visual cortex using voltage indicators. It would be particularly interesting to see someone combine two colors of voltage imaging to look at how membrane fluctuations of glia/astrocytes influence neuronal membrane potentials on a global scale.
A paper released last November by Jérôme Lecoq, a postdoc in my thesis lab, uses multiple microscopes to image distal brain regions. While not being able to cover as wide a field of view, he was able to do two-photon imaging and this would allow imaging of interacting brain regions that might be hard to cover in a single field of view.
China is one country where I am still unsure about the status of the research there, e.g. how much of it should be trusted and what the general direction of research there is. For example, while Singapore started off with a fervent passion for basic biomedical research with relatively few top-down restrictions (see Singapore's salad days are over), that began to change. I remember Ian Cheong and others at Temasek Life Sciences while I was there during the summer of 2012 mentioning that there was a shift toward more applied research. Whether that is happening in China and how the vast funds at the government’s disposable are being put to use is still unclear to me. Hopefully I can clear that up soon. In the meantime, this article provide a nice overview of the state and history of molecular and cell biology research. There should be more articles like this on other countries. Especially concerning the pharmaceutical industries in various countries (this probably exists, just need to find an appropriate report).
For those wanting to do any work with microcontrollers, the Intel Galileo seems like a good option.
While there are many advantages to imaging—being able to track cells across days, genetic specificity, dual photostimulation and images, and many others—the temporal resolution and several other advantages still make tetrodes a useful tool in any systems neuroscientist’s belt. Below are a couple papers that utilize a technique whereby channelrhodopsin (or another optogentically activatable protein) is expressed in a subset of neurons of interests. Shining light while recording neural activity allows one to identify units that are light responsive, and are thus part of the genetically defined subset that channelrhodopsin was expressed in. Depending on the location and type of cell, there can be asterisks associated with this technique, but it seems to be picking up steam as a viable alternative to calcium imaging, especially as voltage imaging isn’t quite ready for prime time in vivo. Below are some relevant articles in the area.
Optogenetic identification of striatal projection neuron subtypes during in vivo recordings
A Guide to In vivo Single-unit Recording from Optogenetically Identified Cortical Inhibitory Interneurons
In vivo optogenetic identification and manipulation of GABAergic interneuron subtypes
Targeted optogenetic stimulation and recording of neurons in vivo using cell-type-specific expression of Channelrhodopsin-2
Amygdala interneuron subtypes control fear learning through disinhibition
While back I linked to several articles that talked about optogenetics and pain (see optogenetics and pain). Wanted to link to several more papers, especially as this particular sub-field has progressed quite a bit since then. In addition, I’ve included several short overviews of the field and a paper that looks at using the technology to restore muscle function after peripheral injury. I’ll talk at length about this area more in the future, but it could help advance the pain field significantly in the coming years while providing hints at possible therapeutic avenues for chronic pain in the coming decades.
Remote Optogenetic Activation and Sensitization of Pain Pathways in Freely Moving Mice
Fast-conducting mechanoreceptors contribute to withdrawal behavior in normal and nerve injured rats
Optogenetic Control of Targeted Peripheral Axons in Freely Moving Animals
Virally mediated optogenetic excitation and inhibition of pain in freely moving nontransgenic mice
Optical Control of Muscle Function by Transplantation of Stem Cell–Derived Motor Neurons in Mice
Optogenetic Recruitment of Dorsal Raphe Serotonergic Neurons Acutely Decreases Mechanosensory Responsivity in Behaving Mice
A spinal analog of memory reconsolidation enables reversal of hyperalgesia
The search for novel analgesics: re-examining spinal cord circuits with new tools
Was recently watching Deepmind artificial intelligence @ FDOT14, where they demonstrate a new machine learning algorithm that can learn arbitrary rules that govern the movements of pixels on a video screen, also known as learning to play a video game. What is amazing about this is that they don’t give the machine syntactic rules about the games, only the raw video feed and access to a controller, much like a human would have. After an hour or more of training the machine is performing at or above human levels in a variety of Atari games (Pong, Space Invaders, etc.). The white paper can be found at Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning (also points out the asterisks associated with the algorithm, but still cool nonetheless).
This was partially spurred by recent comments Elon Musk has made regarding the potentially exponential growth in artificial intelligence that could pose a grave danger to humanity in the future should it go unchecked. Nick Bostrom has a rather enlightening book called Superintelligence Paths, Dangers, Strategies that gives an overview of the field of people looking to understand how superintelligence among artificial intelligence might emerge and what we can do about it.
These developments are interesting because it also shines light on a fundamental goal of neuroscience: discover what algorithm the brain uses to allow processing of sensory input to produce an optimal behavioral output. Presumably this would allow us to build better robotic devices, improved search and other algorithms, and develop a host of new technologies. To put things in perspective, a small fruit fly no smaller than a lowercase ‘o’ on the keyboard can navigate complex environments and avoid potential predators using minuscule amount of energy. We currently have nothing machine-wise that can perform at that level and ones that can need orders of magnitude more energy. However, if more and more generalizable algorithms like DeepMind come into play, it may obviate the need to even explore this aspect of neuroscience. This is something people studying reinforcement and other learning paradigms should keep in mind when selling their research, though the issue is still probably a decade or two away from becoming serious enough to cause people to start looking for other jobs.
On a drive down from northern California awhile back Devon Chandler-Brown and I had a conversation about what would happen if a robot committed a crime, say murder or burglary? Who would be responsible? If the owner was responsible, that would open up a whole can of worms, because in essence that would be punishing the parent for the sins of their offspring, something we’ve in general moved past (in the West). However, if the robot was to be punished, how would that play out? If they are not fully self-aware, shutting it down doesn’t send a negative signal to other semi-aware robots (as execution or imprisonment does to humans). On the other hand, if they are fully-aware, they would probably have backed themselves up somewhere, so any punishment is moot since they could just boot up the back-up in case of emergency.
Rather than going into the minutiae of that conversation, I would like to point to several articles that go over this issue in greater detail, as it seems that lawyers are now becoming aware of this fascinating topic and trying to see how it fits within current law.
The Moral Hazards and Legal Conundrums of Our Robot-Filled Future - a great write-up by Greg Miller summarizing a panel discussion at UC Berkeley exploring the issue.
What happens when a software bot goes on a darknet shopping spree?
The popular press is at it again, making bold claims about EP2 research scientists at Stanford have performed. While neurodegeneration is undoubtedly a pressing problem, a healthy skepticism should be made about cures after a recent spat of clinical failures, see the γ-secretase Alzheimer's trials and others. The problem with the γ-secretase trials was that you had to make sure Notch signaling wasn’t radically altered, seeing as it is important signaling cascade. The same might be true for EP2 (see above figure).
Stanford University researchers found a cure for Alzheimer's disease
Blocking receptor in brain’s immune cells counters Alzheimer’s in mice, study finds
Prostaglandin signaling suppresses beneficial microglial function in Alzheimer’s disease models - link to the original article, always best to read the primary source if possible.
Rapid evaluation of a protein-based voltage probe using a field-induced membrane potential change - demonstrates a method to help screen for voltage probes.
Imaging neural spiking in brain tissue using FRET-opsin protein voltage sensors - characterizes MacQ, a new sensor.
All-optical electrophysiology in mammalian neurons using engineered microbial rhodopsins - show all-optical excitation and imaging of cultured neurons with QuasAr and CheRiff.
Last month/week I talked about papers from the Tank lab and Emiliani group detailing dual photostimulation and imaging of neural activity (see dual photo-stimulation and imaging and freely moving dual photostimulation and imaging). Adam Packer, from Michael Hausser’s lab, has published a paper in Nature Methods adding to this growing aspect of neuroscience research.
Simultaneous all-optical manipulation and recording of neural circuit activity with cellular resolution in vivo
Also, the below papers might be of interest as further reading. They demonstrate earlier uses of both patterned excitation profiles with SLMs and laser-scanning excitation.
Scanless two-photon excitation of channelrhodopsin-2 - demonstrates the use of spatial light modulators for creating patterned excitation profiles, which is used by Adam in his paper.
Non-redundant odor coding by sister mitral cells revealed by light addressable glomeruli in the mouse - uses laser-scanning to excite individual glomeruli in the olfactory bulb.
Asked Adam about the issues of non-specific photostimulation that both him and the Tank lab are seeing in these experiments, I’ve summarized his response below.
The most relevant figures are figure 3b in the Tank paper and supplementary figures 1 and 5 in Adam’s (see above figure). I had originally thought that the spatial light modulators (SLM) that Adam and co. used in their paper might increase the PSF size leading to reduced specificity in the targeted illumination pattern. However, he mentioned that was not the case and that their PSF size is still determined by objective filling parameters (see The Diffraction Barrier in Optical Microscopy for more). He indicated that it is still unclear how much non-specific stimulation is due direct photostimulation or evoked responses from neurons connected to the targeted neuron.
He did note that photostimulation of dendritic processes was possible (see figure 2 of Packer, 2012) or that out-of-focus stimulation could occur due to channelrhodopsin’s large two-photo excitation profile (see figure 2 of Rickgauer, 2009).
I’ll provide additional updates/thoughts that seem relevant/pertinent as they arise.
The BRAIN initiative provided added fuel to an already growing fire, in this case the trend in neuroscience toward larger collaborations as it has become clear that to tackle the complexity of the brain, expertise from a larger variety of fields needs to be coordinated toward a common purpose. While the benefit of Big Science may be in laying out groundwork for small science to make conceptual advances (as Graur and co. argued was what went wrong with the ENCODE project [along with others], since it tried to do both), there is still the possibility that mixing the two in a single institute could yield a higher probability that the transition would take place. Below are a couple of the new foundations/institutes being pushed along with a slightly older one.
Paul G. Allen to Give 100 Million to Create Cell Science Institute - Allen already provided a super valuable resources with the Allen Brain Institute, let’s see if it can be repeated with the new cell science institute.
Simons Collaboration on the Global Brain: Scientific Mission of the Collaboration
Several years back the FDA created the Breakthrough Therapies program to help speed the approval process of drugs that will demonstrably provide dramatically better care for a specific group of patients. While the below trial is only a demonstration of using stem cells to treat age-related macular degeneration, it would be interesting to see whether the results from these types of early-stage clinical trials can be fast-tracked into hospitals, should they prove to be safe.
Earlier this year I reported on a talk by Loren Looger that detailed some new technologies coming out of Janelia (see new neuroscience tools from janelia). Below is a short piece talking in more detail about CaMPARI, the .
Now that the miniature microscope is in the hands of many labs we should start seeing many of its potential promises: imaging of neural activity in freely moving mice, tracking of neurons across sessions (e.g. days), exploration of genetically or anatomically defined subsets of neurons, and more. A couple of miniature microscope papers have been released recently. One details the effects of an GABA-A agonist (Zolpidem, normally used to treat insomnia) on CA1 neural activity. It would have been more interesting if they also imaged GABAergic neurons in the CA1 to see how they are affected as well. The other paper uses the miniscope to image cancer cells in the vasculature, a quite different goal.
Last month I talked about a paper from the Tank lab detailing dual photostimulation and imaging (DPSI) of neural activity (see dual photo-stimulation and imaging). There is now a new paper from Valentina Emiliani’s group that demonstrates DPSI with freely moving animals. They employ several tricks to get around their non-optimal choice of using ChR2-tdTomato and GCaMP5-G to stimulate and image (they have overlapping excitation spectra). They demonstrate that with some modifications to the imaging, they can reduce background excitation. However, their videos demonstrating dual excitation and imaging are not the most convincing. However, at least they have videos, seems like some imaging papers don’t include any which always makes one a bit suspicious.
Wireless Neurosensor for Full-Spectrum Electrophysiology Recordings during Free Behavior - new paper detailing wireless recording in primates.
A Wireless Multi-Channel Recording System for Freely Behaving Mice and Rats
Some regions of the brain are difficult to access for optical imaging due to their awkward orientation or the location of obstacles (e.g. blood vessels) that make it difficult to access without causing serious damage to overlying tissue or structures. The Tank lab has released a paper outlining a method that uses microprisms to help image the prefrontal cortex (involved in emotion, executive processing, and other higher-level cognitive functions) and medial entorhinal cortex (associated with grid cells that help with navigation of environments). Each structure is either occluded by blood vessels or located at an awkward angle, respectively. This build off previous work, such as a the Levene lab’s paper from last year (see below).
Chronic Cellular Imaging of Entire Cortical Columns in Awake Mice Using Microprisms - a paper from last year detailing a similar method but instead using it to image different layers of the visual cortex.
Cellular resolution optical access to brain regions in fissures: Imaging medial prefrontal cortex and grid cells in entorhinal cortex
The neuronal encoding of information in the brain - rather good review on fundamentals and techniques for analyzing how information is encoded in the brain.
Neural Representation and the Cortical Code - another great review analyzing different codes used by the cortex.
Nature promotes read-only sharing by subscribers - this is a nice step forward. There should be a law that dictates for papers that have a certain percentage of government funding (say 50% or greater) they must be offered free to the public.
Neuroscience and education: myths and messages - a nice primer on some neuroscience myths that pervade in popular culture.
The emergence of functional microcircuits in visual cortex - cool visual cortex paper analyzing how the connectivity rate between L2/3 pyramidal neurons changed after eye opening, specifically between neurons that respond to similar/different stimuli.
Single-shot compressed ultrafast photography at one hundred billion frames per second
There are a myriad of ways to discover research articles: Pubmed (can create personalized rss feeds from searches), Google Scholar (great for finding alternative versions of articles), Web of Knowledge, school library websites, etc. However, there is still a vast trove of papers being published that can be hard to keep up with. Sciencescape hopes to alleviate that problem by providing personalized updates on specific areas of science. Time will tell if this will help people discover and digest research articles better.
There has been, and continues to be, an explosion in technologies with neuroscience applications. Keeping track of them all can be daunting at times, especially for someone entering the field. I’ve decided to begin assembling a list of neurotechnologies into a living document. Very early draft form is below on Google Doc, still deciding on the best way format and share such a resource.
Markus Meister has a rebuttal to the recent Science paper that uses a simple assay and projections to predict that humans can discriminate over 1 trillion odors. A brief reading of the paper and rebuttal gives the impression that there is a subtle distinction between how one wants to define ‘discriminate’ in terms of the dimensionality of the sensory systems detectors and how the animal actually perceives the sensations.
For example, subjects report that many complex odor mixtures (composed of 30 individual odor components) actually smell alike.(Weiss et al., 2012) So while a pairwise comparison between many complex mixtures might show discrimination, it does not demonstrate that we actually can perceive all of them differently (in the sense that we could describe the aroma or associate it with a distinct event/object), only that we can tell the difference between mixtures that are nearby in odor-space. This is a subtle point and Markus does a good job teasing apart where the paper appears to have gone off-track and also suggests how one could design an experiment to properly test the question (how many odors can humans detect). Give both papers a read, it’s well worth the effort.
Humans Can Discriminate More than 1 Trillion Olfactory Stimuli - the original paper.
Can Humans Really Discriminate 1 Trillion Odors? - the rebuttal.
In brief, the paper demonstrate that one can image neural activity (using GCaMP3, an indicator of calcium activity, which is a surrogate for neural activity) and simultaneously stimulate the same neurons individually (using C1V1, a protein that excites cells when red light is shone on them). This idea of measuring neural activity then stimulating those same cells has been around, and several groups have already demonstrated single-cell optogenetic excitation using patterned illumination and other techniques (see below for several examples/reviews).
Targeting neurons and photons for optogenetics - Hausser and co. give a great overview of some of the concepts tested in the paper.
Two-photon excitation in scattering media by spatiotemporally shaped beams and their application in optogenetic stimulation
Computer-Generated Holographic Beams for the Investigation of the Molecular and Circuit Function
Functional patterned multiphoton excitation deep inside scattering tissue
The paper does a good job showing the technique’s robustness and some limits, but more details on the other optogenetic protein and calcium sensor pairs they claimed to have tested would have been appreciated. The supplemental is rather weak and a video demonstrating the dual stimulating/imaging should have been included (not sure why this isn’t already a requirement for published imaging experiments).
Part of the study looks at using low-power stimulation to perturb network activity and reveal sub-threshold activity of individual cells, which should lead to some interesting applications that build off of Albert Lee's work looking at silent place cells: if combined with recent advances in voltage imaging, this could allow the neuroscience community to address fundamental questions relating to how the intrinsic dynamics of neurons leads to their recruitment during behavior.
This paper, if the technique holds, is going to be a significant new technique in the field and has potential applications beyond neuroscience.1
The Craft of Scientific Presentations: Critical Steps to Succeed and Critical Errors to Avoid - goes over the presentation styles of many great scientists/engineers and points out why some succeeded and others failed.
slide:ology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations
Giving science talks - great overview of the general layout of a talk, what to keep in mind, and general tips/pointers.
Susan McConnell (Stanford): Designing effective scientific presentations (youtube) - was a teaching assistant for Sue and she utilizes many of the concepts she talks about in this video to great effect in her developmental neurobiology class.
Creating effective slides: Design, Construction, and Use in Science (youtube) - compliments Sue video on presenting.
Pimp your PowerPoint - just goes over several tips to improve slides. - pretty nice website for getting inspiration.
Scientific Presentations The Assertion-Evidence Approach - useful for the videos at the bottom showing students putting presentation approaches into practice.
We Have Met the Enemy and He Is PowerPoint - an interesting look at where misapplication of a presentation technology can affect how effectively the presentations content is received, discussed, and used.
Duarte Portfolio - good source of inspiration.
Imaging Activity in Neurons and Glia with a Polr2a-Based and Cre-Dependent GCaMP5G-IRES-tdTomato Reporter Mouse - they visualize expression of GCaMP5 under a fluorescence stereoscope, a very low-tech but inexpensive way to check reporter expression patterns.
Sensory-Related Neural Activity Regulates the Structure of Vascular Networks in the Cerebral Cortex
Multiscale Optical Ca2+ Imaging of Tonal Organization in Mouse Auditory Cortex - cool paper that using epifluoresence imaging to make tonotopic maps in the auditory cortex through a 4mm2 field of view. Seems like a useful tool, especially when combined with two-photon imaging to get a more detailed view of neural activity in each region.
Use of differentiated pluripotent stem cells as replacement therapy for treating disease
Pointing toward physics and saying how they’ve got it figured out is easy, but it doesn’t help in conceptualizing what biologists’ end goals should be. Should we converge on a statistical (thermodynamics), first-principles/observational (classical physics), or some combination of the two? e.g. if i am a big pharma company, would my goals for understanding biology be different than a theoretical systems biologist?
In one case you might just want to do enough experiments that you have large look-up tables for every possible combination of genes and their resulting correlation to cellular action/animal behavior while having secondary databases documenting effects of drugs on these correlations. You won’t need to necessarily know down to the atom exactly how protein A interacts with proteins B-Z, only that protein A has this weak effect and we can correct it (in the case of diseases) with drug A. On the other hand, you might want to build computational models at some level of abstraction—molecules, cells, organ systems, etc.—to simulate the body and thus be able to apply perturbations artificially and see if they match experimental results, validating the underlying models to a degree. These would involve very different technologies and approaches.
Anyways, it seems that Aping Mankind, A Skeptic's Guide to the Mind, and others are good starting points for those wishing to get a picture of the limits of neuroscience and get an alternative view to the hype machine surrounding the USA and Europe’s recent pushes in neuroscience.
This entry is a bit farther afield, but was inspired by a chat with a friend about interstellar travel (partially stemming from a conversation about the excellent the Martian) and how crews would respond if they knew that they would be a stop-gap on a multi-generational mission across the stars. In that sense, it is psychology-related and thus neuroscience related. Bam. Relevant.
So the basic premise is this. Assuming we don’t discover faster-than-light travel and are only ever able to attain several percents the speed of light, it will probably take multi-generational missions to reach other planets. Several questions arise when trying to plan such a mission:
can people survive the radiation for that long/will offspring be viable?
what psychological problems will evolve for people who know they will die in the middle of space (and can we simulate/study such conditions on Earth)?
can you instill the same discipline in second, third, and other generations to prevent politics and other issues from distrupting the mission?
how do you deal with inbreeding and are all possible matches pre-planned beforehand to reduce this?
are there fundamental differences in space travel beyond the heliosphere?
how do you adjust course once inside another star system given that most planets are only detected by the wobble of their host star and their location isn’t exact?
on more ethical grounds, can we justify terminating or corralling extraterrestrial species if it allows us to properly terraform a planet?
more to the point, does Manifest Destiny apply to the cosmos (especially when the fate of our species is at stake)? Or should we follow a doctrine similar to the Prime Directive from Star Trek of non-interference?
what mode(s) of travel are most reasonable and do you need multi-stage systems to assemble the necessary supplies in a cost-efficient manner?
These are just some of the questions that first came to mind and there are many more. It seemed prudent to do a little background research and see what the status was of the field. I’ve compiled a couple books/articles that seem useful and will add to the list as i find more. I might look into contacting those working in this area to get a better idea of the state-of-the-art (especially given Inspiration Mars Foundation and other concrete plans to start testing long-term space flight, ignoring whether these private enterprises will succeed).
The Starflight Handbook: A Pioneer's Guide to Interstellar Travel
Interstellar Travel andMulti-Generational Space Ships: Apogee Books Space Series 34
The Case for Mars: The Plan to Settle the Red Planet and Why We Must
the Martian - this is an excellent survival story and look at near future technologies that NASA might employ during a Mars mission.
Cosmos: A Personal Voyage - an older TV show, but relevant in providing a layman's outline for our understanding of various aspects of space.
Alone in the Void - good op-ed covering some aspects of the topic, he does have a phrase ``Short of a scientific miracle of the kind that has never occurred[...]'' that makes one want to say ``Challenge accepted.''.
