neuroscience and biology resources


A continually updated repository of scientific resources (journals, blogs, etc.) in biology with a focus on neuroscience.

sources of information

Finding information on the cutting edge often requires wading deep in the primary literature. For this i turn to a variety of journals and resources, most of which allow me to discover articles that seem interesting or with possible applications in neuroscience. While summaries by journalists are often useful for getting a bit of history and other layman interpretations, it is often better for one's understanding to dive right into the original publications, reviews, and articles.

Below is a list of sources that are useful for staying up-to-date. It is by no means comprehensive and will be continually updated. Suggestions welcome!








journal volumes







programs and institutes



viral resources

bahanonu [at]

more articles to enjoy:

the nobel prize browser
12 october 2012 | science

Made a small app that allows browsing of Nobel Laureates. Also provides link to their Wikipedia and Pubmed. Might expand to include picture[...]s or some publications. Enjoy!

global history of architecture
08 june 2013 | architecture

One of my favorite classes at MIT was 4.605 (Global History of Architecture), which explored various styles and themes found throughout dif[...]ferent buildings and other types of architecture from the beginning of civilization to the present. In the spirit of sharing my enthusiasm for the course i'll discuss some takeaways from, and have included a couple papers i wrote for, the class.

¿qué es la calle?
24 may 2013 | short story | spanish

Había terminado y salé para mi cocina. Tenía hambre pero este día no había comida dentro de mi despensa. Me fui y caminé hacienda[...] la Tport—una máquina que puede transportar una persona a otro lugar sin energía y tiempo. Cuando entré la máquina, toqué algunos botónes y esperé. Pero nada ocurrió y lo hice las mismas acciones otra vez—y nada ocurrió.

How would the disappearance of streets affect the social fabric? This short story briefly (in castellano!) explores a world in which instantaneous, free transport is possible. Meant mainly to practice my spanish, i plan to follow-up with a more detail story in the future.

Filugori book cover, version 1
18 August 2019 | designs

One of the initial designs for a book cover for my planned sci-fi book Filugori.[...]
©2006-2024 | Site created & coded by Biafra Ahanonu | Updated 17 April 2024
biafra ahanonu