Social Chair Spring 2012


My terms as social chair during Fall 2011 went quite well, but there were several things I was unsatisfied with. This presentation outlines several different areas I would like to see improved.

After my successful stint as Social Chair during Fall 2011, I considered running for the position again during spring 2012. Although people never use PowerPoint during election speeches at Phi Sig (my fraternity at MIT), I wanted to spice things up with a vibrant, eye-catching presentation that gave people a sense of where I think social should go. Below is a draft PowerPoint of that presentation.

bahanonu [at]

other entires to explore:

humanism in european art and society
06 january 2012 | essay

One of the main themes of the renaissance was the rebirth in the interest of classical themes or greco-roman culture. Many artist, eit[...]her through paintings, sculptures or architecture, portrayed this general movement by using Greek/roman themes, such as pillars, and integrating it into their works. But it wasn?t just an interest in greek/roman architecture or appearance but also their cultures.

An essay looking at various European paintings and how they were used to capture the essence of European culture, both old and new.

wary statistics #1: the tale of cdc mortality
06 april 2020 | statistics

I will briefly discuss properly interpreting data you might see in the mainstream or on social media. The takeaway: if recent data for some[...] measure (e.g. pneumonia deaths) from this year looks to be different than prior years, make sure to check that it is not an artifact of data collection or compilation.

on the subject of something: reviving an old website
12 may 2015 | website

On the Subject of Something was my original blog during high-school and early college. My Opera (the site it was hosted on) closed down and[...] I was unaware of this fact during the grace period during which they allowed users to export the content from their website. However, I am extremely grateful to the Internet Archive: Wayback Machine, which allowed me to recover many of the webpages. I've included links to all the relevant posts that I could recover. Enjoy!

©2006-2025 | Site created & coded by Biafra Ahanonu | Updated 21 October 2024
biafra ahanonu