Time to Plan for a Mission to Alpha Centauri - briefly talks about discovery of an Alpha Centauri B planet and in a wider context, what all the planets discovered by Kepler mean for interstellar travel. He also touches on whether it would be ethical to take-over an already occupied planet.
Fundamentals of Astrodynamics - a useful reference for those inclined to have a more technical understanding of inter-planetary travel.
Mining The Sky: Untold Riches From The Asteroids, Comets, And Planets
Centauri Dreams: Imagining and Planning Interstellar Exploration
Igor Markov has a great review on the fundamental limits to computation. This article reminds me of an older Science article about desalination (The Future of Seawater Desalination: Energy, Technology, and the Environment) that also touches on the fundamental limits in that area by focusing on thermodynamic properties of the process. It is nice that this current paper on computation also talks about the flexibility of what we know regarding limits, thus giving hope for more future advances.
Von Neumann architecture has been the prevailing method for computer design. However, it runs into issues when trying to do massive parallel computing, something the brain is optimized for. A new paper in science explore design of an integrated circuit based on brain architecture. This seems to build off older work at Intel and elsewhere on neuromorphic devices.
Found this Current Opinion in Neurobiology issue from 2012 quite interesting. In particular this figure that shows microcircuit structures and their resulting computations is a nice simplification that should maybe be extended to each new circuit characterized in different brain regions. This has been done extensively for the retina, but doing so in the cortex, striatum, and other regions might aid in a more concrete understanding of those circuits and easier integration of knowledge accumulated from those regions into a larger understanding of how they all work together.
The Allen Brain Atlas has been leading the way in collecting, organizing, and sharing systematic data on mouse gene expression and whole brain tracing. Other programs, such as USC’s Mouse Connectome Project, are also helping systematize knowledge in this area. Below are several recent papers that are taking advantage of the explosion in rabies (great overview article) and other retrograde tracers for analyzing regional connectivity and its possible influence on brain function.
A Whole-Brain Atlas of Inputs to Serotonergic Neurons of the Dorsal and Median Raphe Nuclei - they also do some electrophysiology to verify the connection between striatal D1 to dorsal raphe and several other structures.
Organization of Monosynaptic Inputs to the Serotonin and Dopamine Neuromodulatory Systems - this seems to be a follow up to the group's other recent tracking paper: Whole-Brain Mapping of Direct Inputs to Midbrain Dopamine Neurons
A comprehensive thalamocortical projection map at the mesoscopic level
Below are a couple interesting papers from the last week. Particularly interesting is the last paper looking at the recruitment of different interneuron and motorneuron populations as zebrafish swim faster, as if the organism has a built-in gearbox.
Single-Cell Phenotyping within Transparent Intact Tissue through Whole-Body Clearing
Identifying Functional Connections of the Inner Photoreceptors in Drosophila using Tango-Trace
Network Structure within the Cerebellar Input Layer Enables Lossless Sparse Encoding - interesting paper that explores how encoding properties change as synaptic weights and connectivity are varied
Presynaptic Partners of Dorsal Raphe Serotonergic and GABAergic Neurons
A Whole-Brain Atlas of Inputs to Serotonergic Neurons of the Dorsal and Median Raphe Nuclei
Neurons Are Recruited to a Memory Trace Based on Relative Neuronal Excitability Immediately before Training
Separate Microcircuit Modules of Distinct V2a Interneurons and Motoneurons Control the Speed of Locomotion
Some recent papers in Nature:
Genome-scale functional characterization of Drosophila developmental enhancers in vivo - you can almost spot Janelia papers now just by reading the title.
Cerebellum involvement in cortical sensorimotor circuits for the control of voluntary movements
`Silent' mitral cells dominate odor responses in the olfactory bulb of awake mice
A comprehensive thalamocortical projection map at the mesoscopic level
And always nice to see news ways to address neural coding during chronic pain:
In a previous post i talked briefly about quantifying scientific progress. Beyond the literature cited there that explored how resulting scientific productivity compared to funding and review panel scores, there is also another question: how do you quantifying scientific impact? What metrics best account for studies or papers that end up being game changers?
Looking past citations, how do you measure the diffusion of an important paper’s ideas? Especially because they should be useful outside the field in question and thus hard to pinpoint the source when looking through another fields literature. Will we ever have the data to determine where useful ideas pop up? For example, we could have the notes of every scientist and analyze when they read certain articles and when the resulting connecting ideas were formed. And if we did, could we really optimize the discovery process? Those are questions for another day, but for now, the below reading should provide some qualitative and quantitative ideas on how to approach those questions.
One interesting finding from Wang, 2013(Wang et al., 2013) is that for the most highly cited papers, the correlation between the first couple years citations and end citations breaks down. While this makes intuitive sense, the most astounding findings might be ignored because academia is rather conservative in its adoption of new ideas, it does lead one to wonder in what other cases the measures used to review and fund projects start to break down for the most forward thinking ideas, and how one differentiates those from the plain bad projects.
On another interesting note, the below two papers investigate scientific mobility and impact.
While the wait is on for useful applications of CLARITY beyond pretty pictures is still on (and the whole endeavor might be superfluous given the new clearing techniques as i've discussed previously), a new paper from the Deisseroth lab seeks to address some of the technique’s problems and provide an overview of the end-to-end needed to get it working (e.g. from clearing to antibody staining to imaging).
Advanced CLARITY for rapid and high-resolution imaging of intact tissues
Other fields, such as clinical medicine, have taken to reporting the effect size, confidence interval, or other statistics that better reflect the biological, and not just statistical, significance of the finding. Below are two good reviews on the usage of effect sizes and other statistical measures other than p-values that should be used when analyzing data.
Development and Applications of CRISPR-Cas9 for Genome Engineering
While most studies have a negative control (e.g. just a fluorophore like eGFP/eYFP that doesn’t respond to light + light during behavior), opto-fMRI studies indicate that blue light does cause alterations in brain activity (fMRI response to blue light delivery in the naïve brain: Implications for combined optogenetic fMRI studies). Whether this has more subtle implications that aren’t addressed by behavioral assays used in most studies remains to be seen.
There are many uses for optogenetics where you don’t need to understand how the brain codes for behavior, so long as you obtain a specific behavioral outcome (especially if it will be used in the clinic, similar to the use of deep brain stimulation along with many small molecule and other types of drugs without knowing their exact mechanisms). Much of the hype around optogentics (Why optogenetics deserves the hype) implicitly uses this as a counter to why optogenetics is not overhyped. Fine. Except in scientific research it is being used to elucidate fundamental circuits in behavior (e.g. Dorsal Raphe Neurons Signal Reward through 5-HT and Glutamate) with an implicit/explicit assumption that these circuits encode for or are involved in the computation of specific behaviors.
Given only a specific subset of cells are active for any given stimulus (watch videos with behavior next to neural data from pretty much any two-photon, single-photon, or electrophysiology studies), something commonly attributed to sparse coding, broad spectrum activation is inherently misleading and no study has systematically activated a random subset of brain regions and assayed the mice in a behavioral battery (e.g. Behavioural battery testing: Evaluation and behavioural outcomes in 8 inbred mouse strains) to see how often significant deviations in behavior are seen given certain stimulation parameters (e.g. increase the power, duration, or frequency of the stimulus until an effect is seen).
There are a host of other fundamental problems with optogenetic experiments. I’m merely pointing out one that seems to be mostly ignored in terms of explicitly stating it as a caveat. Whether neural networks respond in a low dimensional ON/OFF fashion as most optogenetic implicitly assume is most likely false based on imaging and other measurements of endogenous neural activity. New tools to more specifically activate a subset of neurons (this is not referring to genetically defined expression, but precise, activity-based subsets) would likely prove more informative with regards to how the brain encodes environmental stimuli, computes, and drives behaviors than the glut of hyper-/hypo-activation optogenetic experiments. More on that in future posts.
Poor Productivity As A Self-inflicted Injury: Who’s Missing The Most Toes, And Why
Who's The Best In Drug Research? 22 Companies Ranked
Munos On Big Companies and Small Ones
Some of the possibilities of consumer VR are displayed in the following video: Control VR - The Future of VR and Animation
Robust multicellular computing using genetically encoded NOR gates and chemical `wires'
Using temperature to analyse temporal dynamics in the songbird motor pathway
Prediction and validation of the distinct dynamics of transient and sustained ERK activation.
Neuronal generation of the leech swimming movement.
Encoding multiple unnatural amino acids via evolution of a quadruplet-decoding ribosome
Monosynaptic restriction of transsynaptic tracing from single, genetically targeted neurons.
Came across an excellent review (it’s a couple years old) on dendritic computation by London and Hausser over at UCL. Started looking into related papers, below are two interesting papers looking at the role of (different parts of) dendrites in neural computation.
Principles Governing the Operation of Synaptic Inhibition in Dendrites
Evidence for a computational distinction between proximal and distal neuronal inhibition.
chronic, wireless recordings of large-scale brain activity in freely moving rhesus monkeys
In the Schnitzer lab, we regularly record neural activity from freely moving mice during various operant, Pavlovian, fear conditioning, pain, and other behavioral paradigms. Wireless devices are also available for zebra finches and other animals. Now a recent paper has demonstrated recording of neural activity from a freely moving rhesus monkey. Seems they were able to get 5+ years of recordings from some animals, which is pretty amazing, maybe we can start looking at how aging affects gross network activity.
Engineering a memory with LTD and LTP
Many systems neuroscientist will agree that long term depression/potentiation underly some aspects of memory in the nervous system. A new study from the Malinow lab uses optical tools to probe whether fear can be directly manipulated by inducing LTD or LTP. The studies protocol is quite simple and the use of optogenetics over electrical stimulation is unclear (besides optogenetics being in vogue). For example, there have been older studies that look at how inducing LTD/LTP can change learned behavior, such as:
Training-induced and electrically induced potentiation in the neocortex
They also show in the extended data that NMDA receptors are necessary (via MK801 blockade) for the optical conditioned response.
Multipoint-Emitting Optical Fibers for Spatially Addressable In Vivo Optogenetics
One of the main problems with most optical fibers used in optogenetic experiments is that they broadly diffuse light from the tips, potentially exciting nearby brain regions not part of the study. This recent paper from the Sabatini lab over at Harvard provides a next step toward spatially directing light coming out of an optical fiber.
The role of dendrites in auditory coincidence detection
Direct visuomotor transformations for reaching
Ion-channel defects and aberrant excitability in myotonia and periodic paralysis
Axonal delay lines for time measurement in the owl's brainstem
Optimizing Sound Features for Cortical Neurons
Multiplicative computation in a visual neuron sensitive to looming
A neuronal network for computing population vectors in the leech
Flexible control of mutual inhibition: a neural model of two-interval discrimination - really enjoyed this paper and ended up doing a presentation for it.
Influence of dendritic structure on firing pattern in model neocortical neurons
Segregation of object and background motion in the retina
Internally generated cell assembly sequences in the rat hippocampus
Auditory spatial receptive fields created by multiplication
Neuronal correlates of parametric working memory in the prefrontal cortex
Neuronal generation of the leech swimming movement
Evidence for a computational distinction between proximal and distal neuronal inhibition
While it borderlines on the absurd that this wasn’t implemented back in the 80s or 90s, given that governments have been giving citizens unique identifiers for decades, this is a welcome step forward. It would be better if they could go back and add unique identifiers to older authors. This could be automated and mistakes fixed via crowd-sourcing.
Development, learning and memory in large random networks of cortical neurons: lessons beyond anatomy — A transparent organic transistor structure for bidirectional stimulation and recording of primary neurons
However, while taking a stats class last year, I happened upon temporal exponential random graphical models (tERGMs). These seemed like a reasonable way of representing the evolving neural activity and getting some idea of the associations between cells during behavior.
Going back to my discussion with Ryan, I’m always open to new ways of quantifying neural activity. In this case, persistent homology seemed like an excellent method assuming we could find some specific way to topologically map the neural patterns into generalizable classes, similar to what was done in the below paper:
Encoding Through Patterns: Regression Tree–Based Neuronal Population Models
And more specifically, it appears that the topological analysis can be performed at different scales, in essence allowing one to determine at what spatial scales the stimuli are being encoded in the neuronal ensemble. Before thinking to deeply about the applications of persistent homology, I asked Ryan to send over a reading list to get up to speed on the subject. See below.
Topological Pattern Recognition for Point Cloud Data
Topology for computing
Three Examples Of Applied and Computational Homology
Simplicial Models and Topological Inference in Biological Systems
Chemogenetic Synaptic Silencing of Neural Circuits Localizes a Hypothalamus->Midbrain Pathway for Feeding Behavior
Always nice to see a paper use DREADDs in an effective manner to dissect a neural circuit, this time the ever fascinating and elusive one involved in feeding behavior. Further, this paper introduces hM4Dnrxn, a modified DREADD that only silences terminals. This allows specific silencing of a regions projection targets while leaving the regions integration and signaling intact. This is useful for circuit tracing, as the effects of having an added G-coupled receptor acting at the soma can have greater unintended consequences compared to one localized at the terminals.
There was a recent paper from Janelia using light-sheet microscopy to image an entire zebrafish at 0.8Hz (see Ahrens, 2013). Another paper from Janelia examined zebrafish embryogenesis using light-sheet microscopy as well (Keller, 2013) while Eric Betzig (also at Janelia) has recently published on methods to image large volumes rapidly (Wang, 2014). Vaziri and Boyden have now published a similar application of light-sheet microscopy, only this time they are imaging both C. elegans and larval zebrafish.
Simultaneous whole-animal 3D imaging of neuronal activity using light-field microscopy
That recent paper reminded me of another paper from last year. Bargmann and Albrecht over at Rockefeller used bright-field microscopy to analyze the neuronal activity of around 20 C. elegans simultaneously (Larsch, 2013). My lab is pursuing a similar project, only this one will image the brains of flies (e.g. D. melanogaster). A similar project was published that used genetically driven expression of channelrhodopsin in Drosophila to help tease apart neural correlates of behavior (see Vogelstein, 2014). Whether large-scale projects like these will yield biological conclusions remains to be seen. However, it seems like they should follow the big-science as a map, e.g. like the Human Genome project was.
Application of Tissue Clearing and Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy to Assess Optic Nerve Regeneration in Unsectioned Tissues
Lessons learned from the fate of AstraZeneca's drug pipeline: a five-dimensional framework
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Tsodyks, Misha V., and Henry Markram. The neural code between neocortical pyramidal neurons depends on neurotransmitter release probability. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 94.2 (1997): 719-723.
Hopfield, John J., and A. V. Herz. Rapid local synchronization of action potentials: Toward computation with coupled integrate-and-fire neurons. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 92.15 (1995): 6655-6662.
Von Der Malsburg, Christoph. The correlation theory of brain function. Springer New York, 1994.
Willshaw, David J., and Christoph Von Der Malsburg. A marker induction mechanism for the establishment of ordered neural mappings: its application to the retinotectal problem. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. B, Biological Sciences 287.1021 (1979): 203-243.
Srinivasan, Mandyam V., Simon B. Laughlin, and Andreas Dubs. Predictive coding: a fresh view of inhibition in the retina. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B. Biological Sciences 216.1205 (1982): 427-459.
Loren Looger, group leader at Janelia, gave a rather interesting talk today at Stanford. He went over several new technologies being developed at Janelia and the talk had an interesting, choose-your-own adventure style, a nice twist on the normal talk style. In addition, he had executive summaries for parts of the talk that he could not go over in detail. Overall, it was an excellent talk and from the discussion afterwards, it is clear that he understands and is willing to discuss the limitations of the various technologies he’s developing and the ones currently in use.
Nothing crazy new here. He mentioned that GCaMP7 is in the works and will have a lower baseline background (F0) and better SNR.
iGluSnFR (intensity-based glutamate-sensing fluorescent reporter, see Marvin, 2013) can be used as a measure of glutamate release. The kinetics of their most recent version are extremely fast, such that a slow confocal or two-photon might not show any activity because the frame-rate is too slow or averaging is washing the signal out. He mentioned that Lin Tian is working on a split trans-synaptic version, which should allow measurement of synaptic strength between regions, which could be a real boon for people studying plasticity in various paradigms.
The sensor has been used in two recently published papers:
Kainate Receptors Mediate Signaling in Both Transient and Sustained OFF Bipolar Cell Pathways in Mouse Retina
Two-Photon Imaging of Nonlinear Glutamate Release Dynamics at Bipolar Cell Synapses in the Mouse Retina
In addition to a glutamate sensor, he mentioned that they are attempting to develop dopamine, acetylcholine, adenosine, and other neurotransmitter receptors to help people answer questions pretaining to those systems, these new sensors should prove useful to Drosophila researchers where the main neurotransmitter is acetylcholine.(O’Kane, 2011) The dopamine sensor reminds me of Alan Jasanoff’s recent dopamine contrast agent paper, Lee, 2014, which uses a sensor based on directed evolution in Shapiro, 2010. While fMRI has several advantages, it is still limited by needing the animal to remain motionless, which is where the sensors could prove useful in combination with the miniature microscopes in Mark Schnitzer’s lab or other imaging technologies in the pipeline.
experiments A brief idea: the DA sensor could prove extremely helpful in deciphering the role of dopamine in both limbic and cortical (especially prefrontal cortex) structures as it relates to modulation of neuronal activity during learning, reward, addiction, and pain. While the cellular effects of the various dopamine receptors are known to a degree, precisely how local dopamine effects neuronal activity has been unavailable. If the dopamine sensor ends up being green, one could take advantage of RCaMP (see Akerboom, 2013) to simultaneous image local dopamine release and neuronal activity.
EosFP is an osmium resistant fluorophore that should be useful for helping do tracing and then using scanning electron microscope (SEM) or transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to do more detailed tracing. This can allow for error correction because the sparse labeling via the fluorescent protein can be used to see if there has been a register shift or some other problem. They are trying to make them resistant to EPON, a particular epoxy used to help keep sample rigid during slicing.
smFP (spaghetti monster fluorescent proteins, yes he has a sense of humor when naming his technologies) can be used to detect finer details when doing tracing or other studies. They basically have added FLAG, HA, myc, and potentially other protein tags that have been used for decades to allow pull-down in biochemical assays, among a variety of other uses. The tech doesn’t seem revolutionary, but appears to be a useful tool for dissecting neural circuits or things going on in areas with finer synapses and detail. For example, showed CA3 spine thorns, which are much more complex than normal dendritic spines. The data looked quite convincing.
CaMPARI (calcium modulated photoactivatable ratiometric integrator, also named from the liqueur Campari) is the name given to the new sensor. It works by taking advantage of the fact that some sensors photoconvert to a new state upon being hit by photons while others (like GCaMP calcium sensors) change state when calcium concentration changes.
problems Looger noted several drawbacks of the technique. Because of calcium dynamics, an experimenter can’t use CaMPARI to measure precise spike timing, as spikes before turning on the UV light can lead to calcium transients that leak into the light-on time. In addition, in order to photoswitch, UV light needs to be used, with two obvious problems: this can be damaging to the tissue being manipulated and is amenable to deep brain without use of a light probe or another manipulation.
applications He showed it worked with linear response by stimulating rat hippocampal neurons. Futher, using a flight-response paradigm in zebra fish (e.g. poke them with a pencil to initiate a flight response), they showed that they could get activation in freely moving fish but not those that were immobilized. Further, they partnered with Karel Svoboda to demonstrate the tech could detect direction selectivity of cells in the mouse visual cortex. Lastly, he noted that pilot experiments implied that they could visualize labeled line of the Drosophila olfactory circuit, e.g. olfactory receptor neuron to projection neuron and onward to tertiary and quaternary neurons. Could be quite interesting. Also, he mentioned that it might be possible to use three-photo imaging (this new report gives a nice overview) to do non-invasive, deep imaging of activated neurons in more superficial structures.
experiments I could easily envision several interesting experiments, for example one could look at either cocaine administration or morphine sensitization and for each dose, apply UV light. Then sacrifice the animal and FACS sort the cells then sequence to see whether there are specific cell types that are activated during drug administration (or take advantage of transgenetic Cre animals and td-Tomato reporter lines to just do two-photon alignment). Pain is a field that seems a fair bit behind in terms of systems neuroscience analysis of supraspinal regions. CaMPARI would allow an exploratory look at regions activated during noxious stimuli, pain relief or chronic pain. This might be several order of magnitude more sensitive than TRAP or similar technologies based on immediate early genes. Though, this tech is at the moment more invasive.
Apparently DuPont called Looger a decade or so ago to help them develop a system whereby they could turn on specific genes within crops. The incentive was that they had many transgenetic crops or variants that had drought, pest, etc. resistance but they could not establish a line because the F0 was sterile. They initially were looking at the commonly used inducible gene system, tetracycline. However, for obvious health reasons, this could not be put into widespread agriculture use. Thus, they started looking at several pesticides, one of which was chlorsulfuron, which happened to chemically look the nearest to tetracycline. Looger was able to show that they could use guided computational design and directed evolution to make tetracycline repressor become specific to chlorsulfuron (see the patent US 8257956 B2 - Sulfonylurea-responsive repressor proteins). They can induce expression of a reporter protein either use a spray or root absorption.
