quicklinks github


quicklinks is a new homepage for those looking for efficiency over lavish use of big buttons commonly seen in Firefox, Opera and other browser's homepages. As quicklinks is still a little rough around the edges and needs to be updated, I've added it to GitHub to allow me to update it easier.

quicklinks is a new homepage for those looking for efficiency over lavish use of big buttons commonly seen in Firefox, Opera and other browser's home pages. As quicklinks is still a little rough around the edges and needs to be updated, I've added it to GitHub to allow me to update it easier. Find out more in the original quicklinks post.

Get quicklinks on GitHub!

bahanonu [at] alum.mit.edu

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r functions: ggplot barplot with errorbars
06 june 2013 | programming

The best way to create a barplot with errorbars using ggplot in R is not obvious. I'll show a super simple solution.[...]

killer's army
21 december 2009 | short story

The trees flew past us, the wind almost drowning out the roars, hisses, and howls that permeated the area. The gun felt cold in my han[...]d; it weighed me down and got in the way of my agile attempts to slip through the undergrowth. To my left was Marsha, like a sly fox she twisted and turned to avoid everything Nature did to obstruct her path. To my right was Judy, her movements labored owing to the gash running down the side of her leg. It oozed green and yellow puss—we may have to kill her before she turns. The twigs and branches continued to rip through my clothes and skin, yet it was nothing compared to the terror that drove us forward. The howls grew louder and the falling of trees could be heard behind us.

Perhaps the pinnacle of my horror stories, it is a relentless, fast-paced tale of zombies, an accident in the making and a mysterious man. There are two independent stories being told, but drawing the link makes everything much more satisfying.

graduate student resources
19 august 2015 | graduate school

Providing links to some articles and other resources that I have found useful while in graduate school. I'll continually update the list as[...] I find more.

Balanced Design
17 November 2011 | designs

The first mock-up for this website. In a way, I've returned to this original, minimalistic design[...]
©2006-2024 | Site created & coded by Biafra Ahanonu | Updated 17 April 2024
biafra ahanonu