Social Chair Spring 2012


My terms as social chair during Fall 2011 went quite well, but there were several things I was unsatisfied with. This presentation outlines several different areas I would like to see improved.

After my successful stint as Social Chair during Fall 2011, I considered running for the position again during spring 2012. Although people never use PowerPoint during election speeches at Phi Sig (my fraternity at MIT), I wanted to spice things up with a vibrant, eye-catching presentation that gave people a sense of where I think social should go. Below is a draft PowerPoint of that presentation.

bahanonu [at]

additional articles to journey through:

global history of architecture
08 june 2013 | architecture

One of my favorite classes at MIT was 4.605 (Global History of Architecture), which explored various styles and themes found throughout dif[...]ferent buildings and other types of architecture from the beginning of civilization to the present. In the spirit of sharing my enthusiasm for the course i'll discuss some takeaways from, and have included a couple papers i wrote for, the class.

guild wars 2 chef excel guide
08 september 2012 | guild wars 2

The chef's ingredients are scattered throughout the Guild Wars 2 map, but the profession is a cheap way to get 10 levels quickly. Because I[...] am OCD and would rather not read text when I can browse a spreadsheet, compiled information from a couple of sources that is more easily searchable.

sochi olympic stats: medal count
19 february 2014 | america

There have been several articles that re-order the medal count ranking by comparing medals to population or GDP, which then show small coun[...]tries topping the charts. This analysis ignores some obvious facts: small countries are over-represented in the number of athletes they send and the relationship between athletes sent and medals is linear. I present a brief analysis to support and expand on these claims.

geosatview: creating videos from satellite data
14 september 2020 | satellite

I created geoSatView back in 2018 to visualize fires on the West Coast of the United States. This entry briefly discusses [...]geoSatView along with providing example videos and links to the code.

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biafra ahanonu