Looger seemed to focus on the fact that many GWAS studies point toward a general region in the genome or SNPs that are correlated with a particular behavior, but that they just leave it at that, which isn’t very satisfactory from a mechanistic standpoint. He wants to start seeing if there is a systematic way to look at where exactly the SNPs are occurring, enhancers, binding sites, etc. and what the biochemical consequences of these are. Then systematically seeing the changes that occur. He has already started along this track with a recent paper:
Allelic heterogeneity in NCF2 associated with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) susceptibility across four ethnic populations
Two recent papers in Science and one in Nature Medicine build on previous work (see Villeda, 2011) looking into the effects of young blood on aging mice. One, from Amy Wagers’s group at Harvard, identifies GDF11 as a possible molecular component of young blood crucial for the anti-aging effects seen, specifically focusing on skeletal muscles. The other, coming out of Lee Rubin’s lab in collaboration with the Wagers lab, also illustrate the role of GDF11, but this time looking at its effect on vasculature and neurogenesis. Lastly, work from the Wyss-Coray lab at Stanford focus on using microarray analysis to identify genes altered by parabiosis of young and old animals. They identify Egr1, an immediate early gene associated with neuronal activity, and Creb as displaying increased expression and phosphorylation status, respectively.
All these studies point toward multiple mechanisms going on leading to the reduction in cognitive and physiological decline. I’ll update the post as I read each article in more detail.
Restoring Systemic GDF11 Levels Reverses Age-Related Dysfunction in Mouse Skeletal Muscle
Vascular and Neurogenic Rejuvenation of the Aging Mouse Brain by Young Systemic Factors
Young blood reverses age-related impairments in cognitive function and synaptic plasticity in mice
One of the key technological advances in neuroscience over the last decade has been the discovery, development, and optimization of genetically encoded ion channels and pumps, chief amongst them channelrhodopsin, archaerhodopsin, and Halorhodopsin. While channelrhodopsins have become the standard for activation of neurons by light and are quite effective at doing so (and they can also be activated at a range of spectra, see ReaChR and Chronos and Chrimson, the proton and chloride pumps suffer the problem of inefficient usage of photon input to amount of silencing, in many cases it is a one-to-one correspondence of photons to ions moved. Thus, both Disseroth’s and Hegemann’s groups designed inhibitory channelrhodopsins, which should allow improve volumetric inhibition over longer periods of time at lower power (thus reducing photodamage). Further, the bidirectional control of the SwiChR variant in the second paper (see figure 4h) should allow a more efficient, long time-scale modulation of activity.
Conversion of Channelrhodopsin into a Light-Gated Chloride Channel
Structure-Guided Transformation of Channelrhodopsin into a Light-Activated Chloride Channel
Marblestone, Boyden and the rest have a recent paper out detailing a strategy to do spatial connectomics using the barcoding method outline previously.(Zador et al., 2012) This follows a similar strategy I hinted at in the paper I co-authored with others in the cs379c class.(Dean et al., 2013a) They go over the optical, costs, and other requirements to get such a system to work. Interesting read:
Rosetta Brains: A Strategy for Molecularly-Annotated Connectomics
This is a rather interesting paper coming out of Janelia and fits into its classic mode of combining long-shot science with powerful genetic and technological tools (Science's perspective piece). In the study, they optogenetically manipulated around a thousand different neuron subsets (based on different Drosophila lines) and ended up mapping the resulting behavioral data into 29 distinct phenotypes.
Discovery of Brainwide Neural-Behavioral Maps via Multiscale Unsupervised Structure Learning
Percentile Ranking and Citation Impact of a Large Cohort of NHLBI-Funded Cardiovascular R01 Grants
Productivity Metrics and Peer Review Scores
Interestingly, the last two used the panel review scores as a metric, another possible metric is funding.
Big Science vs. Little Science: How Scientific Impact Scales with Funding
However, that has the problem that more funding can just allow more technologically fancy, but not necessarily biologically informative, studies that are favored in high-impact journals. As the high impact journals necessarily get more citations due to visibility, this confounds funding with better science, which might not necessarily be the case.
An interesting extension of this is whether scientific funding is being efficiently allocated and how one would go about measuring this. Perhaps a more basic question is: because peer review is used to decide which grants get funded, is peer reviewing reliable and efficient way to measure potential scientific impact or value? The following paper
Funding grant proposals for scientific research: retrospective analysis of scores by members of grant review panel
suggest that high variability in review panels assessment of grants can lead to many of grants not receiving funding because reviewer score variation prevents them from ever crossing the funding threshold. It was found that reliability of the panels decision increased when around eleven panel members was used, but how this varies across disciplines still needs to be worked out.
There have been a plethora of papers looking into how efficient the peer review system is, such as the effect of the drive to find ‘important’ research, the desire to find technical flaws (that don’t necessarily impact the scientific merit of the proposal), personal preferences and/or grudges, cheerleader effect (one or two people can sway the group to come to a non-optimal consensus) and various other problems. Many of these are inherit to decision by consensus, though whether this devolves into groupthink is another issue entirely.
This will be a topic for further discussion, but for now here are several papers on peer review:
Sample Size and Precision in NIH Peer Review
Statistical analysis of the National Institutes of Health peer review system
Chance and consensus in peer review
The Predictive Ability of Peer Review of Grant Proposals: The Case of Ecology and the US National Science Foundation
Editorial peer review for improving the quality of reports of biomedical studies
Effects of Editorial Peer Review
Who Reviews the Reviewers? Feasibility of Using a Fictitious Manuscript to Evaluate Peer Reviewer Performance
Effect on the Quality of Peer Review of Blinding Reviewers and Asking Them to Sign Their Reports
Differences in Review Quality and Recommendations for Publication Between Peer Reviewers Suggested by Authors or by Editors
Peer review for improving the quality of grant applications
How reliable is peer review? An examination of operating grant proposals simultaneously submitted to two similar peer review systems
What errors do peer reviewers detect, and does training improve their ability to detect them?
Effects of training on quality of peer review: randomised controlled trial
Whole-Brain Imaging with Single-Cell Resolution Using Chemical Cocktails and Computational Analysis
Check out the supplemental info for movies of the 3D reconstructions.
Add it to the list of recent clearing techniques that include: SeeDB, ClearT, and CLARITY.
Every once in awhile you see a building that makes you want to find an excuse to visit the city where it is located. The SwissTech Convention Center is one such case. More photos can be found at the flickr page.
More information: The SwissTech Convention Center, a lab for conferences of the future
Mouse brain imaging using photoacoustic computed tomography
In our lab we routinely need to identify cells in calcium imaging (normally with GCamP variants) done in either a two-photon setup or with miniature microscopes. The current standard is to use the PCA-ICA method developed in the lab.(Mukamel et al., 2009) This works quite well, but there are limitations to the method (and here are a few): namely algorithmically it is implemented with a random seed, hence the results are not always consistent run-to-run; for best results is requires a priori knowledge of the number of signals (i.e. cells) that need to be extracted; and there is a massive problem with cross-talking in each signal from signals that are spatially nearby.
While a new method for signal extraction is being developed in the lab, i have also been on the search for any new techniques that are coming down the line. This paper, Detecting cells using non-negative matrix factorization on calcium imaging data, attempts to develop a new method to more accurately detect cells that PCA-ICA.
A new paper on recording from 512 channels in rats. When combined with optogenetics identification of specific cell types, this could prove quite powerful. This could also be used in conjunction with new optogenetic tools that allow excitation of several neuronal populations at once using Boyden’s recently characterized channelrhodopsins Chronos and Crimson(Klapoetke et al., 2014). See link to article below.
Large-scale, high-density (up to 512 channels) recording of local circuits in behaving animals
Seems like Google is getting into the anti-aging business. Let’s see if they end up partnering with the Buck Institute or others on aging.
New details on google anti-aging.
Google Anti-Aging Startup, Calico, Snags Big Names: Barron, Botstein
In the Schnitzer group we use Inscopix miniature microscopes developed in the lab. While in general they function fine and the software to interface with them is reliable and useful, there are still improvements that can be made. And nothing would spur those changes faster like some competition, enter NeuralMapper. From the technical papers released, it seems to have a couple of advantages over the Inscopix system, namely a cooling system that should allow for more stable long-term recording. However, it is unclear from the papers and technical drawings how one would change the z-axis of the miniscope once mounted (to adjust focus) and the low resolution of the CMOS used (32x32 px) might not help separate individual cells in a crowded field of view unless they bum up the pixel count before release. Overall looks promising.
Design Constraints for Mobile, High-Speed Fluorescence Brain Imaging in Awake Animals
Head-mountable high speed camera for optical neural recording
Cellular organization of cortical barrel columns is whisker-specific
The mouse has become a staple model organism in neuroscience as genetic, optical, and various other tools have allowed ever more specific probing of biological questions in in vivo situations. While it is tempting to think of the mouse as a miniature rat, this is far from the case. The Mouse Nervous System is a pretty handy reference guide, it covers a range of brain regions and sensory system while providing an ample reference list at the end of each chapter. More books like this would be nice, as it is easy to get confused as to the specific aspects of a particular model organism.
New Optogenetic System Shines a Light on Pain-Sensing Neurons—nice article on the topic and recent developments.
Mrgprd-Expressing Polymodal Nociceptive Neurons Innervate Most Known Classes of Substantia Gelatinosa Neurons
Rapid optical control of nociception with an ion-channel photoswitch
Light-evoked Somatosensory Perception of Transgenic Rats That Express Channelrhodopsin-2 in Dorsal Root Ganglion Cells
Optogenetic Control of Targeted Peripheral Axons in Freely Moving Animals
On the reproducibility of science: unique identification of research resources in the biomedical literature—interesting article looking at the problem of identifying materials used in experiments for future use by other scientist.
Decoding Information in Cell Shape
Cerebral organoids model human brain development and microcephaly—small brains!
Nanoscale-Targeted Patch-Clamp Recordings of Functional Presynaptic Ion Channels
Imaging of Tau Pathology in a Tauopathy Mouse Model and in Alzheimer Patients Compared to Normal Controls
Permanent Genetic Access to Transiently Active Neurons via TRAP: Targeted Recombination in Active Populations
Cellular Resolution Functional Imaging in Behaving Rats Using Voluntary Head Restraint
Constitutive μ-Opioid Receptor Activity Leads to Long-Term Endogenous Analgesia and Dependence
Dynamically Reshaping Signaling Networks to Program Cell Fate via Genetic Controllers
Independent circuits in the basal ganglia for the evaluation and selection of actions
Breakdown of long-range temporal dependence in default mode and attention networks during deep sleep
Cocaine-induced structural plasticity in frontal cortex correlates with conditioned place preference
Interaction of FUS and HDAC1 regulates DNA damage response and repair in neurons
Some articles related to publication, authorship, and ethical practices in science.
Flows of Research Manuscripts Among Scientific Journals Reveal Hidden Submission Patterns
Limiting the Impact of the Impact Factor
Competition and Careers in Biosciences
Tank injustice and academic promotion
Citation opportunity cost of the high impact factor obsession
Quiet debut for the double helix
Addressing the Nation’s Changing Needs for Biomedical and Behavioral Scientists
A gene complex controlling segmentation in Drosophila—classic review article by Lewis.
Shank3 mutant mice display autistic-like behaviours and striatal dysfunction—nice paper characterizing Shank3 mice. Related: Mutations in the gene encoding the synaptic scaffolding protein SHANK3 are associated with autism spectrum disorders.
The focus today is on papers!
The 302 neurons and 7,000 connections that make up the nervous system of the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans were mapped in the 1970s and 80s. More than two decades later, little is understood about how the worm’s nervous system produces complex behaviours.—Douglas Fields
Neuroscience: Map the other brain—talks about the need to also study glia. See Ben Barres for more on this topic.
Time crystals and the Nature article: Can matter cycle through shapes eternally?.
Soft tissue preservation in a fossil marine lizard with a bilobed tail fin
Synthesizing cognition in neuromorphic electronic systems—see neuromorphic engineering for more. There is an extensive literature on the subject.(Brader et al., 2007; Afshar et al., 2012; Poon and Zhou, 2011)
DNA methylation regulates associative reward learning—pretty good paper looking at the neurobiology of reward learning, in this case the role of DNA methylation, which is known to alter gene expression.
Recovery from slow inactivation in K+ channels is controlled by water molecules
Topoisomerases facilitate transcription of long genes linked to autism—the accompanying layman’s explanation: Autism: A long genetic explanation.
Bacteria activate sensory neurons that modulate pain and inflammation—the layman’s article: Bacteria get on your nerves. This is a super cool paper looking at how a particular bacteria, S. aureus can modify the state of sensory neurons.
Self-propagation of pathogenic protein aggregates in neurodegenerative diseases
Video game training enhances cognitive control in older adults—the media loves these types of studies.
Distinct Representations of Cognitive and Motivational Signals in Midbrain Dopamine Neurons
Integration of GABAergic Interneurons into Cortical Cell Assemblies: Lessons from Embryos and Adults
Temporally Precise Cell-Specific Coherence Develops in Corticostriatal Networks during Learning
Distinct Basal Ganglia Circuits Controlling Behaviors Guided by Flexible and Stable Values
Topographic Representation of Numerosity in the Human Parietal Cortex
A Causative Link Between Inner Ear Defects and Long-Term Striatal Dysfunction
Assignment of Model Amygdala Neurons to the Fear Memory Trace Depends on Competitive Synaptic Interactions
Neural Representation of a Target Auditory Memory in a Cortico-Basal Ganglia Pathway
Reward Learning Requires Activity of Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in the Central Amygdala
Advances in the pharmacological treatment of Parkinson's disease: targeting neurotransmitter systems
Neuronal circuits that regulate feeding behavior and metabolism
Odor Discrimination in Drosophila: From Neural Population Codes to Behavior
Neuroendocrine Control of Drosophila Larval Light Preference
Shocking Revelations and Saccharin Sweetness in the Study of Drosophila Olfactory Memory
One-Step Generation of Mice Carrying Reporter and Conditional Alleles by CRISPR/Cas-Mediated Genome Engineering
Double Nicking by RNA-Guided CRISPR Cas9 for Enhanced Genome Editing Specificity
Evolutionary origins of the avian brain
Computational design of ligand-binding proteins with high affinity and selectivity—and so we edge ever closer to the holy grail of computational design of drugs. This is pretty cool.
Evolution Heresy? Epigenetics Underlies Heritable Plant Traits
Bit-by-bit autophagic removal of parkin-labelled mitochondria
Identification of a splice variant of mouse TRPA1 that regulates TRPA1 activity
Huntington disease arises from a combinatory toxicity of polyglutamine and copper binding
Neuropeptide signaling remodels chemosensory circuit composition in Caenorhabditis elegans
Topoisomerase inhibitors unsilence the dormant allele of Ube3a in neurons—a nice study that used a small molecule screen to study UBE3A, a gene that in neurons is exclusively expressed by the maternal chromosome.
Nobie Redmon brought up nitrogen-vacancy diamond centers. Marblestone and co.(Marblestone et al., 2013) gave links to several papers dealing with applications of this concept.(Hall et al., 2012; Dolde et al., 2011; Horowitz et al., 2012; Wee et al., 2007) It could be possible to use these in nano-sensors to help detect electrical activity of neurons.
Noting the absence of something is really hard as it assumes some Platonic state of perfect knowledge in which all ideas exist and all we have to do is find the complement with respect to what’s currently known—Tom Dean
Tom then later pointed to a rather interesting article: Philosophers are Mortal: Inferring the Truth of Unseen Facts.
Automated whole-cell patch clamp electrophysiology of neurons in vivo—also take a look at the associated site: Autopatcher.
Neuroscience Fiction—an interesting article in the New Yorker about what neuroscience can aim to teach us. If it had explored the current state of several fields and maybe a few more future directions, that would’ve been swell.
The effects of FreeSurfer version, workstation type, and Macintosh operating system version on anatomical volume and cortical thickness measurements—interesting to think that the specifics of the machine can change the results. Programmer’s often get around this by setting a seed so random processes become ‘predictable’. This study also lends weight to the paranoia people have about changing software versions during an experiment.
ReaChR: a red-shifted variant of channelrhodopsin enables deep transcranial optogenetic excitation—this will be useful both for deep brain stimulation and possibly allowing more simultaneous optogenetic experiments.
A database of Caenorhabditis elegans behavioral phenotypes—databases are always welcome. An equivalent for mice can be found at JAX.
Functional labeling of neurons and their projections using the synthetic activity–dependent promoter E-SARE
Engineering of weak helper interactions for high-efficiency FRET probes
Plasmonic gold mushroom arrays with refractive index sensing figures of merit approaching the theoretical limit
Imaging electrical activity of neurons with metamaterial nanosensors—actual implementation and experimental results would have made this paper much better.
The COMBREX Project: Design, Methodology, and Initial Results—more projects like this are needed to help bridge the experimental/computational drive.
A brief account of nanoparticle contrast agents for photoacoustic imaging—photoacoustic imaging could be big going forward, especially given newer applications coming down the pipeline.
Optical fibers for high-resolution in vivo microendoscopic fluorescence imaging
Some articles by Cori Bargmann, co-chair on the BRAIN initiative.
Some interesting neuro-related articles from around the web.
Serotonin and the Neuropeptide PDF Initiate and Extend Opposing Behavioral States in C. elegans—Cori gave a speech on this several months ago at Stanford, nice to see the final report.
Calling the next generation of affinity reagents
Ethical reproducibility: towards transparent reporting in biomedical research
Emergent Properties of the Optic Tectum Revealed by Population Analysis of Direction and Orientation Selectivity
Nuclear calcium signaling in the regulation of brain function
Simultaneous PET-MRI reveals brain function in activated and resting state on metabolic, hemodynamic and multiple temporal scales
Transplantation reveals regional differences in oligodendrocyte differentiation in the adult brain
Population Coding and the Labeling Problem: Extrinsic Versus Intrinsic Representations
Evidence for Hubs in Human Functional Brain Networks—reminds me a bit of Why Do Hubs Tend to Be Essential in Protein Networks?
An Interactive Resource to Identify Cancer Genetic and Lineage Dependencies Targeted by Small Molecules
Equating information-theoretic and likelihood-based methods for neural dimensionality reduction
Sparse Coding Models Can Exhibit Decreasing Sparseness while Learning Sparse Codes for Natural Images—a nice revisiting of the sparse coding hypothesis.
Causes and Consequences of Hyperexcitation in Central Clock Neurons
Characteristic Effects of Stochastic Oscillatory Forcing on Neural Firing: Analytical Theory and Comparison to Paddlefish Electroreceptor Data
Information and Efficiency in the Nervous System--A Synthesis—there is a whole literature on efficiency in the nervous system. Perhaps the best come from David Attwell and co.
Autonomous molecular cascades for evaluation of cell surfaces
Energy-efficient encoding by shifting spikes in neocortical neurons
Suppressing aberrant GluN3A expression rescues synaptic and behavioral impairments in Huntington's disease models
The Programmer's Apprentice Project: A Research Overview - thanks to Tom Dean for pointing this article out.
Transgenic and knockout databases: Behavioral profiles of mouse mutants—see JAX for current database.
Accelerated chemistry in the reaction between the hydroxyl radical and methanol at interstellar temperatures facilitated by tunnelling—see the corresponding layman's report.
A comprehensive multiscale framework for simulating optogenetics in the heart
The Extraordinary Evolutionary History of the Reticuloendotheliosis Viruses
Nuclear Lamin-A Scales with Tissue Stiffness and Enhances Matrix-Directed Differentiation
DBpedia and Freebase — these could provide a basis for new website that provides semantic curration of research results.
Schema—a basis for semantic mark-up of scientific sites.
Comparison of Linux Development Boards—these boards can be used for a variety of tasks that can have applications in prototyping experiments.
Mapping Neuronal Diversity One Cell at a Time - looking into the past literature (The neuron classification problem) gives a sense of how hard this problem is of identifying neuron types.
Probabilistic brains: knowns and unknowns
Neuroscience thinks big (and collaboratively)
Balanced cortical microcircuitry for maintaining information in working memory - reminds me a bit of Machens’ 2005 paper (Flexible Control of Mutual Inhibition: A Neural Model of Two-Interval Discrimination).
Lineage-specific laminar organization of cortical GABAergic interneurons
Wnt/Dkk Negative Feedback RegulatesSensory Organ Size in Zebrafish - had to do a report looking at how to identify what molecules are involved in determining organ size, this is a good study looking into that.
Food Restriction Increases Glutamate Receptor-Mediated Burst Firing of Dopamine Neurons
Dopaminergic Control of Long-Term Depression/Long-Term Potentiation Threshold in Prefrontal Cortex
Probing perceptual decisions in rodents
Evaluation of Excess Significance Bias in Animal Studies of Neurological Diseases - nice study looking at the bias in reporting in animal studies.
Jan Grundemann and i were talking over lunch about the possibility of taking greater advantage of the technological advances in web design, development, and tracking. I use git to help keep track of changes in different coding projects and it seems that science would benefit from a way to both amend articles with new data in a more meaningful way than the current method, which normally results in erratum or corrigendum. For example, if you get new data that enhances a particular hypothesis, this should be amended. A best solution would be to have each article contain a list of bullet points of hypothesis tested and conclusions made. Then these could be easily cross-referenced by other papers specifically, we need to move beyond the horribly vague and sometimes inaccurate tendency to cite a paper without reference to specific passages, conclusions or figures. However, this needs to be done in a way that doesn’t clutter up the page, hence just enhance current citation methods by giving each hypothesis and conclusion in a paper specific labels and other authors can make pointers to them. Or as people who use the internet like to call them, links.
Now back to the current problem of reading papers. The problem is thus: you read a paper hoping to gain another bit of knowledge that can be added to a general framework for understanding a specific problem. This could be the involvement of huntingtin in clathrin-mediated endocytosis or how artificially altering the temperature of the hypothalamus can lead to changes in body temperature. However, while humans are great at forming associations and keeping a rough idea of a theory in mind, they often fail at the specifics without investing endless hours memorizing the content. Considering we are good at creative thinking, linking disparate ideas, and a host of other higher-level processing, the fact that we still spend so much time trying to assimilate information and distill it into a (often too) simple theory is quite astonishing. There is a rather simple solution to the problem.
