quicklinks github


quicklinks is a new homepage for those looking for efficiency over lavish use of big buttons commonly seen in Firefox, Opera and other browser's homepages. As quicklinks is still a little rough around the edges and needs to be updated, I've added it to GitHub to allow me to update it easier.

quicklinks is a new homepage for those looking for efficiency over lavish use of big buttons commonly seen in Firefox, Opera and other browser's home pages. As quicklinks is still a little rough around the edges and needs to be updated, I've added it to GitHub to allow me to update it easier. Find out more in the original quicklinks post.

Get quicklinks on GitHub!

bahanonu [at] alum.mit.edu

other entires to explore:

bash scripting: playlist maker
23 march 2013 | programming

Decided to take another stab at converting small programs to bash. This time, the python playlist maker was updated to bash and greatly sim[...]plified, no longer need to do sketchy recursions.

filugori reboot
15 may 2012 | filugori

Several months ago I took a hard look at Filugori: The Long Tale, the story I started in grade school that was meant to be a mash-[...]up of my favorite books and fictional universes. However, it lacked a certain vision. The story was fun, frantic and fanciful, but there was no heart. It lacked cohesion and the universe did not appear to justify its own existence. Why should someone care to read this tale? What would they gain from it? While fleshing out the background of the universe, providing details on the four major epochs that define the story, I came to realize that I wanted to tell a very different tale than originally planned.

why you should watch black mirror
29 november 2015 | television

Black Mirror is a unique and ever timely experience. The vignettes are spot on and while each explores a different aspect of our interactio[...]n with technology, the internet, and social media, there is an underlying dystopian view of the world that unifies the whole series. Watch it.

graduate student resources
19 august 2015 | graduate school

Providing links to some articles and other resources that I have found useful while in graduate school. I'll continually update the list as[...] I find more.

©2006-2025 | Site created & coded by Biafra Ahanonu | Updated 21 October 2024
biafra ahanonu