archive everything!


Archived everything in my inbox. It's awesome. Continues my general trend of simplifying. Logging off websites, only checking the news for brief periods, and focusing on a core set of hobbies. Eliminating distractions and reducing information overload are doing wonders to fight off stress and keep me humming along.

Archived everything in my inbox. It's awesome. Continues my general trend of simplifying. Logging off websites, only checking the news for brief periods, and focusing on a core set of hobbies. Eliminating distractions and reducing information overload are doing wonders to fight off stress and keep me humming along.

This attitude has extended to emails. Used to be quite wordy, e.g. sending emails to professors highlighting specific papers of theirs I had read among other things. Same goes for responses to people for meetings, conversations, etc. This was time consuming both for me and the recipient. If you start writing more than three paragraphs, Skype with the person. Or call them. Or setup a meeting.

Like many other college students, I had an obnoxious three line email signature. I have done away with this. One line, three essential things. What can I say, I like the number.

biafra ahanonu | stanford bio | website

This succinct signature eliminates clutter, gets straight to the point and is less formal. Meeting with a professor recently, they asked about stuff from the website (specifically my scientific background). This was great feedback—if someone actually cares, they'll search for the requisite information. Putting a cacophony of text helps no one—who really cares about Class of 20xx? or that you were part of the Dept. of Blah. People hate reading.

The layout of this website furthers that desire. A lot of white space, a paucity of colors and few distractions (no ads or other things screaming for users attention). While there is a place for cluttered design, rainbows on a screen and an online version of a Mexican street market, I don't believe this is the place.

With task list, instead of having multiple list for school, work, meetings, chores, etc. simplify it to three lists: Urgent, Important and NoGo. Urgent tasks should be completed promptly. Important tasks have a more flexible deadline, but still must be done. NoGo tasks are just distractions, don't do these.

When using the computer, if you have ten programs open each with multiple windows, chances are you aren't using everything. Make a temporary task list and close those programs! You'll be faster, as will the computer, and less stressed trying to 'multi-task', which no one actually does. Gone are my days of 100+ tabs open in Opera—that now only occurs with literature, product or other reviews.

If your mind always feels stressed and it seems like there are a million things to do, take a moment to simplify, simplify, simplify. It is likely that you have accumulated many side-projects that are only superficially helping you or those who you're doing the task for. Take a Saturday or Sunday afternoon to evaluate what you find most important. You'll quickly realize how much stress and inefficiency is caused by diversions.

Archive everything and start over. It's a great feeling.

Or listen to this trance mix.

bahanonu [at]

more articles to enjoy:

mexico project, ferrell (1996)
12 january 2011 | science

An educational presentation I gave in Spanish about the differential equation model used in several papers to predict biological pathways.[...]/p>

Cheyne-Stoke Respiration
12 April 2013 | designs

One can create art with data, many have proven that with beautiful infographics or dazzling company reports. I thought using R[...]ong> to create an artistic rendering of a normally mundane process would be neat. I created a graphic based on Cheyne-Stokes respiration with the help of ggplot package. I think the resulting work has a sci-fi feel to it, almost like it could be a symbol for a corporation should the sinusoidal lobes be made solid.

Note: The black line is the breathing rate while the red and blue interlocking lines signify aponea and hyperponea, respectively.

powerpoint themes
10 august 2012 | design

Many default PowerPoint themes are too outlandish and graphics heavy for my taste. So over the last year or so, I have begun designing my o[...]wn themes for PowerPoint. I'll go over the design decisions behind a couple and provide links to download the themes.

from the archives: declaration of independence, internet edition
11 july 2013 | america

A revised Declaration of Independence I did awhile ago (i.e. high school) for a writing class. It is slightly a mockery of the style of wri[...]ting sometimes used back then, e.g. finding unnecessarily complicated ways of saying a simple concept; long, ponderous sentences; and an abuse of the Capital.

©2006-2025 | Site created & coded by Biafra Ahanonu | Updated 21 October 2024
biafra ahanonu