Wikipedia is a prime example of how the crowd can organize the world’s information. In addition, there are various websites, from NCBI’s to EMBL’s to SGD, that attempt to aggregate the vast amount of biological data available. However, they often lack the key human readable, interpretable, and manipulatable elements needed for the average researcher to both contribute to and benefit from. Thus, a resource needs to be developed that allows each field—be it ventral tegmental area (VTA) contribution to learning or the role of biodiversity in ecosystem stability—to develop a graphic describing the process and allow leaders in the field to edit it after publishing a paper. This would allow a history of changes and links to specific articles supporting or refuting those changes to be easily visible in a way that can lower the barrier to entry—a curated literature review would be available. The only issue is how to segment areas and allow cross-pollination, e.g. if you are studying Huntington at the biochemical level, how do we abstract or allow APIs that interface with those working at the cellular or systems neuroscience levels? I’ll leave that for another post.
Pacific Rim (do yourself a favor and see it, it’s awesome) inspired me to re-look into the state of brain-machine interfaces. The guardian was thinking along the same lines and has a great article on the subject: Are two heads better than one? The psychology of Pacific Rim.
Initial BMI papers showed primitive control of robotic arms.(Serruya et al., 2002; Carmena et al., 2003) More recently, advances have allowed not only control, but the ability to receive tactile and other feedback.(O’Doherty et al., 2011; Ethier et al., 2012; Hochberg et al., 2012; Engelhard et al., 2013) Surgeon’s have begun to use robotics to perform ever more delicate surgeries, e.g. see the da Vinci surgical system, but the possibility of more precise control via an integration of BMI and hand control might push the technology even further.
A spat of recent papers show that it may be possible to have several brains work together to achieve a common task.(Wang and Jung, 2011; Poli et al., 2013) Yoo, et al. have also shown that a human can achieve basic control of another animal, in this case a rat, through BMI.(Yoo et al., 2013) These developments are a nice addition to the plethora of BMI technologies aimed at helping the disabled. While those are worthwhile, expanding BMI to help humans achieve tasks we would otherwise be unable to accomplish could lead to technologies both dreamt of in science-fiction (e.g. Pacific Rim’s jaegars needing two minds to control them) and those that are still unknown-unknowns. For example, imagine if the pilot and co-pilot on an airplane were linked, such that communication errors (see Air France Flight 447) might be avoided.
Graphene for Terahertz Applications
Global Epigenomic Reconfiguration During Mammalian Brain Development
Exotic optics: Metamaterial world
In vivo robotics: the automation of neuroscience and other intact-system biological fields - Boyden discusses advances in automation.
Investigating the role of firing-rate normalization and dimensionality reduction in brain-machine interface robustness - looking at BMI robustness
Relationship between intracortical electrode design and chronic recording function - electrode performance degradation over time is a real issue in BMI and other aspects of neural recording. This paper examines the design of electrodes to improve chronic recording.
On brain activity mapping: insights and lessons from Brain Decoding Project to map memory patterns in the hippocampusOn brain activity mapping: insights and lessons from Brain Decoding Project to map memory patterns in the hippocampus
Connectomic reconstruction of the inner plexiform layer in the mouse retina - Seung and crew continue the grand connectome quest by reconstructing a piece of the mouse retina.
In vivo time-gated fluorescence imaging with biodegradable luminescent porous silicon nanoparticles
Orbitofrontal and striatal circuits dynamically encode the shift between goal-directed and habitual actions - Gremel and Costa develop a novel paradigm to analyze the roles of dorsal medial striatum (DMS), dorso-lateral (DLS) and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) in habitual and goal-directed activity.
Dopamine Modulates Risk-Taking as a Function of Baseline Sensation-Seeking Trait
Multi-task connectivity reveals flexible hubs for adaptive task control
Micropatterned substrates coated with neuronal adhesion molecules for high-content study of synapse formation
Going to start posting links to papers that might be of interest from a technology or scientific perspective.
Brain Activity in Valuation Regions while Thinking about the Future Predicts Individual Discount Rates
Motor Cortex Feedback Influences Sensory Processing by Modulating Network State
Cellular and Synaptic Architecture of Multisensory Integration in the Mouse Neocortex
The Need for Research Maps to Navigate Published Work and Inform Experiment Planning - nice note about experimental planning and design.
Information and Efficiency in the Nervous System—A Synthesis
IBM Scientists Show Blueprints for Brain-like Computing
Brute force searching, the typical set and Guesswork - maybe slightly off-topic, a layman’s explanation can be found at: Encryption is less secure than we thought
Prolonged dopamine signalling in striatum signals proximity and value of distant rewards
Inorganic materials: Intuition weaved into computation
Network link prediction by global silencing of indirect correlations
Network deconvolution as a general method to distinguish direct dependencies in networks
CRISPR papers Heritable gene targeting in the mouse and rat using a CRISPR-Cas system
Simultaneous generation and germline transmission of multiple gene mutations in rat using CRISPR-Cas systems
Targeted genome modification of crop plants using a CRISPR-Cas system
There is a useful blog called Mo Papers Mo Problems that contains a weekly listing of papers and some insight into recent work.
Besides the super cool result, the system developed here could potentially be exploited in other contexts. Perhaps we want to see if a particular structure is involved in reward prediction, in this case the striatum. It might be possible to teach an animal to associate a cue with a reward and label only neurons that respond. You can then re-activate those neurons to see if the animal exhibits stereotyped behavior.
Brain-machine interfaces have allowed humans and animals to interact with computers just using their mind. However, the problem normally remains of making the implants last for a lifetime, a challenging tasks considering the possibility of infection, corrosion of material, and other problems. Seo, et al. have outlined the problem of using nanodevices to record neuronal activity and identified some of the key challenges to getting the technology to work and possible workarounds.(Seo et al., 2013)
Nature published a recent editorial by Alison Abbott (Neuroscience: Solving the brain) giving a high-level overview of the challenges facing the BRAIN initiative project and some of the available technologies to meet them. It is a good layman’s overview of the technologies, though it fails to mention microscopy(Wilt et al., 2009) and genetically-modified calcium (or other) indicators (e.g. GCaMP) as a method of measuring neural activity, a glaring oversight.
A recent paper gave the first high-quality 3D reconstruction of a human brain.(Amunts et al., 2013) This is a great step forward and points to the possibility of transitioning some of the technology developed to align mouse brains (e.g. Allen Brain Institute) into a more clinically relevant setting. It would be great to have similar atlases of patients who suffered from neurodegenerative diseases such as Huntington’s, Parkinson’s, Frontotemporal Dementia, and othters.
Nano devices could be used to measure cellular activity in a non-invasive manner. Gomez, et al. demonstrate the cell pressure can be measured by a nano-device consisting of a Fabry-Perot resonator (a bit more about resonant cavities and optical resonators).(Gómez-Martt4ht@+35x13159xnez et al., 2013)
The paper we were writing for cs379c with Tom Dean is now a Google technical report.(Dean et al., 2013a) The paper covers various technologies that might be applied to neuroscience and analyzes the timelines over which we might see them implemented in actual experiments. The class covered many areas of neurotechnology, from fMRI to electron microscopy to implantable electrodes and more. We looked at optical RFID as a method to read-out brain data and explored the possibility of using. Many sessions of the class were held at Google’s campus and the atmosphere there was great, it was awesome to spend a couple hours chatting with researchers at the forefront of neuroscience and brainstorming ideas with Tom and other students in the class.
The issue has come up in my lab that we need to parallelize more of our pre-processing and analysis as the data is to large to use conventional, CPU-based methods. While multi-threading is inherent to many software designs, it is not in fact parallel in many cases. Multi-threading merely splits the problem into various threads that run under the same process, say ImageJ for image analysis, that the operating system context switches between to give the illusion or parallized processes (to humans), see Demystifying multithreading and multi-core. Multi-core processors allow the execution of multiple processes or threads in parallel (for real this time!). This is pretty awesome for generalized tasks, unfortunately when trying to load 20GB files into RAM for processing, you are still limited to only gains of 2-10x in quad-, hex-, octa-, and deca-core commercial processors. However, the possibility exists to take advantage of falling costs and maturation of development tools for parallizing graphical processing units (GPUs). Enter CUDA.
CUDA is NVIDIA’s interface for many of its newer GPUs to allow off-loading of heavy tasks from the CPU, a general processor, to the GPU, a more specialized processor. Because much of our data are images, e.g. matrices, performing operations on the matrix-loving GPU seems like a natural fit. NVIDIA has a great set of CUDA tutorials.
Kunle Olukotun and others at Stanford’s Pervasive Parallelism Lab are attempting to build a general architecture to allow higher-level languages (e.g. R) to interface with parallel runtimes to allow more seamless parallel computing to be utilized.
More info on CUDA programming and general GPU parallelization forthcoming!
Update: this has been moved to the beginning of the document and will be regularly updated there.
Finding information on the cutting edge often requires one to go beyond the New York Times and other news sources. For this i turn to a variety of journals, most of which allow me to browse for articles that seem interesting or applicable to neuroscience. While summaries by science journalists are often useful for getting a bit of history and other layman interpretations, it is normally easier to delve right into the publications, reviews, and articles then synthesize what you’ve read and decide whether it is viable based on talking to experts in the field or working through the math, experimental design, etc. Below is a short list of some sources that are useful for staying up-to-date:
and more to be added!
During cs379c we discussed various physical limits to miniaturizing tools for neuronal recording and possibly thermal noise limits that set how little power the machines could run on and still detect a signal. Horodecki and Oppenheim have a nice paper exploring the new types of thermodynamics that apply at a small scale.(Horodecki and Oppenheim, 2013)
Marblestone and others have released a paper similar to what we were working on in cs379c: a detailed look at the feasibility of various technologies and the physics of making them scale.(Marblestone et al., 2013)
CLARITY(Chung et al., 2013b) has opened the possibility for better analysis of 3D volumes and this has been aided by emerging microscopy techniques to analyze 3D volumes, such as light-sheet microscopy.(Santi, 2011) OpenSPIM and OpenSpinMicroscopy are two open-source projects (see labrigger post) that will allow more people to implement light-sheet microscopy.(Pitrone et al., 2013; Gualda et al., 2013) This trend toward open hardware is a great thing.˙sheet˙fluorescence˙microscopy
A bit back Daniel, Mainak and i were discussing possibility of memory transfer once we know enough about circuit organization to accurately and precisely know which neurons to stimulate to form a specific memory. There is a lot of talk in the BRAIN initiative about reading from 1e11 neurons, but little talk about also precisely stimulating many neurons in a super-precise manner (above and beyond what optogenetics and other techniques currently achieve).
At a simple level, i noted the transfer of songs from one finch to another via auditory stimuli (see this diagram for a simple image of the system). They can disrupt specific syllables of a finch’s learning, in effect altering specific parts of a memory. the HVC and general finch encoding of memory is getting better known, so it might be possible to specifically induce a song memory at some point, once the tools catch up.
Not sure if anyone else has seriously looked into stimulating trains of neurons to encode memories ‘in vivo’, but people have tried in cortical neuron cultures but not sure if this is seen elsewhere, I’ll take a look.
some relevant (song bird) papers:
article 1 (disrupt brain activity at specific time-points to alter only syllables being heard at that time-point)
article 2 (this study could have gone farther and stimulated a pattern with electrodes…)
article 3 (manipulation of song production with temperature, again, a first step)
review 1 (overview of the system)
review 2 (overview)
So i previously noted how we could easily be collecting 90 terabytes/sec of data when recording at a 8 bits/msec resolution in 1011 neurons. That is an insane amount of data, for which only a few companies (Google, Microsoft, etc.) have the infrastructure to deal with. Few labs have the money or technical expertise to deal with this type of data in a scalable way.
Researchers are look into methods of solving this type of problem. While the issue appears to be entirely hardware-related, that is far from the case. Innovation in data compression and handling can greatly reduce file and database sizes by taking advantage of massive redundancies inherent in much of this data. For example, on the data storage-side, there are already analyses looking at the best way to compress and store genomic data as well as analyze it, such as taking advantage of the massive redundancies in sequencing data to reduce analysis overhead.(Loh et al., 2012) In addition, use of MapReduce(Dean and Ghemawat, 2008) and other algorithms to parallelize analysis have been implemented with genome bioinformatics and will likely prove useful here.
People like Randal Burns,
Currently in the Schnitzer lab (my PhD lab) we have a make-shift setup consisting of many 1-3TB harddrives that we plug into data collecting computers and transfer to analysis rigs. There are plans to install fast transfer connections (10GB/sec) to allow movement of data around the facilities, but these are limited by available consumer hardware, which normally taps out at 1GB/sec (e.g. the Intel PRO/1000 GT Desktop Adapter). Going forward, it would make sense to improve upon the data compression. There is a simple idea that i would like to try and implement.
In Loh, et al. they demonstrate the ability to take advantage of redundancy in DNA sequences obtain from deep-sequencers (see below table)
company | machine | read (bp) | error rate | error type | USD/Gb | source |
Illumina | MiSeq | 150 | 0.8 | subsitution | 502 | (Quail et al., 2012) |
Ion Torrent | PGM | 200 | 1.71 | indel | 1000 | ”(Quail et al., 2012; Loman et al., 2012)” |
PacBio2 | RS | 1000 | 12.86 | CG deletion | 2000 | ”(Quail et al., 2012; Glenn, 2011)” |
Illumina3 | GAIIx | 150 | 0.76 | subsitution | 148 | (Quail et al., 2012) |
Illumina | HiSeq 2000 | 150 | 0.26 | subsitution | 41 | (Quail et al., 2012) |
454 | GS Jr. Titanium | 400 | 1 | indel | 22000 | (Glenn, 2011) |
Life Technologies | Starlight | 1000 | NA | NA | NA | (Glenn, 2011) |
454 | FLX Titanium | 400 | 1 | indel | 12400 | (Glenn, 2011) |
454 | FLX+ | 700 | 1 | indel | 7000 | (Glenn, 2011) |
Helicos | 35 | NA | NA | NA | (Glenn, 2011) | |
SOLiD | 4 | 50 | 0.06 | A-T bias | 110 | (Glenn, 2011) |
For many years BOLD has been used as a read-out of neuronal ‘activity’, which implied action potentials or spike rate. This has been challenged in recent years by papers that investigated both oxygen consumption and other parameters compared to spiking. The result is a picture much more complex than a simple BOLD-¿activity, especially once the contributions of astrocytes and other cells besides neurons are accounted for. It is known that nitric oxide affects.˙36.html˙36.html
With the drastically falling costs of DNA sequencing (Fig. Figure 93), the idea to use DNA sequencing to record neural activity was proposed a couple years ago.(Kording, 2011) The initial plan was to use a DNA polymerase (DNAP) to encode the activity as errors in a known template sequence that was dependent on the ion concentration. If the ion was, say, calcium, this could be used as a proxy for neuronal spiking. Brilliant. The only problem is few DNAPs fit the parameters needed to make this successful (see Polbase for a list of DNAPs). While there is little doubt protein engineering will lead to better DNAPs to fit this application, there is also the possibility of using other enzymes that catalyze polymerization.
One example is nonribosomal peptide synthesis.(Sattely et al., 2008) While it is likely that we will need to improve the pathways and enzymes already available, many of already demonstrated this to be possible.(Evans et al., 2011)
I assembled a list of potential DNAPs to use with the molecular ticker-tape, this was partially to see where accurate analysis of specific parameters is lacking and potential places for use with the nonribosomal peptide synthesis.
DNAP | errors/bp | processivity | bases/min | ions | source |
Taq4 | 2.00E-04 | 20.6 | 4829 | NA | (Langhorst et al., 2012) |
Φ29 | 3.00E-06 | 70 | 11760 | NA | (Langhorst et al., 2012) |
T4 | 2.00E-08 | 1130 | 13044 | NA | (Langhorst et al., 2012) |
T7 | 2.60E-07 | 1622 | 13404 | NA | (Langhorst et al., 2012) |
Human Pol alpha | 5.00E-05 | 230.5 | 45 | Ca++ | (Langhorst et al., 2012) |
Pfu | 1.30E-06 | 10 | 1500 | NA | (Langhorst et al., 2012) |
KOD1 | 1.46E-06 | 300 | 8280 | NA | (Langhorst et al., 2012) |
Bst | 1.50E-05 | NA | NA | NA | (Langhorst et al., 2012) |
Pow | 7.40E-07 | NA | NA | NA | (Langhorst et al., 2012) |
PGBD Pol I | 2.70E-06 | NA | 1380 | NA | (Langhorst et al., 2012) |
Pab Pol I | 6.60E-07 | NA | NA | NA | (Langhorst et al., 2012) |
One possibility to solve the readout problem is we deliver DNA sequencing devices into the brain itself. Inserting sequencers in vivo that don’t need the addition of expensive reagents, high-cost library construction, and other add-ons associated with parallel sequencing(Glenn, 2011) would yield benefits both from near real-time data acquisition and reduced complexity. Detecting proteins(Cai et al., 2010) and DNA(Korlach et al., 2008; Mannion and Craighead, 2007; Craighead, 2006) using micro-technologies already exists and nanopore technologies should allow these to be scaled down.(Kasianowicz et al., 2008; Zhang et al., 2013; Heller et al., 2010) Already, theoretical calculations for DNA nano-sequencers has been demonstrated and the possibility of integrating this with other nano-scale read-out technologies (e.g. RFIDs or OPIDs) could allow sequencing without the DNA needing to leave the system.(Min et al., 2011) Further, this would also improve the false-negative rate as DNA can be degraded or altered during transport out of the body. The fact that theoretical calculations for detecting base-pair differences sans pyrosequencing have been done but devices don’t yet exist peg this as a 5-10 year technology.
New technologies, such as the Panasonic and Imec joint project (see to develop SNP mapping on a chip, might pave the way for nanopore or other similar technologies to take over. Intel’s Tick-Tock is a good gauge of how Moore’s law continues to push the industry toward smaller and smaller chips while we already see Parallel on-chip gene synthesis and application to optimization of protein expression(Quan et al., 2011). For example, micro-technologies already exists to detect proteins(Cai et al., 2010) and DNA(Korlach et al., 2008; Mannion and Craighead, 2007; Craighead, 2006) along with future technologies that should improve the scalability, complexity, and more.(Kasianowicz et al., 2008; Zhang et al., 2013; Heller et al., 2010) For example, theoretical calculations for sequencing of DNA using a nano-scale device has been demonstrated and the possibility of integrating this with other read-out technologies (e.g. OPIDs, see Nano section) could provide a method of sequencing without needing to excrete the data.(Min et al., 2011) In addition, it might be possible to use multiplexed probes to both induce and read-out ticket-tape or connectome information.(Seidl et al., 2010) The idea would be to deliver the reagents needed to do sequencing in vivo. Another method of reading out would combine FISH or FISSEQ-like sequencing with glass spong optical probes to get a general sense of the amount of activity based on global fluorescence in various regions.(Sundar et al., 2003)
Recent work has demonstrated that one could, in theory, encode information about the brain’s connectome—the wiring of each neuron—in DNA and sequence this to get the information out.(Zador et al., 2012) In addition, it has been proposed that one could encode neuronal activity in DNA sequences and then gain the activity for all neurons in a given brain.(Kording, 2011) These technologies are quite interesting and along with FISSEQ or other advanced in-situ technologies might provide a way to rapidly read the data and obtain precise spatial location. However, nearly all of the read-out methods, as opposed to the recording, require the animal to die. While this is okay for some experiments, chronic studies (such as those of chronic pain) would not benefit from this. I have been thinking about methods of improving
Another possibility is that we deliver DNA sequencing devices into the brain itself. New technologies such as the Panasonic and Imec joint project to develop SNP mapping on a chip might pave the way for nanopore or other similar technologies to take over.
I recently have started looking into starting a project on pain and inevitably i turn toward the economics of the disease to determine whether it is interesting for society as well as science. Gathering data from a couple sources, i made a quick plot in R to display my findings. We see that even compared to the heavyweights such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and alcohol, pain is still a costly diseases, losing the USA around $100 billion each year. Even more interesting is the neuronal diseases, which according to brain bank (run by Virginia Lee) costs $600 billion per year.
Researchers at Stanford (such as Shenoy’s group(Gilja et al., 2012), see Stanford news), MIT (Brown and Srinivasan(Srinivasan et al., 2007)), Minnesota (He’s group(Royer et al., 2010; Doud et al., 2011)), Pittsburgh (see news article), Essex (see new article), and elsewhere have created brain-computer interfaces. This is exemplified by BrainGate, a project to help use neural prosthetics to help injured patients live normal lives.
Devices such as aim to use transcranial stimulation to improve focus and possibly game performance. Because they are
Mark raised the point that we know a great deal about the cellular formation of synapses, LTP/LTD,
Ada Poon’s group is working on RF techniques in tissues Bianxiao Cui’s group w.r.t. cultured neuron interfaces Nick Melosh works on cultured neuron interface Krishna Shenoy works on neural prostheses.
This might be tested by looking at whether they are quicker to learn tasks, we could scramble the encoding or do reverse encoding and see what comes of it.
Looking at finch song bird learning, they see that a specific memory can be disrupted in the HVC, might it be possible to re-encode the song based on known firing patterns and areas of innervation.(Roberts et al., 2012)
One place to start with memory transfer is in a dish. People have been able to elicit pre-defined responses in cortical neuron cultures.(Shahaf and Marom, 2001) It might be possible to train a single culture to respond to a particular stimuli, then spatially arrange a new set of neurons similar to the first culture(Pautot et al., 2008) and use electrode arrays(Wheeler and Brewer, 2010) to stimulate them so they mimic the first culture’s firing patterns and see if they can then respond to the stimulus without any training.
