Week 1 | Flying Out


I fly out to Singapore today. Two days, 11,459 miles and (hopefully) one A Song of Fire and Ice book later, I'll be in my dream city. Can't wait!

I fly out to Singapore today. Two days, 11,459 miles and (hopefully) one A Song of Fire and Ice book later, I'll be in my dream city. Can't wait!

bahanonu [at] alum.mit.edu

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week 1 | go time
12 june 2012 | singapore

Wow, what a week. Ran around Hong Kong, learned a couple new things in the lab, meet a bunch of awesome MIT/SUTD students, went clubbing tw[...]ice, ate a different type (Indian, Indonesian, Muslim, etc.) of food each meal, wandered around Singapore several of the nights and so much more. To top it all off, I was able to learn a ton about Singapore's culture. This place is awesome.

bio42: diagrams, part 1
25 january 2013 | teaching

Had a couple minutes to spare before leaving lab, so decided to throw together some diagrams to help explain a couple biological pathways s[...]tudents of bio42, a bio class at Stanford I'm TAing. Hoping to make a set for each system we study. Started with vesicle budding and fusion along with muscle contraction in smooth and skeletal muscles.

sochi olympic stats: medal count
19 february 2014 | america

There have been several articles that re-order the medal count ranking by comparing medals to population or GDP, which then show small coun[...]tries topping the charts. This analysis ignores some obvious facts: small countries are over-represented in the number of athletes they send and the relationship between athletes sent and medals is linear. I present a brief analysis to support and expand on these claims.

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biafra ahanonu