Graduate Student Resources


Providing links to some articles and other resources that I have found useful while in graduate school. I'll continually update the list as I find more.

Graduate school is both extraordinarily rewarding and demanding at the same time. Getting perspectives on what to expect, how to anticipate and deal with potential problems, and just hearing the experiences of others can be invaluable.

Below are a series of resources/articles both for starting graduate students and those already well along their way. I originally assembled this list to help mentees as part of our Stanford Biology mentorship program (update: I have included it in the Stanford Biosciences Student Association (SBSA) handbook to make more graduate students in the Biosciences aware of these resources). I plan to add additional articles dealing with different stages of graduate school, including career-related decisions as the finish line approaches. I thank all those who have made me aware of certain resources going into and throughout graduate school.

If you have suggestions for articles to include or resources to add, shoot me an email or add them in the comments section below.

Advice for starting graduate students: choosing a lab

Advice for starting graduate students: being successful



bahanonu [at]

more articles to enjoy:

¿qué es la calle?
24 may 2013 | short story | spanish

Había terminado y salé para mi cocina. Tenía hambre pero este día no había comida dentro de mi despensa. Me fui y caminé hacienda[...] la Tport—una máquina que puede transportar una persona a otro lugar sin energía y tiempo. Cuando entré la máquina, toqué algunos botónes y esperé. Pero nada ocurrió y lo hice las mismas acciones otra vez—y nada ocurrió.

How would the disappearance of streets affect the social fabric? This short story briefly (in castellano!) explores a world in which instantaneous, free transport is possible. Meant mainly to practice my spanish, i plan to follow-up with a more detail story in the future.

dslr chronicles #1: getting ready for mars
09 september 2020 | photography

San Francisco looks good in red. Select pictures from a Martian-themed bike ride around SF.[...]

archive everything!
01 october 2012 | notes

Archived everything in my inbox. It's awesome. Continues my general trend of simplifying. Logging off websites, only checking the news for [...]brief periods, and focusing on a core set of hobbies. Eliminating distractions and reducing information overload are doing wonders to fight off stress and keep me humming along.

designing icons
25 may 2012 | design

How do you design an icon for a website? This question arose once I'd finished writing the back-end of this website. There is a great [...]book called Creative Workshop: 80 Challenges to Sharpen Your Design Skills that helped me answer this question.

This essay focuses on the icon I designed for the website and the thinking process behind it.

©2006-2024 | Site created & coded by Biafra Ahanonu | Updated 21 October 2024
biafra ahanonu