Thus, supposed we could take a human or other animal brain and place it in a solution that could maintain neuronal activity/health (think Neurobasal on crack). Then the inputs and outputs, through the brainstem, optic nerve and other inputs, are connected to electronic circuits. The only thing that would cause ‘death’ is neuronal/glia/pick-your-brain-cell apoptosis or necrosis. Assuming this is the case, would it be possible to use stem cells to selectively replace sub-regions—say the substantia nigra, locus coeruleus, or others—over time and thus continually renew the human brain.
Assuming we could re-initiate axon guidance—based on knowledge of ephrins, netrin, SHH, and other guidance cues—then would conciousness be maintained given a similar wiring diagram but a completely new set of neurons? This question has been addressed at length in terms of ‘transfering’ the mind to other brains or computers in short stories, but it would be interesting at a technical level to work this out, especially as some believe the specific connections of a particular neuron encode memories rather than just the bulk, sparse coding activation of the network.
It has been found that sewing two mice together, known as parabioses, can cause exchange of factors and lead to alteration of the grafted organisms.(Villeda et al., 2011) Can you, instead of connecting circulatory systems of two animals, connect the brains? This would be technically more challenging for higher organisms. But if you did, what questions would be asked?
Some of this week’s ideas were co-formulated with Daniel Eth, another student in the cs379c class, along with Andre Esteva and others in the class. This was a great case of combining knowledge of disparate fields—nanotechnology and neurobiology—to precisely delve into specific areas of discussion. Also, driving in a car back from Google reduces inhibition to getting ideas flowing.
While talking with Mainak Chowdhury, i proposed the idea of using short stories, e.g. scientific short stories, to help sell the BRAIN initiative vision. This was partially prompted by discussing with Daniel the idea of head conjoined twins (or conjoining mice brains, more on that later) and whether they have some sort of increased processing power. There are stories, such as the excellent [look up name of short story that involved offshore research] that discuss this.
One idea is to have an BRAIN short story anthology that would collect the best short stories dealing with the issues of memory transfer, external brain preservation, dealing with and applying knowledge from large datasets, and others. This would be a way to really sell the vision abstracted from the nitty-gritty of the technical details, which is good for getting the general public on-board the project and helping change prevailing social attitudes toward particular ideas so the research can be pursued more freely.
Then, you functionalize or attach a small molecule or peptide to the nanodevice.(Kasianowicz et al., 2008; Korlach et al., 2008; Mannion and Craighead, 2007; Craighead, 2006; Zhang et al., 2013; Kricka, 2001) It seems that people have even found was to adapt molecular imprinting to nanodevices, which should allow for a variety of receptor/ligand pairs to be functonalized to a nanodevice of choice.(Cai et al., 2010; Guan et al., 2008)
This peptide/molecule binds to the receptor (think streptavidin/biotin) causing a conformational change that prevents its degredation, attaching the nanodevice to the neuron, but also activates it, preventing other receptors from being made. Because the unbound remaining receptors will become degraded, this will turn off the ability of the neuron to bind nanodevices in short order and leave a single (or few depending on the concentration) nanodevices bound for recording.
In class, the idea of using genetically encoded contrast agents in humans came up. With the (possible) rise of designer babies, it could potentially be feasible to load an embryo with contrast agents that allow non-invasive study of particular known disease proteins/markers. This could be revolutionary in terms of preventative care, but the question remains about whether it is ethical (especially given the embryo has no say in the matter). That is beyond the present discussion, but the mere idea of this would be interesting. Maybe even cool enough to warrant a short story...
Was talking to Nat Clarke, a fellow grad student in the biology dept., about placozoa and their amazing biology along with the prospects of studying marine animals using the new technology that is being developed for BRAIN. David Cox mentioned that it would be his dream to look at octopuses as they have an extremely developed nervous system for being such a ‘primitive’ animal.(Hochner, 2004) For example, they are able to rapidly shift the color of chromatophore organs, allowing them to rapidly camaflouge themselves. Marine animals are a particular challenge due to the whole water + electronics relationship problem. Hopefully we’ll see creative ways around this problem going forward.
The placozoa’s genome has been sequenced and there is an increased interest in studying their biology.(Guidi et al., 2011; Ringrose et al., 2013; Jakob et al., 2004; Eitel et al., 2011; Mendivil Ramos et al., 2012; Srivastava et al., 2008) They were originally discovered in 1883(Schulze, 1892) and classified in 1971(Grell, 1971).
Was talking in lab to Nobie Redmon about how we would be reading-out 90TB/sec of data if we recorded voltage in every neuron in the human brain (about 1011). We weren’t sure whether it would be best to go an optical route, wirelessly transmit, or some other route. Due to reliability and bandwidth, it seemed that the optical route was the best choice. There are several technologies that can already reach 40GB+/sec, such as PON systems, while experimental tests over several kilometers have shown speeds of 100+TB/s are achievable.(Qian et al., 2012) Cvijetic, et al. discuss the advantages of optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) to increase data rates(Cvijetic, 2012) and Glick, et al. give a good overview of setting up such a system more broadly.(Glick, 2013) Many of these technologies take advantage of time-division multiplexing (TDM), which allows for the transmission of multiple signals by dividing indivudal signals in time. For example, if you want to send packet A (8 bit/s) and B (8 bit/s), you could have a TDM device that runs at a much higher rate split the packets in time, e.g. if it could send 16 bit/s, then you could send all of packet A and B in 1 second (A first for 0.5 sec at 16 bit/s followed by B in the same manner), in effect doubling your throughput.
It seems like a feasible goal to miniaturize some of this technology and modify it for use in neurotechnologies. Still reading on the subject and will post more in the future. However, the issue shifts to storage of said data, which is another issue entirely.
Knowing that Google has to deal with analyzing massive amounts of data on a daily basis—and due in part to methods like MapReduce(Dean and Ghemawat, 2008)—i asked Tom how Google deals with this data deluge. They use a combination of stack optimization to help deal with small files that they need to continuously move around. The small files are normally shards created from larger datasets to help split-up the task of analysis.
Research groups have started to develop architectures to analyze large biology datasets, particularly for next-generation sequencing.(McKenna et al., 2010) This type of research should be fundamental to any BRAIN initiative project as inevitable people are going to end up with terabytes of data and no way to analyze it in a reasonable time-span or a thought-out manner.
Interesting talk by Henry Markham (of Blue Brain project fame): A brain in a supercomputer. The European version of BRAIN is Human Brain Project that seeks to develop an exact model of the human brain. This seems to be a bit premature given the current state of knowledge and is unlikely, at that level of detail, to give us any real understanding at the moment. The USA’s focus on developing core technologies—and the light it shines on what we do/don’t know and the analysis of the data that needs to be performed—is a more useful endeavor and will likely yield more long-term insights.5
With regards to a technological singularity, Tom mentioned to read Accelerando. As always, science fiction and futurist predictions are less a desire to accurately predict the future down to the last bolt as it is a way to envision what could happen and how we would deal with this. This is why i love writing short stories.
A discussion yesterday about simulation of a neural system based on physiological and activity data reminded me of an excellent Science paper from 1978 (yes, ancient in internet-time) called Neuronal generation of the leech swimming movement.(Stent et al., 1978) Read this paper for 9.29j at MIT (taught by Michael Fee, who does some amazing work with birds) and we want to see how modeling simple circuits could lead to insight about organization of a system. While the BRAIN initiative hopes to map out many more neurons, old papers like this are instructive in guiding why we need to measure more neurons for longer periods of time and what we will gain from this.
In cs379c we talked with David Cox over at Harvard (check out some of his awesome work!). He works with the rodent visual system in the hopes of mining it for better computer vision algorithms and has developed some pretty sweet methods. Of the questions asked, the one pertaining to how the BRAIN initiative would help him with his algorithms proved quite informative. He mentioned that the focus on more neurons should be complimented by a focus on imaging the same neuron for longer periods of time. I asked briefly about what information he would gain, or how he would adapt his models, should be gain access to this data—the implication was that if you could simulate the data you would get, how would this guide the technology you needed to build. He noted that this might not be the best use of time, but upon prompting him about the development of the nervous system, such as the formation of ocular dominance columns, he stated that it might help inform whether to look at the development of individual elements within a model as it was trained to recognize particular objects.
David also mentioned echo state networks. Not super familiar with them, but will have to look into it more! There is also the possibility of using marmoset's as model organisms, which might help bridge the current gap between primates and lower mammals as funding for chimp and other primate research declines. And the recent hype over CLARITY(Chung et al., 2013b) raises the question of whether traditional brain slicing (embodied by such companies as NeuroScience Associates and FD NeuroTechnologies) will decline. Given the apparent difficulty of CLARITY, for simple histological checks there shouldn’t be a worry in the medium-term.
An interesting thought game that doesn’t seem to have received rigorous analysis in the whole BRAIN debate is what you would actually do with the increase spatiotemporally and with regards to the number of neurons. Besides the intuitive notion that more is better (America!) there should be a rigorous testing though data scaling or simulating of how analysis would change given a particular increase in the data dimension. For example, what if we could get the response of a million neurons over a 1 second interval?
A side note on data, at a 1 msec interval only looking at spikes (bit = one) or no spikes (bit = zero) would entail 1 bit/msec * 1000 msec/sec * 106 neurons = 109 bits/sec = 120 megabytes/sec, not bad until you want to scale to the human brain (~1011 neurons), at which point it becomes 11 terabytes/sec, which is an absolutely crazy amount of data for one second—how would you even get it out? Now consider encoding each msec in 8 bits (or 1 byte) to measure membrane potential changes (this would allow for 256 degree change, giving you just enough range over the normal -90mV to ~160mV of a normal neuron) and you suddenly have 90 terabytes/sec (!). Don’t even ask how we’ll store that, let alone share the data and analyze it (i’ll look into the back-of-the-envelope calculations of basic analysis in a future write-up).
Anyways, back to the main topic. We now have spiking data for a million neurons. What do we do? Put it into some sort of linear classifier, PCA/SVM, factor analysis, k-clustering, or other methods. Undoubtedly with that much data, things are going to group in a higher dimensional space (i’ll actually show this later using randomly generated data in Matlab or R then running each type of analysis on it). But what does that tell us? There are two groups (it appears to me) in the BRAIN discussion: neurobiologist who want to learn something about the mechanism and engineers/computer scientists who want to mine neural systems for new algorithms. Being clear about which goal is being pursued for a particular project will greatly help clarify the types of stimuli, methods of recording, and focus of subsequent analysis. Assuming we want to find out a biological question: we find several levels of sub-circuits that seem to correlate with a behavioral output. Now we need to puterb the system (optogenetics, acoustically, etc.) and observe the changes, ideally in the exact same neurons. This is a monumental technical challenge and what we would actually gain in terms of understanding is not quite clear—at least, for the moment. I’ll have to let this gestate and come back to the topic.
A side thought i had while talking with Tom was how you would reconcile theories about whether neuronal, glial, or some other form of computation gives rise to particular behaviors? The basic experiment would be to measure neuronal spiking activity or voltage change while simultaneously measuring the membrane potential of electrically coupled glial cells to see which best models the behavior. If the activity of each can equally capture the activity of each, what do you interpret from this? How would you reconcile this redundancy?
The last idea that came to mind was whether we had an accurate method of analyzing how much data we would need to gain a meaningful understanding of the underlying neural system being explored. A key concern of mine was whether we would spend time attempting to make optical, acoustic, magnetic, or eletrical systems to measure neural activity on the 1 msec scale (same scale as an action potential) when what we really need is to only measure at 20 msec resolution (response time of current GCaMP optical activity probes). Using either known simple model organisms or just simulating a basic circuit (there are various models for this that i can get into later) should allow us to progressively lower the temporal resolution and see if we can still capture the system response accurately. Of course, there are great benefits to recording individual action potentials, but as a rigorous test of what technology should be focused on, and thus taxpayers dollars spent on, this analysis should be done.
Yael Maguire came by class a couple weeks ago to chat about using RFID or other wireless technologies (e.g. optical RFID) to measure brain activity. The chief reason for this is that using electrode or other physical channels to extract information out of the brain would not scale properly if you want to measure hundreds, thousands, or millions of neurons. Many of the ideas were pretty neat, but i wanted to do a quick calculation about whether you could feasibly fit nano-OPIDs into the brain, assuming the other technical hurdles were worked out.
The basic schematic for the chip (in a best case scenario) was about 10x10x5 m = 5e-16 m3. Assuming that the human brain contains about 1011 neurons, we have 5e-16 m3 * 1011 neurons = 5e-05 m3 in total volume for our chips if we want to record from every neuron in the brain. Human brain volume is ~1450 cm3 = 0.00145 m3. So if we want to calculate the amount of space that our chips would take up: 5e-05 m3/0.00145 m3 = ~3.4% of total brain volume.
That might not seem like a lot, but for a system as delicately balanced as the brain, that could cause serious problems, the least of which are experimental artifacts. I’ll try to contact a neurologist or search through the literature on brain tumor sizes that cause serious problems to see how this distributed increase in brain volume would disrupt behavior.
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‘Silent’ mitral cells dominate odor responses in the olfactory bulb of awake mice, 22
A comprehensive thalamocortical projection map at the mesoscopic level, 23, 24
A mesoscale connectome of the mouse brain, 25
A million spiking-neuron integrated circuit with a scalable communication network and interface, 26
A synaptic organizing principle for cortical neuronal groups, 27
A Whole-Brain Atlas of Inputs to Serotonergic Neurons of the Dorsal and Median Raphe Nuclei, 28
A Whole-Brain Atlas of Inputs to Serotonergic Neurons of the Dorsal and Median Raphe Nuclei , 29
Alone in the Void , 30
Anatomy of Scientific Evolution, 31
BRAIN: Launching America^^e2^^80^^99s Next Moonshot, 32
Can Humans Really Discriminate 1 Trillion Odors? , 33
Career on the Move: Geography, Stratification, and Scientific Impact, 34
Centauri Dreams: Imagining and Planning Interstellar Exploration, 35
Cerebellum involvement in cortical sensorimotor circuits for the control of voluntary movements, 36
Computer-Generated Holographic Beams for the Investigation of the Molecular and Circuit Function, 37
Constraining the connectivity of neuronal networks cultured on microelectrode arrays with microfluidic techniques: A step towards neuron-based functional chips, 38
Cosmos: A Personal Voyage , 39
Creating effective slides: Design, Construction, and Use in Science (youtube) , 40
current opinion in neurobiology: focus on circuits, 41
Deep Space Propulsion: A Roadmap to Interstellar Flight, 42
Development, learning and memory in large random networks of cortical neurons: lessons beyond anatomy, 43
Doric Miniaturized Fluorescence Microscopy, 44
Driving forces of researchers mobility, 45
Duarte Portfolio , 46
Effective Presentations in Engineering and Science, 47
Entering Space, 48
Functional patterned multiphoton excitation deep inside scattering tissue, 49
Fundamentals of Astrodynamics , 50
Future impact: Predicting scientific success, 51
Future Science, 52
Genome-scale functional characterization of Drosophila developmental enhancers in vivo , 53
Giving science talks , 54 , 55
Humans Can Discriminate More than 1 Trillion Olfactory Stimuli , 56
Identifying Functional Connections of the Inner Photoreceptors in Drosophila using Tango-Trace, 57
Imaging Activity in Neurons and Glia with a Polr2a-Based and Cre-Dependent GCaMP5G-IRES-tdTomato Reporter Mouse , 58
Improve your PowerPoint (youtube), 59
Interstellar travel (wikipedia), 60
Interstellar Travel andMulti-Generational Space Ships: Apogee Books Space Series 34, 61
Islands in the Sky: Bold New Ideas for Colonizing Space, 62
Learning in Networks of Cortical Neurons, 63
Light Field Microscopy for 3D functional neuroimaging, 64
Limits on fundamental limits to computation, 65
Long-Term Temporal Imprecision of Information Coding in the Anterior Cingulate Cortex of Mice with Peripheral Inflammation or Nerve Injury, 66
microcircuits and their computational roles, 67
Mining The Sky: Untold Riches From The Asteroids, Comets, And Planets, 68
Multiscale Optical Ca2+ Imaging of Tonal Organization in Mouse Auditory Cortex , 69
Network Structure within the Cerebellar Input Layer Enables Lossless Sparse Encoding , 70
Neural Networks of the Mouse Neocortex, 71
Neurons Are Recruited to a Memory Trace Based on Relative Neuronal Excitability Immediately before Training, 72
Neuroscience Technologies, 73
NIH awards initial $46 million for BRAIN Initiative research, 74
On the Predictability of Future Impact in Science, 75
Organization of Monosynaptic Inputs to the Serotonin and Dopamine Neuromodulatory Systems , 76
Pimp your PowerPoint , 77
Prediction of highly cited papers, 78
Presynaptic Partners of Dorsal Raphe Serotonergic and GABAergic Neurons, 79
Proposal For Neuromorphic Hardware Using Spin Devices, 80
Quantifying long-term scientific impact, 81
resonate - Present Visual Stories that Transform Audiences, 82
Robust multicellular computing using genetically encoded NOR gates and chemical ‘wires’, 83
Scientific Presentations The Assertion-Evidence Approach , 84
Sensory-Related Neural Activity Regulates the Structure of Vascular Networks in the Cerebral Cortex, 85
Separate Microcircuit Modules of Distinct V2a Interneurons and Motoneurons Control the Speed of Locomotion, 86
Simultaneous cellular-resolution optical perturbation and imaging of place cell firing fields, 87
Single-Cell Phenotyping within Transparent Intact Tissue through Whole-Body Clearing, 88
slide:ology: The Art and Science of Creating Great Presentations, 89
Spacefaring: The Human Dimension, 90
Sparseness and Expansion in Sensory Representations, 91
Susan McConnell (Stanford): Designing effective scientific presentations (youtube) , 92
Synaptic plasticity in micropatterned neuronal networks, 93
Targeting neurons and photons for optogenetics , 94
The Case for Mars: The Plan to Settle the Red Planet and Why We Must, 95
The Craft of Scientific Presentations: Critical Steps to Succeed and Critical Errors to Avoid , 96
the Martian , 97
The Presentation Secrets of Steve Jobs, 98
The Starflight Handbook: A Pioneer’s Guide to Interstellar Travel, 99
Thy1-GCaMP6 Transgenic Mice for Neuronal Population Imaging In Vivo, 100
Time to Plan for a Mission to Alpha Centauri , 101
Top Pharma Projects to Watch, 102
Two-photon excitation in scattering media by spatiotemporally shaped beams and their application in optogenetic stimulation, 103
Use of differentiated pluripotent stem cells as replacement therapy for treating disease, 104
Visualizing mammalian brain area interactions by dual-axis two-photon calcium imaging, 105
We Have Met the Enemy and He Is PowerPoint , 106
Wide field-of-view, twin-region two-photon imaging across extended cortical networks, 107
A brain in a supercomputer, 108
A brief account of nanoparticle contrast agents for photoacoustic imaging, 109
A canonical microcircuit for neocortex., 110
A Causative Link Between Inner Ear Defects and Long-Term Striatal Dysfunction, 111
A comprehensive multiscale framework for simulating optogenetics in the heart, 112
A computational perspective on the neural basis of multisensory spatial representations, 113
A database of Caenorhabditis elegans behavioral phenotypes, 114
A Direct Brain-to-Brain Interface in Humans, 115
A Family of Algorithms for Computing Consensus about Node State from Network Data, 116
A faster, brighter picture of brain cells in action, 117
A gene complex controlling segmentation in Drosophila, 118
A graduate school survival guide: “So long, and thanks for the Ph.D
”, 119
A Guide to In vivo Single-unit Recording from Optogenetically Identified Cortical Inhibitory Interneurons, 120
A learning algorithm for Boltzmann machines., 121
A lingering smell?, 122
A marker induction mechanism for the establishment of ordered neural mappings: its application to the retinotectal problem, 123
A Miniature Head-Mounted Two-Photon Microscope: High-Resolution Brain Imaging in Freely Moving Animals, 124
A model for the formation of orientation columns, 125
A neuronal network for computing population vectors in the leech, 126
A Physicist’s Renewed Look at Biology, 127
a previous post, 128
A quantitative description of membrane current and its application to conduction and excitation in nerve, 129
A Robot Really Committed A Crime: Now What?, 130
A Rulebook for Arguments, 131
A self-organizing neural network that discovers surfaces in random-dot stereograms, 132
A simple coding procedure enhances a neuron’s information capacity., 133
A Skeptic’s Guide to the Mind, 134
A spinal analog of memory reconsolidation enables reversal of hyperalgesia, 135
A Standard for Neuroscience Data, 136
A Wireless Multi-Channel Recording System for Freely Behaving Mice and Rats, 137
AA35 - Two-photon imaging of light-induced nociceptive processing In vivo, 138
Abstract - FENS Forum 2014, 139
Accelerando, 140
Accelerated chemistry in the reaction between the hydroxyl radical and methanol at interstellar temperatures facilitated by tunnelling, 141
Activation of the renin-angiotensin system, specifically in the subfornical organ is sufficient to induce fluid intake., 142
Adaptive informatics for multifactorial and high-content biological data, 143
Addressing the Nation^^e2^^80^^99s Changing Needs for Biomedical and Behavioral Scientists, 144
Advanced CLARITY for rapid and high-resolution imaging of intact tissues, 145
advances in artificial intelligence, 146
advances in artificial intelligence, part 2, 147
Advances in the pharmacological treatment of Parkinson’s disease: targeting neurotransmitter systems, 148
Advances in using MRI probes and sensors for in vivo cell tracking as applied to regenerative medicine, 149
Advancing Genetic Treatments Against Blindness, 150
Age and scientific productivity. Differences between fields of learning, 151
Age and the Nobel prize revisited, 152
Age Distribution of NIH Principal Investigators and Medical School Faculty, 153
age-related macular degeneration, 154
Ahrens, 2013, 155
Air France Flight 447, 156
Akerboom, 2013, 157
Alan Jasanoff, 158, 159
Albert Lee’s work looking at silent place cells, 160
All-optical electrophysiology in mammalian neurons using engineered microbial rhodopsins, 161
All-Optical Interrogation of Neural Circuits, 162
Allelic heterogeneity in NCF2 associated with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) susceptibility across four ethnic populations, 163
Allen Brain Atlas, 164
Allen Cell Types Database, 165
Allen Institute, 166, 167
Allen Institute Brain Explorer, 168
along with others, 169
Alzheimer’s trials, 170
amazing work with birds, 171
Ambition the film , 172
Amy Wagers, 173
Amygdala interneuron subtypes control fear learning through disinhibition, 174
An active membrane model of the cerebellar Purkinje cell. I. Simulation of current clamps in slice, 175
An analogue approach to the travelling salesman problem using an elastic net method., 176
An electrical investigation of effects of repetitive stimulation on mammalian neuromuscular junction, 177
An exploratory test for an excess of significant findings, 178
An Interactive Resource to Identify Cancer Genetic and Lineage Dependencies Targeted by Small Molecules, 179
An ultra-lightweight design for imperceptible plastic electronics, 180
Analogous responses in the nucleus accumbens and cingulate cortex to pain onset (aversion) and offset (relief) in rats and humans, 181
Analysis of Transduction Efficiency, Tropism and Axonal Transport of AAV Serotypes 1, 2, 5, 6, 8 and 9 in the Mouse Brain, 182
Ancestral dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) exposure promotes epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of obesity, 183
Anderson, 184
Andre Esteva, 185
Angiotensin, Thirst, and Sodium Appetite, 186
Angiotensinergic and cholinergic receptors of the subfornical organ mediate sodium intake induced by GABAergic activation of the lateral parabrachial nucleus., 187
Annual Review of Neuroscience, 188
Annual Reviews, 189
Anteroventral Wall Of The Third Ventricle And Dorsal Lamina Terminalis: Headquarters For Control Of Body Fluid Homeostasis?, 190
Aping Mankind, 191
Application of Tissue Clearing and Light Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy to Assess Optic Nerve Regeneration in Unsectioned Tissues, 192
Are two heads better than one? The psychology of Pacific Rim, 193
array tomography, 194
article 1, 195
article 2, 196
article 3, 197
artificial intelligence and the law, 198
Artificial intelligence: Learning to see and act, 199
Arvix, 200, 201
arXiv has author identifiers, 202
Assignment of Model Amygdala Neurons to the Fear Memory Trace Depends on Competitive Synaptic Interactions, 203
At what age do biomedical scientists do their best work?, 204
Auditory spatial receptive fields created by multiplication, 205
Autism: A long genetic explanation, 206
Autodesk Inventor, 207
Autodesk’s Inventor, 208
Automated whole-cell patch clamp electrophysiology of neurons in vivo, 209
Autonomous molecular cascades for evaluation of cell surfaces, 210
Autonomous screening of C. elegans identifies genes implicated in synaptogenesis, 211
Autopatcher, 212
awesome work, 213
Axonal delay lines for time measurement in the owl’s brainstem, 214
Bacteria activate sensory neurons that modulate pain and inflammation, 215
Bacteria get on your nerves, 216 associated blog post, 217
Balanced cortical microcircuitry for maintaining information in working memory, 218
Barabasi, 219
Barabasi Lab, 220
Bargmann, 221
Barney Cruz, 222
Barthas 2015, 223
Basic and Applied Social Psychology Editorial on the null hypothesis significance testing procedure, 224
BB9 - Epidural optic fiber implant for spinal optogenetics, 225
Becerra, 2013, 226
Behavioural battery testing: Evaluation and behavioural outcomes in 8 inbred mouse strains, 227
Ben Barres, 228
Benjamin Grewe, 229
Between Postdoc and Job, a Whole Lot of Questions, 230
BGI Cognitive Genomics, 231
Bidirectional switch of the valence associated with a hippocampal contextual memory engram, 232
Big data from small data: data-sharing in the ‘long tail’ of neuroscience, 233
Big data, but are we ready?, 234
Big Science vs. Little Science: How Scientific Impact Scales with Funding, 235
Binless strategies for estimation of information from neural data, 236
Biophysical model of a Hebbian synapse, 237
Bit-by-bit autophagic removal of parkin-labelled mitochondria, 238
BlackRock, 239
Blocking receptor in brain^^e2^^80^^99s immune cells counters Alzheimer^^e2^^80^^99s in mice, study finds, 240
Blue Brain project, 241
blue brain project, 242
Bongwoori, 243
Boyden, 244, 245
Boyden Lab, 246
BRAIN 2025: A Scientific Vision, 247
Brain Activity in Valuation Regions while Thinking about the Future Predicts Individual Discount Rates, 248
brain bank, 249
Brain Computation as Hierarchical Abstraction, 250
BRAIN initiative, 251, 252, 253
brain initiative notes, 254, 255
brain initiative notes rss feed, 256
BRAIN short story, 257
Brain Windows, 258
brain-computer interfaces, 259
Brain-machine interfaces, 260
Brain/MINDS: brain-mapping project in Japan, 261
BrainAligner, 262
Brainbow, 263
BrainFormat, 264, 265
BrainGate, 266
Branson Lab, 267, 268
Breakdown of long-range temporal dependence in default mode and attention networks during deep sleep, 269
Breakthrough Therapies, 270
Bridging the transgenerational gap with epigenetic memory, 271
Briggman, 272
Brute force searching, the typical set and Guesswork, 273
Buck Institute, 274, 275, 276
CA3 spine thorns, 277
calcineurin, 278
calcium imaging cell detection techniques, 279
Calcium sensor leaves permanent mark in activated neurons, 280
Callaway, 281
Calling the next generation of affinity reagents, 282
CaMPARI, 283
Campari, 284
Can a biologist fix a radio?^^e2^^80^^94Or, what I learned while studying apoptosis, 285
Can Machines Think?, 286
Can matter cycle through shapes eternally?, 287
Cannabinoids in Pain Management: An Update, 288
Cardiac function and electrical remodeling of the calcineurin-overexpressed transgenic mouse, 289
Casting light on pain, 290
Causes and Consequences of Hyperexcitation in Central Clock Neurons, 291
Cell, 292, 293
cell assemblies as proposed by Buzaki, 294
Cell mechanism overload, 295
Cellular and Synaptic Architecture of Multisensory Integration in the Mouse Neocortex, 296
Cellular organization of cortical barrel columns is whisker-specific, 297
Cellular Resolution Functional Imaging in Behaving Rats Using Voluntary Head Restraint, 298
Cellular resolution optical access to brain regions in fissures: Imaging medial prefrontal cortex and grid cells in entorhinal cortex, 299
Cerebral cartography: a vision of its future, 300
Cerebral organoids model human brain development and microcephaly, 301
CERN uses magnetic tapes for storage still, 302
Chance and consensus in peer review, 303
channelpedia, 304
channelrhodopsin, 305
Channelrhodopsin as a tool to investigate synaptic transmission and plasticity., 306
channels, 307
Characteristic Effects of Stochastic Oscillatory Forcing on Neural Firing: Analytical Theory and Comparison to Paddlefish Electroreceptor Data, 308
check out his lab’s website, 309
Chemical Reviews, 310, 311
Chemogenetic Synaptic Silencing of Neural Circuits Localizes a Hypothalamus-¿Midbrain Pathway for Feeding Behavior, 312
Cheng-Hsun Wu, 313
Chinese scientists genetically modify human embryos, 314
chlorsulfuron, 315
Choosing a Lab, 316
Choosing a Thesis Lab: Things to consider before and during rotations, 317
Choosing The Right Research Adviser, 318
chromatophore, 319
Chronic Cellular Imaging of Entire Cortical Columns in Awake Mice Using Microprisms, 320
chronic, wireless recordings of large-scale brain activity in freely moving rhesus monkeys, 321
Chronos and Chrimson, 322
Chronos and Crimson, 323
Church, 324
Church Lab, 325
churchland lab, 326
Citation opportunity cost of the high impact factor obsession, 327
ClearT, 329
CLEO, 330
click chemistry, 331
CNC Annual Symposium, 332
Cocaine-induced structural plasticity in frontal cortex correlates with conditioned place preference, 333
Cognitive neuroscience: Time, space and memory, 334
Cohen, 335
Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience, 336
Combinatorial Mutagenesis of the Voltage-Sensing Domain Enables the Optical Resolution of Action Potentials Firing at 60 Hz by a Genetically Encoded Fluorescent Sensor of Membrane Potential, 337
Comparison of Linux Development Boards, 339
Competition and Careers in Biosciences, 340
CompTop, 341
Computational analysis of the role of the hippocampus in memory, 342
Computational design of ligand-binding proteins with high affinity and selectivity, 343
Computational vision and regularization theory., 344
Computer-Generated Holographic Beams for the Investigation of the Molecular and Circuit Function, 345
Computers Faster Only for 75 More Years, 346
Computing with 10,000-Bit Words*, 347
Conceptual Models and Analytical Tools: The Biology of Physicist Max Delbr^^c3^^bcck, 348
Concurrent Imaging of Synaptic Vesicle Recycling and Calcium Dynamics, 349
Connectomic reconstruction of the inner plexiform layer in the mouse retina, 350
Consciousness: Confessions of a Romantic Reductionist, 351
Consciousness: here, there and everywhere?, 352
Considerations for developing a standard for storing electrophysiology data in HDF5, 353
Constitutive ^^ce^^bc-Opioid Receptor Activity Leads to Long-Term Endogenous Analgesia and Dependence, 354
Conte Center Neuroscience Symposium, 355
context switches, 356
continue to falter, 357
Control VR - The Future of VR and Animation, 358
Conversion of Channelrhodopsin into a Light-Gated Chloride Channel, 359
Cooperative Computation of Stereo Disparity, 360
Correlated neuronal discharge rate and its implications for psychophysical performance, 361
Correlation between neural spike trains increases with firing rate, 362
Cortical connections and parallel processing: Structure and function, in Vision, in Brain and cooperative computation, 363
Cortical development and remapping through spike timing-dependent plasticity, 364
cortical neuron cultures, 365
Cortical rewiring and information storage, 366
Corticostriatal functional connectivity predicts transition to chronic back pain, 367
Cost-Based Metrics for Spike Trains, 368
Could information theory provide an ecological theory of sensory processing?, 369
Coupling Mechanism and Significance of the BOLD Signal: A Status Report, 370
Cox, 371
Creating a False Memory in the Hippocampus, 372
CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene editing in human tripronuclear zygotes, 373
cs379c, 374, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379
CSHL, 380
CT scans, 381
CUDA, 382
CUDA tutorials, 383
cultured neuron interface, 384
Current Opinion in Neurobiology: Theoretical and computational neuroscience, 385
cyclic voltametry, 386
cycorp, 387
da Vinci surgical system, 388
Daniel Eth, 389
Data Science at NIH, 390
Data Sharing for Computational Neuroscience, 391
Data URL, 392, 393
David Attwell, 394
David Cox, 395, 396
David Hilbert, 397
DBpedia, 398
DD3 - Optogenetic control of dopamine release in rodents and novel opto-dopamine probes for In vivo experiments, 399
decision by consensus, 400
Decisions, decisions, 401, 402
Decoding Information in Cell Shape, 403
Decoding Neural Circuits that Control Compulsive Sucrose Seeking, 404
Decreased motivation during chronic pain requires long-term depression in the nucleus accumbens, 405
DeepMind, 406
FDOT14, 407
Deisseroth lab, 408
Demystifying multithreading and multi-core, 409
Dendrimeric calcium-responsive MRI contrast agents with slow in vivo diffusion, 410
Dendritic computation, 411
dendritic computation, 412
dendritic spines, 413
dephosphorylation, 414
Depression of transmitter release at the neuromuscular junction of the frog, 415
Design Constraints for Mobile, High-Speed Fluorescence Brain Imaging in Awake Animals, 416
designer babies, 417
Desipramine, 418
Detecting cells using non-negative matrix factorization on calcium imaging data, 419
Detrimental effects of reward: Reality or myth?, 420
Development and Applications of CRISPR-Cas9 for Genome Engineering, 421
Devon Chandler-Brown, 422
Dias, 2014, 423
dielectric resonator, 424
Diesseroth, 425
Diesseroth Lab, 426
Differences in Review Quality and Recommendations for Publication Between Peer Reviewers Suggested by Authors or by Editors, 427
Differential signaling via the same axon of neocortical pyramidal neurons, 428
Digimouse: 3D Mouse Atlas, 429, 430
digital object identifier system, 431
Direct visuomotor transformations for reaching, 432
Discovery of Brainwide Neural-Behavioral Maps via Multiscale Unsupervised Structure Learning, 433, 434, 435
Distinct Basal Ganglia Circuits Controlling Behaviors Guided by Flexible and Stable Values, 436
Distinct Representations of Cognitive and Motivational Signals in Midbrain Dopamine Neurons, 437
Distinct Subpopulations of Nucleus Accumbens Dynorphin Neurons Drive Aversion and Reward, 438
DIWG’s executive summary, 439
DNA methylation, 440
DNA methylation regulates associative reward learning, 441
DNA polymerase, 442
Do Animal Models Tell Us about Human Pain?, 443
Do rats have a prefrontal cortex?, 444
Does Google Scholar contain all highly cited documents (1950-2013)?, 445
DOMDocument, 446
DOMXPath, 447
Don^^e2^^80^^99t edit the human germ line, 448
Donoghue, 449
Dopamine Modulates Risk-Taking as a Function of Baseline Sensation-Seeking Trait, 450
dopamine receptors, 451
Dopaminergic Control of Long-Term Depression/Long-Term Potentiation Threshold in Prefrontal Cortex, 452
Dorsal Raphe Neurons Signal Reward through 5-HT and Glutamate, 453
Double Nicking by RNA-Guided CRISPR Cas9 for Enhanced Genome Editing Specificity, 454, 455
Douglas Fields, 456
DP03 - Measurement of phasic dopamine signals in the rat nucleus accumbens core and shell in response to noxious stimuli, 457
Dr. Salzmann’s work at Max Planck Institute for Biological Cybernetics, 458
DREADDs, 459
Drinking behavior following electrical stimulation of the subfornical organ in the rat., 460
Drosophila, 461
Drug development: Raise standards for preclinical cancer research, 462
dual photo-stimulation and imaging, 463, 464, 465, 466
dual photo-stimulation and imaging, cont’d, 467
dual photo-stimulation and imaging, cont^^e2^^80^^99d, 468
Dynamically Reshaping Signaling Networks to Program Cell Fate via Genetic Controllers, 469
Dysfunction of Cortical Dendritic Integration in Neuropathic Pain Reversed by Serotoninergic Neuromodulation, 470
echo state networks, 471
Ecological expected utility and the mythical neural code., 472
Ecosystem consequences of bird declines, 473
Editorial peer review for improving the quality of reports of biomedical studies, 474
Effect on the Quality of Peer Review of Blinding Reviewers and Asking Them to Sign Their Reports, 475
Effect size, 476
Effect size, confidence interval and statistical significance: a practical guide for biologists, 477
Effects of Editorial Peer Review, 478
Effects of training on quality of peer review: randomised controlled trial, 479
electrically tunable lenses, 480
electroencephalography, 481
electron microscopy, 482
Electrophysiology Task Force, 483
Elizabeth M. C. Hillman, 484
Elon Musk - Work ethics, Principles, Attitude, Failure - Pearls of Advice, 485
Emergence of simple-cell receptive field properties by learning a sparse code for natural images, 486
Emergent properties of networks of biological signaling pathways, 487
Emergent Properties of the Optic Tectum Revealed by Population Analysis of Direction and Orientation Selectivity, 488
Encoding multiple unnatural amino acids via evolution of a quadruplet-decoding ribosome, 489
Encoding Through Patterns: Regression Tree^^e2^^80^^93Based Neuronal Population Models, 490
Encryption is less secure than we thought, 491
Endogenous angiotensin II facilitates GABAergic neurotransmission afferent to the Na+-responsive neurons of the rat median preoptic nucleus., 492
Energy-efficient encoding by shifting spikes in neocortical neurons, 493
Engineering a memory with LTD and LTP, 494, 495
Engineering of weak helper interactions for high-efficiency FRET probes, 496
Entering Mentoring: A Seminar to Train a New Generation of Scientists, 497
Entopsis , 498
Environmentally induced epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of disease susceptibility, 499
Environmentally Induced Transgenerational Epigenetic Reprogramming of Primordial Germ Cells and the Subsequent Germ Line, 500
EosFP, 501
EPFL, 502
ephrins, 503
Epialleles in plant evolution, 504
Epigenetic and epigenomic variation in Arabidopsis thaliana, 505
Epigenetic inheritance of a cocaine-resistance phenotype, 506
Epigenetic mechanisms underlying learning and the inheritance of learned behaviors, 507
Epigenetic memory: the Lamarckian brain, 508
Epigenetic Transmission of the Impact of Early Stress Across Generations, 509
EPON, 510
Equating information-theoretic and likelihood-based methods for neural dimensionality reduction, 511
Ersatz, 512
Ethical reproducibility: towards transparent reporting in biomedical research, 513
Evaluation of Excess Significance Bias in Animal Studies of Neurological Diseases, 514
Evidence for a computational distinction between proximal and distal neuronal inhibition, 515
Evidence for a computational distinction between proximal and distal neuronal inhibition., 516
Evidence for Hubs in Human Functional Brain Networks, 517
Evolution Heresy? Epigenetics Underlies Heritable Plant Traits, 518
evolutionary correlations, 519
Evolutionary origins of the avian brain, 520
excellent set of notes, 521
Excitatory and inhibitory interactions in localized populations of model neurons, 522
Exotic optics: Metamaterial world, 523, 524
Expansion microscopy, 525
Experimental evidence needed to demonstrate inter- and trans-generational effects of ancestral experiences in mammals, 526
Explicit memory creation during sleep demonstrates a causal role of place cells in navigation, 527
eyeborg, 528
fairhall lab, 529
False-Positive Psychology: Undisclosed Flexibility in Data Collection and Analysis Allows Presenting Anything as Significant, 530
Fast two-layer two-photon imaging of neuronal cell populations using an electrically tunable lens, 531
Fast-conducting mechanoreceptors contribute to withdrawal behavior in normal and nerve injured rats, 532
FD NeuroTechnologies, 533
figure 2 of Packer, 2012, 534
figure 2 of Rickgauer, 2009, 535
figure 3b, 536
figure 4h, 537
Findings Regarding The Market Events Of May 6, 2010, 538
First GWAS hits for cognitive ability, 539
Flash Crash: Could it happen again?, 540
Flexible Control of Mutual Inhibition: A Neural Model of Two-Interval Discrimination, 541
Flexible control of mutual inhibition: a neural model of two-interval discrimination, 542
flickr page, 543
Flows of Research Manuscripts Among Scientific Journals Reveal Hidden Submission Patterns, 544
fMRI response to blue light delivery in the na^^c3^^afve brain: Implications for combined optogenetic fMRI studies, 545, 546
Food Restriction Increases Glutamate Receptor-Mediated Burst Firing of Dopamine Neurons, 547
For Best Results, Forget the Bonus, 548
Fostering the Independence of New Investigators in Biomedical Research. - Where Are We Now?, 549
Freebase, 550
freely moving dual photostimulation and imaging, 551, 552, 553
From another angle: Differences in cortical coding between fine and coarse discrimination of orientation., 554
From circuits to behavior: a bridge too far?, 555
From circuits to behaviour in the amygdala, 556
frontiers neuro blog, 557
Functional imaging in the zebrafish retinotectal system using RGECO, 558
Functional labeling of neurons and their projections using the synthetic activity^^e2^^80^^93dependent promoter E-SARE, 559
functional magnetic resonance imaging, 560
functional near-infrared spectroscopy, 561
Functional patterned multiphoton excitation deep inside scattering tissue, 562
Fundamental Limits to Moore’s Law, 563
Funding grant proposals for scientific research: retrospective analysis of scores by members of grant review panel, 564
G-protein coupled receptors, 565
Gain Control Network Conditions in Early Sensory Coding, 566
galvos, 567
Gary Marcus, 568
Gatsby, 569
Gaurav Venkataraman, 570
GCaMP, 571, 572
GCaMP7, 573
GDF11, 574
Geiger counters, 575
Genetic and Pharmacological Evidence for a Novel, Intermediate Phase of Long-Term Potentiation Suppressed by Calcineurin, 576
Genetic Control of Nociceptive Sensory Neuron Development and Pain Behavior pm Grantome, 577
Genetically-encoded Voltage Indicators, 578, 579
git, 580
Global Alliance for Genomics and Health, 581, 582
Global Epigenomic Reconfiguration During Mammalian Brain Development, 583
Google Anti-Aging Startup, Calico, Snags Big Names: Barron, Botstein, 584
Google Compute Engine, 585
Google Glass, 586
Google Research, 587
Google Scholar, 588, 589
Google technical report, 590
Google Trends, 591
Google^^e2^^80^^99s Grand Plan to Make Your Brain Irrelevant, 592
Gordon Research Conferences, 593
GPU, 594
Graduate school: the movie, 595
Grantome, 596
Graphene for Terahertz Applications, 597, 598
Graur and co. argued was what went wrong with the ENCODE project, 599
great overview article, 600
GRIN, 601
groupthink, 602
Guide to research techniques in neuroscience, 603
GWAS, 604
Hadly Lab, 605
Hanchuan Peng, 606
Handbook of Basal Ganglia Structure and Function, 607
Handbook of Biological Statistics, 608
Hang Lu, 609
Hang Lu Lab, 610
Haruhiko Bito, 611
Hausser, 612, 613
HDF, 614
Head-mountable high speed camera for optical neural recording, 615
Health Level 7, 616
Hebbian synapses: biophysical mechanisms and algorithms, 617
Helmchen Lab, 618
Henry Markham, 619
Heritable gene targeting in the mouse and rat using a CRISPR-Cas system, 620
High-resolution reconstruction of the beating zebrafish heart, 621
High-resolution whole-brain staining for electron microscopic circuit reconstruction, 622
High-speed recording of neural spikes in awake mice and flies with a fluorescent voltage sensor, 623
Highly nonrandom features of synaptic connectivity in local cortical circuits, 624
HoloLens, 625
How (not) to get a job..., 626
How does she do it?, 627
How learning can guide evolution., 628
How Many Scientists Fabricate and Falsify Research? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Survey Data, 629
How reliable is peer review? An examination of operating grant proposals simultaneously submitted to two similar peer review systems, 630
How to Be a Good Graduate Student – Succeeding in Graduate School, 631
How to Become a Successful Scientist, 632
How To Choose a Good Scientific Problem, 633
How to choose a thesis advisor?, 634
How to succeed in science: a concise guide for young biomedical scientists. Part I: taking the plunge, 635
How to succeed in science: a concise guide for young biomedical scientists. Part II: making discoveries, 636
htlatex, 637, 638, 639, 640˙Flash˙Crash, 641, 642, 643, 644, 645˙sim/src/master/, 646, 647, 648, 649, 650, 651, 652, 653, 654, 655, 656, 657, 658, 659, 660, 661, 662, 663, 664, 665, 666, 667, 668, 669˙tools, 670, 671, 672, 673, 674, 675, 676, 677, 678, 679, 680, 681, 682, 683, 684, 685, 686, 687, 688, 689, 690, 691, 692, 693, 694, 695, 696, 697, 698, 699, 700, 701, 702, 703, 704, 705, 706, 707, 708, 709, 710, 711, 712, 713, 714, 715, 716, 717, 718, 719, 720, 721, 722, 723, 724, 725, 726, 727, 728, 729˙registration, 730, 731, 732˙program, 733, 734, 735, 736, 737, 738, 739, 740, 741, 742, 743, 744, 745, 746, 747, 748, 749, 750, 751, 752˙SUNS, 753˙widefield˙cal˙inferece, 754, 755, 756, 757˙E, 758, 759˙matlab, 760, 761, 762, 763˙motion˙correction, 764, 765, 766, 767, 768˙Robust˙and˙Efficient˙WACV˙2023˙, 769, 770, 771, 772, 773, 774, 775, 776
Human Brain Project, 777, 778
human brain project, 779
Human brain volume, 780
Human Connectome Project, 781
Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning, 782
Huntington disease arises from a combinatory toxicity of polyglutamine and copper binding, 783
I listen to color, 784
IBM Scientists Show Blueprints for Brain-like Computing, 785
Identification of a splice variant of mouse TRPA1 that regulates TRPA1 activity, 786
Identification of Spinal Circuits Transmitting and Gating Mechanical Pain, 787
iGluSnFR, 788, 789
Igor Markov, 790
Imaging calcium microdomains within entire astrocyte territories and endfeet with GCaMPs expressed using adeno-associated viruses, 791
Imaging Circulating Tumor Cells in Freely Moving Awake Small Animals Using a Miniaturized Intravital Microscope, 792
Imaging electrical activity of neurons with metamaterial nanosensors, 793
Imaging neural spiking in brain tissue using FRET-opsin protein voltage sensors, 794
Imaging of Tau Pathology in a Tauopathy Mouse Model and in Alzheimer Patients Compared to Normal Controls, 795
Imaging the Awake Visual Cortex with a Genetically Encoded Voltage Indicator, 796
Imaging zebrafish neural circuitry from whole brain to synapse, 797
immediate early gene, 798
Impact Factor Distortions, 799
Implication of sperm RNAs in transgenerational inheritance of the effects of early trauma in mice, 800
In Defense of Academic Writing, 801
In focus: molecular and cell biology research in China, 802
In it to win it: Pathway to scientific independence by the NIH K99 award, 803
In vivo Calcium Imaging to Illuminate Neurocircuit Activity Dynamics Underlying Naturalistic Behavior, 804
In vivo evidence that retinal bipolar cells generate spikes modulated by light, 805
In vivo optogenetic identification and manipulation of GABAergic interneuron subtypes, 806
In vivo robotics: the automation of neuroscience and other intact-system biological fields, 807
In vivo synaptic recovery following optogenetic hyperstimulation, 808
In vivo time-gated fluorescence imaging with biodegradable luminescent porous silicon nanoparticles, 809
in-situ, 810
Independent circuits in the basal ganglia for the evaluation and selection of actions, 811
Inflammatory Pain Promotes Increased Opioid Self-Administration: Role of Dysregulated Ventral Tegmental Area mu Opioid Receptors, 812
Influence of dendritic structure on firing pattern in model neocortical neurons, 813
Information and Efficiency in the Nervous System–A Synthesis, 814
Information and Efficiency in the Nervous System^^e2^^80^^94A Synthesis, 815
Inorganic materials: Intuition weaved into computation, 816
Inscopix, 817
Inspiration Mars Foundation, 818
Integrated information theory , 819
Integration of GABAergic Interneurons into Cortical Cell Assemblies: Lessons from Embryos and Adults, 820
Intel Galileo, 821
Intel PRO/1000 GT Desktop Adapter, 822
Interaction of FUS and HDAC1 regulates DNA damage response and repair in neurons, 823
Interesting (Computational) Neuroscience Papers, 824, 825
Internally generated cell assembly sequences in the rat hippocampus, 826
International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility, 827
Intrinsic and network rhythmogenesis in a reduced Traub model for CA3 neurons, 828
Investigating the role of ^^ef^^ac^^81ring-rate normalization and dimensionality reduction in brain-machine interface robustness, 829
Ion-channel defects and aberrant excitability in myotonia and periodic paralysis, 830
IPTG, 831
Is there a common molecular pathway for addiction?, 832
It’s the Effect Size, Stupid What effect size is and why it is important, 833, 834
JAABA: interactive machine learning for automatic annotation of animal behavior, 835
Jan Grundemann, 836
Janelia, 837
Janelia Farm, 838
Jasanoff lab, 839
JAX, 840, 841
JAX Allen Mice, 842
Jerome Lecoq, 843
Jin Hyung Lee, 844
Jonathan Victor, 845
Jones Parker, 846
Journal of Neuroscience, 847, 848
Kainate Receptors Mediate Signaling in Both Transient and Sustained OFF Bipolar Cell Pathways in Mouse Retina, 849
Kang Shen, 850
Karel Svoboda, 851
Kay Tye, 852
Keller, 2013, 853
Kevin Briggman, 854
Koga, Neuron 2015, 855
Kunle Olukotun, 856
Labrigger, 857, 858, 859, 860, 861
labrigger, 862
Lamarck revisited: epigenetic inheritance of ancestral odor fear conditioning, 863
Lamarckism, 864
Laminar optical tomography: demonstration of millimeter-scale depth-resolved imaging in turbid media, 865
Laminar optical tomography: high-resolution 3D functional imaging of superficial tissues, 866
large scale imaging and other papers, 867, 868
Large-scale navigational map in a mammal, 869
Large-scale, high-density (up to 512 channels) recording of local circuits in behaving animals, 870
Larsch, 2013, 871
Latent Dirichlet allocation, 872
latex boilerplate, 873
layman’s report, 874
Lazy Load, 875
Learn X in Y minutes, 876
Learning representations by back-propagating errors, 877
leave a comment below, 878, 879
Lee Rubin, 880
Lee, 2014, 881
Lee, J Neuro 2015, 882
legal battle over CRISPR, 883
Lessons learned from the fate of AstraZeneca’s drug pipeline: a five-dimensional framework, 884
Levene lab, 885
light sheet microscopes, 886
Light trials for human blindness, 887
Light-evoked Somatosensory Perception of Transgenic Rats That Express Channelrhodopsin-2 in Dorsal Root Ganglion Cells, 888
light-sheet microscopy, 889
Lighting The Brain - Karl Deisseroth and the optogenetics breakthrough., 890
Limiting the Impact of the Impact Factor, 891
limits of computation, 892
Limits on fundamental limits to computation, 893
Lin Tian, 894
Lineage-specific laminar organization of cortical GABAergic interneurons, 895
Linguistic relativity, 896
link, 897, 898
liposomes, 899
Liu Lab, 900
locus coeruleus, 901
long term depression, 902
Looger, 903
Loren Looger, 904
LTD, 905
LTP, 906
M16 - Optogenetic inhibition of specific populations of sensory neurons mediating bladder nociception, 907
Machine Learning: The Art and Science of Algorithms that Make Sense of Data, 908
Magic Leap, 909
Magneto-fluorescent core-shell supernanoparticles, 910
Mainak Chowdhury, 911
Making data sharing work: The FCP/INDI experience, 912
manganese, 913
Manipulating circadian clock neuron firing rate resets molecular circadian rhythms and behavior, 914
Mapping Neuronal Diversity One Cell at a Time, 915
MapReduce, 916
Marblestone and others, 917
Marder, 918
Mark Schnitzer, 919
Mark Schnitzer’s lab, 920, 921
Markram, 922
marmoset’s as model organisms, 923
Marvin, 2013, 924
Mechanisms of epigenetic memory and addiction, 925
medial forebrain bundle, 926
MeSH, 927
Metabotropic glutamate receptors in median preoptic neurons modulate neuronal excitability and glutamatergic and GABAergic inputs from the subfornical organ., 928
metaio, 929
Michael Fee, 930, 931
microarray analysis, 932
Microfluidic Device for Single-Cell Analysis, 933
Microfluidic Platforms for Single-Cell Analysis, 934
Microfluidics for in vivo imaging of neuronal and behavioral activity in Caenorhabditis elegans, 935
Microfluidics for single cell analysis, 936
Microfluidics for the analysis of behavior, nerve regeneration, and neural cell biology in C. elegans, 937
Microglia Disrupt Mesolimbic Reward Circuitry in Chronic Pain, 938
Micropatterned substrates coated with neuronal adhesion molecules for high-content study of synapse formation, 939
MicroscopyU, 940
Microsoft HoloLens, 941
miniature microscopes, 942, 943
Misha Ahrens, 944
MIT, 945
MIT Comp Biology, 946, 947
MIT Technology Review, 948, 949
Mo Papers Mo Problems, 950, 951, 952
Modha, 953
molecular imprinting, 954
Molecular mechanisms for the inheritance of acquired characteristics^^e2^^80^^94exosomes, microRNA shuttling, fear and stress: Lamarck resurrected?, 955
Molecular-Level Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Dopaminergic Signaling, 956
Moneyball, 957
Monosynaptic restriction of transsynaptic tracing from single, genetically targeted neurons., 958
More Perfect Than We Imagined: A Physicist’s View, 959
Motion illusions as optimal percepts., 960
Motor Cortex Feedback Influences Sensory Processing by Modulating Network State, 961
Mouse brain imaging using photoacoustic computed tomography, 962
Mouse Connectome Project, 963
Mouse Imaging Centre, 964, 965
Mrgprd-Expressing Polymodal Nociceptive Neurons Innervate Most Known Classes of Substantia Gelatinosa Neurons, 966
MRI contrast agents, 967
much like the PS3 was, 968
Mud Sticks: On the Alleged Falsification of Mendel’s Data, 969
Multi-core processors, 970
Multi-task connectivity reveals flexible hubs for adaptive task control, 971
multi-threading, 972
multiple organ failure, 973
Multiplicative computation in a visual neuron sensitive to looming, 974
Multipoint-Emitting Optical Fibers for Spatially Addressable In Vivo Optogenetics, 975
Munos On Big Companies and Small Ones, 976
Mutations in the gene encoding the synaptic scaffolding protein SHANK3 are associated with autism spectrum disorders, 977
Mutso 2012, 978
my previous post on the subject, 979
Nachum Ulanovsky, 980
Nanoscale-Targeted Patch-Clamp Recordings of Functional Presynaptic Ion Channels, 981
Nat Clarke, 982
Natural Neural Projection Dynamics Underlying Social Behavior, 983
Natural Neural Projection Dynamics Underlying Social Behavior (figure 8), 984
Nature article, 985
Nature Biotechnology, 986, 987
Nature Chemistry, 988, 989
Nature Communications, 990, 991
Nature Medicine, 992
Nature Method, 993, 994
Nature Nanotechnology, 995, 996
Nature Neuroscience, 997, 998
Nature promotes read-only sharing by subscribers, 999
Nature publishes overwhelmingly proven “NEW AMAZING FINDING”....because optogenetics, 1000
Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 1001, 1002
netfabb, 1003
netrin, 1004
Network deconvolution as a general method to distinguish direct dependencies in networks, 1005
Network link prediction by global silencing of indirect correlations, 1006
Network motifs: simple building blocks of complex networks, 1007
Neural circuits and behaviour of Drosophila, 1008
Neural Computation, 1009, 1010, 1011
Neural networks and brain function, 1012
Neural networks and physical systems with emergent collective computational abilities, 1013
Neural Representation and the Cortical Code, 1014
Neural Representation of a Target Auditory Memory in a Cortico-Basal Ganglia Pathway, 1015
Neural Syntax: Cell Assemblies, Synapsembles, and Readers, 1016
NeuralMapper, 1017, 1018
Neurobasal, 1019
Neurocommons, 1020, 1021, 1022
Neurodata Without Borders, 1023
Neurodudes, 1024, 1025, 1026
NeuroElectro, 1027
Neuroendocrine Control of Drosophila Larval Light Preference, 1028
neurogenesis, 1029
neuromorphic engineering, 1030
neuromuscular junctions, 1031
Neuron, 1032, 1033
Neuronal circuits that regulate feeding behavior and metabolism, 1034
Neuronal correlates of parametric working memory in the prefrontal cortex, 1035
Neuronal generation of the leech swimming movement, 1036, 1037
Neuronal generation of the leech swimming movement., 1038
Neuronal networks of the hippocampus, 1039
Neurons with graded response have collective computational properties like those of two-state neurons, 1040
Neuropeptide signaling remodels chemosensory circuit composition in Caenorhabditis elegans, 1041
Neuroscience and education: myths and messages, 1042
NeuroScience Associates, 1043
Neuroscience Fiction, 1044
neuroscience imaging analysis tools, 1045, 1046
Neuroscience in the 21st Century, 1047
Neuroscience thinks big (and collaboratively), 1048
Neuroscience: Brain projects need stronger foundation, 1049
Neuroscience: Map the other brain, 1050
Neuroscience: Solving the brain, 1051
NeuroSky, 1052
NeuWrite West, 1053
new article, 1054
New details on google anti-aging., 1055
new neuroscience tools from janelia, 1056
New Optogenetic System Shines a Light on Pain-Sensing Neurons, 1057
news article, 1058
NewScientist, 1059
NewScientist: 2015 before it happens, 1060
Newsome, 1061
Newt Gingrich: Double the N.I.H. Budget, 1062
NIH and Biomedical ^^e2^^80^^98Big Data^^e2^^80^^99, 1063
NIH Big Data to Knowledge (BD2K) initiative, 1064, 1065, 1066
NIH BRAIN awards, 1067
NIH program on Rigor and Reproducibility, 1068
NIH RePORT, 1069
NIH review committees, 1071
NIH Working Group on Data and Informatics, 1072, 1073
NIH’s RePORT site, 1074
No, You’re Not an Impostor, 1075
Nobel Prize Browser, 1076, 1077
Nobie Redmon, 1078, 1079, 1080
Nociception and pain: lessons from optogenetics, 1081
Noise characteristics and prior expectations in human visual speed perception, 1082
Non-redundant odor coding by sister mitral cells revealed by light addressable glomeruli in the mouse, 1083
nonribosomal peptide synthesis, 1084
Norbinaltorphimine, 1085
Nuclear calcium signaling in the regulation of brain function, 1086
Nuclear Lamin-A Scales with Tissue Stiffness and Enhances Matrix-Directed Differentiation, 1087
Numenta, 1088
NYTimes article here, 1089
Oath of the Horatii, 1090
Objet24, 1091
octopuses, 1092
ocular dominance columns, 1093
Oculus VR, 1094, 1095
Odor Discrimination in Drosophila: From Neural Population Codes to Behavior, 1096
On brain activity mapping: insights and lessons from Brain Decoding Project to map memory patterns in the hippocampusOn brain activity mapping: insights and lessons from Brain Decoding Project to map memory patterns in the hippocampus, 1097
On the reproducibility of science: unique identification of research resources in the biomedical literature, 1098
On writing well, 1099
One-Step Generation of Mice Carrying Reporter and Conditional Alleles by CRISPR/Cas-Mediated Genome Engineering, 1100, 1101
Open Neuroscience, 1102, 1103, 1104
Open Optogenetics, 1105, 1106, 1107
Open Wetware, 1108, 1109, 1110
OpenCV, 1111
OpenOpto, 1112
optical, 1113
Optical Alignment, 1114
Optical control of mammalian endogenous transcription and epigenetic states, 1115
Optical Control of Muscle Function by Transplantation of Stem Cell^^e2^^80^^93Derived Motor Neurons in Mice, 1116
Optical fibers for high-resolution in vivo microendoscopic fluorescence imaging, 1117
optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing, 1118
optical resonators, 1119
optical RFID, 1120
Optical tomography, 1121
Optics Letters, 1122, 1123
Optimizing Sound Features for Cortical Neurons, 1124
optogenetic, 1125
Optogenetic Control of Targeted Peripheral Axons in Freely Moving Animals, 1126, 1127
Optogenetic identification of striatal projection neuron subtypes during in vivo recordings, 1128
Optogenetic Recruitment of Dorsal Raphe Serotonergic Neurons Acutely Decreases Mechanosensory Responsivity in Behaving Mice, 1129, 1130
Optogenetic Regeneration, 1131
Optogenetic stimulation of a hippocampal engram activates fear memory recall., 1132
Optogenetically Induced Behavioral and Functional Network Changes in Primates, 1133
optogenetics, 1134
optogenetics and pain, 1135, 1136
optogenetics and pain, continued, 1137
Optogenetics at a crossroads?, 1138
optogenetics identification of specific cell types, 1139
Optogenetics Resource Center, 1140
optogenetics wiki, 1141
Orbitofrontal and striatal circuits dynamically encode the shift between goal-directed and habitual actions, 1142
ORCID identifier, 1143
Overexpression of calcineurin in mouse causes sudden cardiac death associated with decreased density of K+ channels, 1144
Pacific Rim, 1145
Pain: from new perspectives to novel treatments, 1146
Palantir, 1147
Panasonic and Imec joint project, 1148
parabiosis, 1149
Parallel GPU Implementation of Iterative PCA Algorithms, 1150
Parametric Functional Maps of Visual Inputs to the Tectum, 1151
Parental olfactory experience influences behavior and neural structure in subsequent generations, 1152
Paternal Stress Exposure Alters Sperm MicroRNA Content and Reprograms Offspring HPA Stress Axis Regulation, 1153
Paternally Induced Transgenerational Environmental Reprogramming of Metabolic Gene Expression in Mammals, 1154
Paul G. Allen to Give 100 Million to Create Cell Science Institute, 1155
Pay Enough or Don’t Pay at All, 1156
Peer review for improving the quality of grant applications, 1157
PEGylation, 1158
Percentile Ranking and Citation Impact of a Large Cohort of NHLBI-Funded Cardiovascular R01 Grants, 1159
Permanent Genetic Access to Transiently Active Neurons via TRAP: Targeted Recombination in Active Populations, 1160
persistent homology, 1161
Pervasive Parallelism Lab, 1162, 1163
Pfizer’s R&D Productivity, 1164
pharma projects, 1165
PhD Students: Should You Switch Labs?, 1166
PhD survival guide, 1167
Phi: A Voyage from the Brain to the Soul , 1168
Philosophers are Mortal: Inferring the Truth of Unseen Facts, 1169
phonons, 1170
photoacoustic imaging, 1171
Photoactivatable Neuropeptides for Spatiotemporally Precise Delivery of Opioids in Neural Tissue, 1172
Photonics West 2015, 1173
Physical Review Letters, 1174
physiological optogenetics, 1175
PicnicHealth, 1176
PicnicHealth Stores Your Medical Records In One Place And Delivers It To Your Doctor, 1177
Pilot safety study of iPSC-based intervention for wet-type AMD, 1178
Pittsburgh, 1179
Place Cells, Grid Cells, and the Brain’s Spatial Representation System, 1180
placozoa, 1181
Plasmonic gold mushroom arrays with refractive index sensing figures of merit approaching the theoretical limit, 1182
Playing Atari with Deep Reinforcement Learning, 1183, 1184
Playing with Fire: Linking Intelligence to Our Genetics, 1185
PLoS Biology, 1186, 1187
PLOS Computational Biology, 1188, 1189
PMT, 1190
pointers, 1191
Polbase, 1192
Politics and the English Language, 1193, 1194
PON systems, 1195
Poor Productivity As A Self-inflicted Injury: Who^^e2^^80^^99s Missing The Most Toes, And Why, 1196
Population Coding and the Labeling Problem: Extrinsic Versus Intrinsic Representations, 1197
positron emission tomography, 1198
Postdoc payday: Salaries for fellows are on the up, 1199
potentiation, 1200
Power failure: why small sample size undermines the reliability of neuroscience, 1201
Prediction and validation of the distinct dynamics of transient and sustained ERK activation., 1202
Predictive coding: a fresh view of inhibition in the retina, 1203
Principles Governing the Operation of Synaptic Inhibition in Dendrites, 1204
Prion-like transmission of neuronal huntingtin aggregates to phagocytic glia in the Drosophila brain, 1205
Prion-like transmission of protein aggregates in neurodegenerative diseases, 1206
Probabilistic brains: knowns and unknowns, 1207
Probing perceptual decisions in rodents, 1208
Productivity Metrics and Peer Review Scores, 1209
Productivity versus age, 1210
Prolonged dopamine signalling in striatum signals proximity and value of distant rewards, 1211
promoters, 1212
Prostaglandin signaling suppresses beneficial microglial function in Alzheimer^^e2^^80^^99s disease models, 1213
protein tags, 1214
Psychology Journal Bans Significance Testing, 1215
PTC Creo, 1216, 1217
pubchase, 1218
Pubmed, 1219, 1220
pumps, 1221
Puzzle Imaging: Using Large-scale Dimensionality Reduction Algorithms for Localization, 1222
Q3 - Characterization of optogenetic activation of non-peptidergic C-fibers, 1223
quantum, 1224
Quiet debut for the double helix, 1225
R01 grants, 1226
R&D productivity: on the comeback trail, 1227
Randal Burns, 1228
Rank injustice, 1229
Rapid 3D light-sheet microscopy with a tunable lens, 1230
Rapid evaluation of a protein-based voltage probe using a field-induced membrane potential change, 1231
Rapid local synchronization of action potentials: Toward computation with coupled integrate-and-fire neurons, 1232
Rapid optical control of nociception with an ion-channel photoswitch, 1233
ReaChR, 1234
ReaChR: a red-shifted variant of channelrhodopsin enables deep transcranial optogenetic excitation, 1235
Read before you cite, 1236
recent comments Elon Musk, 1237
recently posted, 1238
Recovery from slow inactivation in K+ channels is controlled by water molecules, 1239
Regularization theory and neural networks architectures., 1240
Reinforcement, Reward, and Intrinsic Motivation: A Meta-Analysis, 1241
Relationship between intracortical electrode design and chronic recording function, 1242
Remote Optogenetic Activation and Sensitization of Pain Pathways in Freely Moving Mice, 1243
Report on Enhancing Peer Review at NIH Implementation Plan, 1244
Representation of Three-Dimensional Space in the Hippocampus of Flying Bats, 1245
ResearcherID, 1246
resonant cavities, 1247
Resources for surviving and thriving in graduate school (with a focus on the sciences) , 1248
Restoring Systemic GDF11 Levels Reverses Age-Related Dysfunction in Mouse Skeletal Muscle, 1249
Restricted and Regulated Overexpression Reveals Calcineurin as a Key Component in the Transition from Short-Term to Long-Term Memory, 1250
review 1, 1251
review 2, 1252
Reward Learning Requires Activity of Matrix Metalloproteinase-9 in the Central Amygdala, 1253
RGS9-2–controlled adaptations in the striatum determine the onset of action and efficacy of antidepressants in neuropathic pain states, 1254
rhesus monkey, 1255
Robotics and the Lessons of Cyberlaw, 1256
Robust multicellular computing using genetically encoded NOR gates and chemical ‘wires’, 1257
rodents into virtual reality, 1258
Ron Kopito, 1259
Rosetta begins its Comet Tale, 1260
Rosetta Brains: A Strategy for Molecularly-Annotated Connectomics, 1261
Ryan Lewis, 1262
Sabatini lab, 1263
Sample Size and Precision in NIH Peer Review, 1264
Sanes, 1265
SASER, 1266
SBIRP, 1267
Scalable Brain Atlas (3D models), 1268
Scanless two-photon excitation of channelrhodopsin-2, 1269, 1270
scanning electron microscope, 1271
Schema, 1272
Scherer, 1273
Schnitzer, 1274
Schnitzer Lab, 1275
Schnitzer lab, 1276
Science, 1277
Science Isn^^e2^^80^^99t Broken, 1278
Science Lab, 1279
Science’s perspective piece, 1280
Sciencescape, 1281
Sciencescape (archive link), 1282
Sciencescape (original, dead), 1283
Sciencescape (updated link), 1284
Scientific American, 1285, 1286
Scientific method: Defend the integrity of physics, 1287
Scientific method: Statistical errors, 1288, 1289
Scientists sound alarm over DNA editing of human embryos, 1290
SciTrends, 1291, 1292, 1293
SDCube and hybrid data storage, 1294, 1295
Sebastian Seung, 1296
Sebastian Seung TED talk, 1297
Sebastian Seung’s Quest to Map the Human Brain, 1298
seed, 1299
SeeDB, 1300, 1301
Seeing the Natural World With a Physicist^^e2^^80^^99s Lens, 1302
Segregation of object and background motion in the retina, 1303
Sejnowski, 1304
Self-propagation of pathogenic protein aggregates in neurodegenerative diseases, 1305
Serial optical coherence scanner for large-scale brain imaging at microscopic resolution, 1306
Serotonin and the Neuropeptide PDF Initiate and Extend Opposing Behavioral States in C. elegans, 1307
Seung, 1308
SGD, 1309
Shank3 mutant mice display autistic-like behaviours and striatal dysfunction, 1310
Shannon’s Bandwagon essay, 1311
Shapiro, 2010, 1312
shards, 1313
Sheer Economics: How We Got in This Fix, 1314
Shen, 1315
SHH, 1316
Shocking Revelations and Saccharin Sweetness in the Study of Drosophila Olfactory Memory, 1317
Significance testing, 1318
similar project at Janelia for Drosophila, 1319
Simons Collaboration on the Global Brain: Scientific Mission of the Collaboration, 1320
Simplicial Models and Topological Inference in Biological Systems, 1321
Simultaneous all-optical manipulation and recording of neural circuit activity with cellular resolution in vivo, 1322, 1323
Simultaneous cellular-resolution optical perturbation and imaging of place cell firing fields, 1324
Simultaneous generation and germline transmission of multiple gene mutations in rat using CRISPR-Cas systems, 1325
Simultaneous PET-MRI reveals brain function in activated and resting state on metabolic, hemodynamic and multiple temporal scales, 1326
Simultaneous whole-animal 3D imaging of neuronal activity using light-field microscopy, 1327
Singapore’s salad days are over, 1328
Single-cell microfluidic impedance cytometry: a review, 1329
Single-shot compressed ultrafast photography at one hundred billion frames per second, 1330, 1331
singularity, 1332
Skin ^^ce^^b2-Endorphin Mediates Addiction to UV Light, 1333
SmartScope, 1334
smFP, 1335
Smith, 1336
Social Science Genetic Association Consortium, 1337
Society for Neuroscience Conference, 1338
Soft tissue preservation in a fossil marine lizard with a bilobed tail fin, 1339
SOLIDWORKS, 1340, 1341
Sorger lab, 1342
source, 1343
SpaceX, 1344
spaghetti monster, 1345
sparse coding, 1346, 1347, 1348
Sparse Coding Models Can Exhibit Decreasing Sparseness while Learning Sparse Codes for Natural Images, 1349
Sparse coding of sensory inputs., 1350
Spatial cognition in bats and rats: from sensory acquisition to multiscale maps and navigation, 1351
spatial light modulators, 1352, 1353
spatial navigation in bats, 1354
Spatially Selective Holographic Photoactivation and Functional Fluorescence Imaging in Freely Behaving Mice with a Fiberscope, 1355, 1356
Spatiotemporal Control of Opioid Signaling and Behavior, 1357
Spike train metrics, 1358
Spikes: Exploring the Neural Code (Computational Neuroscience), 1359
SPIM, 1360
Stanford, 1361
stanford neuroblog, 1362
Stanford news, 1363
Stanford University researchers found a cure for Alzheimer’s disease, 1364
Statistical analysis of the National Institutes of Health peer review system, 1365
Statistics for biologists, 1366, 1367
statistics: effect sizes, 1368
Steady or changing? Long-term monitoring of neuronal population activity, 1369
Stochastic state transitions give rise to phenotypic equilibrium in populations of cancer cells., 1370
Stowers Institute for Medical Research, 1371
Stress in Biomedical Research: Six Impossible Things, 1372
Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, 1373
Structure-Guided Directed Evolution of Highly Selective P450-Based Magnetic Resonance Imaging Sensors for Dopamine and Serotonin, 1374
Structure-Guided Transformation of Channelrhodopsin into a Light-Activated Chloride Channel, 1375
substantia nigra, 1376
Superintelligence Paths, Dangers, Strategies, 1377
Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies, 1378
supplemental info, 1379
Suppressing aberrant GluN3A expression rescues synaptic and behavioral impairments in Huntington’s disease models, 1380
Suppression of the morphine-induced rewarding effect in the rat with neuropathic pain: implication of the reduction in mu-opioid receptor functions in the ventral tegmental area, 1381
Suprachiasmatic stimulation phase shifts rodent circadian rhythms, 1382
survive exposure to the vacuum and radiation of space, 1383
Surviving a bioscience Ph.D., 1384
Swept confocally-aligned planar excitation (SCAPE) microscopy for high-speed volumetric imaging of behaving organisms, 1385
SwissTech Convention Center, 1386
Synaptic depression and cortical gain control, 1387
Synchronized oscillations in interneuron networks driven by metabotropic glutamate receptor activation, 1388
Syntactic Ngrams over Time, 1389
Synthesis of models for excitable membranes, synaptic transmission and neuromodulation using a common kinetic formalism, 1390
Synthesizing cognition in neuromorphic electronic systems, 1391
systems neuroscience, 1392
taking care with statistics, 1393
tamoxifen, 1394
Tank, 1395
Tank injustice and academic promotion, 1396
tardigrades, 1397
Targeted Ablation, Silencing, and Activation Establish Glycinergic Dorsal Horn Neurons as Key Components of a Spinal Gate for Pain and Itch, 1398
Targeted genome modification of crop plants using a CRISPR-Cas system, 1399
Targeted optogenetic stimulation and recording of neurons in vivo using cell-type-specific expression of Channelrhodopsin-2, 1400
Targeting neurons and photons for optogenetics, 1401
Taste Response Variability and Temporal Coding in the Nucleus of the Solitary Tract of the Rat, 1402
temporal exponential random graphical models, 1403
Temporal information transformed into a spatial code by a neural network with realistic properties, 1404
Temporally Precise Cell-Specific Coherence Develops in Corticostriatal Networks during Learning, 1405
Temporally precise in vivo control of intracellular signalling, 1406
Testing a Point Null Hypothesis: The Irreconcilability of P Values and Evidence, 1407
tetracycline, 1408
tetrodes, 1409
Thalamocortical oscillations in the sleeping and aroused brain, 1410
The ‘independent components’ of natural scenes are edge filters, 1411
The Abuse of Power: The Pervasive Fallacy of Power Calculations for Data Analysis, 1412
The Agony and the Ecstasy^^e2^^80^^94 The History and Meaning of the Journal Impact Factor, 1413
The AI Revolution: The Road to Superintelligence, 1414
The AI-Box Experiment, 1415
The Basic AI Drives, 1416
The benefits of brain mapping, 1417
The blue brain project, 1418
The BRAIN Initiative: developing technology to catalyse neuroscience discovery, 1419
the clever machine, 1420
The COMBREX Project: Design, Methodology, and Initial Results, 1421
The Coming Technological Singularity: How to Survive in the Post-Human Era, 1422
The computational brain, 1423
The correlation theory of brain function, 1424
The Diffraction Barrier in Optical Microscopy, 1425
The effects of FreeSurfer version, workstation type, and Macintosh operating system version on anatomical volume and cortical thickness measurements, 1426
The Elements of Style, 1427
The emergence of functional microcircuits in visual cortex, 1428
The Evolving Postdoctoral Experience, 1429
The Extraordinary Evolutionary History of the Reticuloendotheliosis Viruses, 1430
The First International Optogenetic Therapies for Vision Symposium, 1431
The Fundamental Physical Limits of Computation, 1432
The future of human cerebral cartography: a novel approach, 1433
The Future of Seawater Desalination: Energy, Technology, and the Environment, 1434
The Future of the Mind, 1435
The importance of stupidity in scientific research, 1436
The Laboratory Mouse, 1437
the Malinow lab, 1438
the Martian, 1439
The mismeasurement of science, 1440
The Misused Impact Factor, 1441
The monolith and the markets, 1442
The Moral Hazards and Legal Conundrums of Our Robot-Filled Future, 1443
The Most Dangerous Ideas In Science, 1444
The Mouse in Biomedical Research, 1445
The Mouse Nervous System, 1446, 1447
The necessity of animal models in pain research, 1448
The Need for Research Maps to Navigate Published Work and Inform Experiment Planning, 1449
The neural code between neocortical pyramidal neurons depends on neurotransmitter release probability, 1450
The neuron classification problem, 1451
The neuronal encoding of information in the brain, 1452
The Neuroterrain 3D Mouse Brain Atlas, 1453
the new clearing techniques as i’ve discussed previously, 1454
The New Fowler’s Modern English Usage, 1455
The office of the future: a unified approach to image-based modeling and spatially immersive displays, 1456
The origins and the future of microfluidics, 1457
The PhD journey: how to choose a good supervisor, 1458
The politics of publication, 1459
The Predictive Ability of Peer Review of Grant Proposals: The Case of Ecology and the US National Science Foundation, 1460
The Programmer’s Apprentice Project: A Research Overview, 1461
The Quest for Artificial Intelligence, 1462
The Rat Nervous System by George Paxinos, 1463
the return of the brain initiative notes, 1464, 1465
The rise of the professional master^^e2^^80^^99s degree: the answer to the postdoc/PhD bubble, 1466
The role of dendrites in auditory coincidence detection, 1467
The role of the suprachiasmatic nuclei in the generation of circadian rhythms in the golden hamster, Mesocricetus auratus, 1468
The search for novel analgesics: re-examining spinal cord circuits with new tools, 1469
The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology, 1470
The SwissTech Convention Center, a lab for conferences of the future, 1471
The top 100 papers, 1472
The Trouble With Brain Science, 1473
The warrior in the machine: neuroscience goes to war, 1474
Theoretical and computational neuroscience, 1475
Theoretical Neuroscience, 1476
Thermodynamic Cost of Reversible Computing, 1477
Thirst driving and suppressing signals encoded by distinct neural populations in the brain, 1478
this diagram, 1479
this figure, 1480
this new report gives a nice overview, 1481
Three Examples Of Applied and Computational Homology, 1482
Three-dimensional head-direction coding in the bat brain, 1483
three-photo imaging, 1484
Thy1, 1485
Tick-Tock, 1486
TIFF, 1487
Time crystals, 1488
Time-dependent systolic and diastolic function in mice overexpressing calcineurin, 1489
time-division multiplexing, 1490
TITLE, 1491
Tom Dean, 1492, 1493
Too Much Success for Recent Groundbreaking Epigenetic Experiments, 1494
Tools for Resolving Functional Activity and Connectivity within Intact Neural Circuits, 1495
Top 10 Innovations 2014, 1496
Topographic Representation of Numerosity in the Human Parietal Cortex, 1497
Topoisomerase inhibitors unsilence the dormant allele of Ube3a in neurons, 1498
Topoisomerases facilitate transcription of long genes linked to autism, 1499
Topological Pattern Recognition for Point Cloud Data, 1500
Topology for computing, 1501
Training-induced and electrically induced potentiation in the neocortex, 1502
Transcranial magnetic stimulation, 1503
Transgenerational Epigenetic Inheritance: Myths and Mechanisms, 1504
Transgenerational Epigenetic Inheritance: Prevalence, Mechanisms, and Implications for the Study of Heredity and Evolution, 1505
transgenerational epigenetics, 1506
Transgenic and knockout databases: Behavioral profiles of mouse mutants, 1507
Transgenic Mice for Intersectional Targeting of Neural Sensors and Effectors with High Specificity and Performance, 1508
transmission electron microscopy, 1509
Transmitting Pain and Itch Messages: A Contemporary View of the Spinal Cord Circuits that Generate Gate Control, 1510
Transplantation reveals regional differences in oligodendrocyte differentiation in the adult brain, 1511
TRAP, 1512
Treating brain disorders with neuromodulation, 1513
trend toward open hardware, 1514
Trends in the production of scientific data analysis resources, 1515
Tricyclic antidepressant, 1516
Troy Astorino, 1517
Tsien, 1518
Tunable Optics, 1519
Two-photon excitation in scattering media by spatiotemporally shaped beams and their application in optogenetic stimulation, 1520
Two-photon excitation of channelrhodopsin-2 at saturation, 1521
Two-Photon Imaging of Nonlinear Glutamate Release Dynamics at Bipolar Cell Synapses in the Mouse Retina, 1522
Two-photon optogenetics of dendritic spines and neural circuits, 1523
UBE3A, 1524
Ugurbil, 1525
Ulanovsky Lab, 1526
Ulrike Heberlein, 1527
Ultimate physical limits to computation, 1528
Unbiased classification of sensory neuron types by large-scale single-cell RNA sequencing, 1529
UNC Gene Therapy Center, 1530
Understanding transgenerational epigenetic inheritance via the gametes in mammals, 1531
Unique Identifiers for Authors, 1532
Unlimited Potential, Vanishing Opportunity, 1533
UPenn Vector Core, 1534
US 8257956 B2 - Sulfonylurea-responsive repressor proteins, 1535
USA, 1536
Using fast weights to deblur old memories, 1537
Using temperature to analyse temporal dynamics in the songbird motor pathway, 1538
UW Interactive Data Lab, 1539
Valentina Emiliani, 1540
Vantage Point by Richard Zare: My top 10 principles for success, 1541
Variation in cancer risk among tissues can be explained by the number of stem cell divisions, 1542
Vascular and Neurogenic Rejuvenation of the Aging Mouse Brain by Young Systemic Factors, 1543
ventral tegmental area, 1544
Vernor Vinge, 1545
Video game training enhances cognitive control in older adults, 1546
Villeda, 2011, 1547
Virally mediated optogenetic excitation and inhibition of pain in freely moving nontransgenic mice, 1548
Virginia Lee, 1549
Virginia Man-Yee Lee, 1550
visual cortex, 1551
Visualizing Hypothalamic Network Dynamics for Appetitive and Consummatory Behaviors, 1552
Visualizing mammalian brain area interactions by dual-axis two-photon calcium imaging, 1553
Visualizing Whole-Brain Activity and Development at the Single-Cell Level Using Light-Sheet Microscopy, 1554
Visually evoked activity in cortical cells imaged in freely moving animals, 1555
Vogelstein, 2014, 1556
voltage imaging, screening for better probes, 1557
Von Neumann architecture, 1558
Wandell, 1559
Wang, 2014, 1560
We Live in a Jungle of Artificial Intelligence that will Spawn Sentience, 1561
Web of Knowledge, 1562
well known lectures on physics, 1563
What Are The Most Cited Research Papers Of All Time?, 1564
What caused the flash crash? One big, bad trade, 1565
What errors do peer reviewers detect, and does training improve their ability to detect them?, 1566
What happens when a software bot goes on a darknet shopping spree?, 1567
What I Wish I Knew Before I Entered Grad School, 1568
What Is Life?, 1569
What Makes a Great Student in the Lab?, 1570
What the Frog’s Eye Tells the Frog’s Brain, 1571
When Are Results Too Good to Be True?, 1572
Who Reviews the Reviewers? Feasibility of Using a Fictitious Manuscript to Evaluate Peer Reviewer Performance, 1573
Who’s The Best In Drug Research? 22 Companies Ranked, 1574
whole animal 3D imaging, 1575
Whole-Brain Imaging with Single-Cell Resolution Using Chemical Cocktails and Computational Analysis, 1576
Why academics can^^e2^^80^^99t write, 1577
Why Academics Stink at Writing, 1578
Why Do Hubs Tend to Be Essential in Protein Networks?, 1579
Why Do We Feel Thirst? An Interview with Yuki Oka, 1580
Why I Am Not An Integrated Information Theorist (or, The Unconscious Expander), 1581
Why Incentive Plans Cannot Work, 1582
Why Is Academic Writing So Academic?, 1583
Why Most Published Research Findings Are False, 1584
Why nouns are learned before verbs: Linguistic relativity versus natural partitioning, 1585
Why optogenetics deserves the hype, 1586
Why physicists like models, and why biologists should, 1587
wikipathways, 1588
Wired article, 1589
Wireless magnetothermal deep brain stimulation, 1590
Wireless Neurosensor for Full-Spectrum Electrophysiology Recordings during Free Behavior, 1591
Wnt/Dkk Negative Feedback RegulatesSensory Organ Size in Zebra^^ef^^ac^^81sh, 1592
work at Intel and elsewhere on neuromorphic devices, 1593
Working Group on Data and Informatics, 1594
Working with Big Data in MATLAB, 1595, 1596
Wyss-Coray, 1597
Xcorr, 1598, 1599, 1600
xcorr, 1601
Xu, J Neuro 2008, 1602
Yael Maguire, 1603, 1604
Yin, 1605
Young blood reverses age-related impairments in cognitive function and synaptic plasticity in mice, 1606
Zador, 1607
Zhang, 1608
Zhang Lab, 1609
Zolpidem, 1610
Zolpidem Reduces Hippocampal Neuronal Activity in Freely Behaving Mice: A Large Scale Calcium Imaging Study with Miniaturized Fluorescence Microscope, 1611
zotero, 1612
Zuker lab publications, 1613
1For example, imagine being able to activate specific signaling molecules/pathways (e.g. Notch or EGFR) and then observe the change in downstream effectors in individual cells. This might allow one to probe cell non-autonomous effects of particular extracellular signaling molecules.
2The high error rate rules this one out at the moment even though it has a preferable read length.
3It has been observed that the GA read error rate is dependent on base position.
4Properties are an average of source info
5But then again, i’m an American, so take that with a grain of salt.